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Photoshop. Look at the upper left hand corner of God Bless America.
The person that faked this and the person that posted this are both welcome to take their political agendas and a large rock and take a three day hike in the Atlantic.
Following the imposition of the $5 entry fee on her subjects to the north – the Queen has decided to levy a $5/day/person licence fee for American’s to use her English.
This charge obviously won’t apply to the southern states – y’all.
Photoshopped or not, the owner of that window does not speak English either.
I wouldn’t like to tell him though. He will probably have guns.
YOU KNOW, quite often when I shop at my local grocery store there are obvious illegal day laborers shopping for food. How do I know you might lazily ask? Mestizos/Spanish mix males, 5 feet tall, wearing jeans and cowboy boots, heavily calloused hands buying a Coke, Baked Chicken, and tortillas for dinner while pointing to other food items while speaking Spanish to one another. Anyone want to bet against my racist views?
At the checkout stand they speak Spanish as will the checkout clerks taking their money. I usually shoot them an “Ola! Es bueno” while pointing at their chicken. Why not? But I’m still digging my tree holes by myself. Its good.
“Advisory seen on the back of Dick Moran’s van.”
I need some digging done. What do you charge? I could pay in beer! 🙂
BS–good one. As slow as I dig, and as fast as I drink, you’d be way ahead to hire the illegals – even after the fines.
Speak English or get the fuck out.
Sounds good to me.
If I can drink with you while you dig, the economics mean a lot less.
# 8 – 1873 – Been out of your state in your life? Out of the country?
This year Texas switched to having whites as less than 50% of the population, at 47%.
Hispanic are at 37%.
It’s just a matter of time…
The next generation will grow up with an officially bilingual America, just like Canada has official French and English. So get used to it!
#11 Awake
Not to worry. Hispanic women love the way anglo men treat them and Hispanic men can’t resist a blond. They become hyphenated Americans within two generations.
Did anybody else notice the spelling error?
“Everyone has got the right”
“to be stupid”
“You’re abusing the privilege”
Learn to at least spell your vitriolic attacks properly.
Red-necks is sooo stupud.
[Uh… that was the idea of the post. Also, your should have been you’re. – ed.]
#9–BS==thank you, quite a compliment. So you aren’t going to pull a “Shane” and help breaking up the bolder? Just provide the beer and management supervision?
There is an attraction to meaningful conversation but I have never met anyone that stays with a constant negative harangue. Its a given that no two conversations are the same and each falls separately on that continuum, but over time regardless of the data points, the continuum becomes unbalanced to the negative end.
Amusing how that works.
#8 – in English we prefer not to end a sentence with a preposition. but good try none the less.
#14 Bobbo
Wow!!! I want a bag of whatever it is you’re smoking!!
I wonder if this Tea Bagger knows the difference between their but and a whole in the ground?
BS–smoking? I cracked open a beer on your first mention. Made me thirsty. And thats why your hole would be so expensive.
Judging from the spelling and grammar it appears to be authentic Tea Party.
15 Then I guess colt has to gtfo.
#18 Bobbo
Glad to know I had a positive influence.
#10 – There are plenty of countries for folks who want to make funny, foreign sounding noises. If you want to be American – speak English, or leave. Period.
The writers of the Constitution could have easily written it in that you had to speak English, yet they did not. I wonder why?
Cap’n==because they assumed everyone would=====NOT what we have today with BALLOTS ((fer Christ Sakes==BALLOTS!)) being printed in foreign languages.
I’m all for leaving people alone: everyone should be free to speak whatever they want to but the call on the public purse to print official forms or do business in languages that amount to x% of whatever total is an AFFRONT to common sense and the melting pot.
Fact specific circumstances do call for the provision of interpretive services, but not as many as generally get them today. People WANT TO melt–we should help them.
#23 – Immigration Law of 1790 and 1796, I think they assumed that the white folks wouldn’t turn into a soft bunch of pussies that hate themselves and their ancestors. And then some of them like Franklin and Jefferson were all too aware of an internationalist mentality but were unable to secure a sufficient protection against the globalist scum. Hamilton and his underhanded desire for a central bank controlled by the filthy Red Shields!?
#13 EDITOR: “[Uh… that was the idea of the post. Also, your should have been you’re. – ed.]”
No it shouldn’t.
As much as I hate to scurry to the defense of the 15 year-old who calls himself msb, the sentence did NOT say: “you are vitriolic attacks…” It used the appropriate personal possessive pronoun “your.” Come on, hopper!
#26 Animby, the editor’s note referred to the misuse of “your” in place of the proper “you’re” in the sign in the picture, not the commenter’s post.
Thanks hhopper; I was worried I might not get a sufficient dose of irony in my diet today. Plus, I got another boost from these comments. (“American’s” as a plural, for example. I know grammar and spelling nitpicks are deprecated, but in a thread about “Use English or get out” it seems people should be extra careful about it.)
If you have lived in Texas or Oklahoma, you know the average person’s grasp of english isn’t so good.
#17 – it is to laugh.
#27 Uncle Patso said, “editor’s note referred to … the sign in the picture, not the commenter’s post.”
Thanks, Unc Pat. I wondered about that myself. Could it be possible Mr Hopper chastised a post without understanding it? After all, msb had already mentioned the misuse of the word on the sign. Perhaps he was too subtle for our dear editor who we all suspect is getting on in years. After all, the only other option would be that he corrected proper grammar with improper.
Personally, I suspect the “BUTT” was an intentional error perhaps by someone trying to start a new internet meme to replace moran. But I think the “YOUR” was just pisspoor grammar.