Found by Cinàedh.

  1. Pussywillow says:


  2. Floyd says:

    That’s an awful thing to do to a Kittycat! Funny, but awful.

    [Only if the cups were filled with concrete. – ed.]

  3. Buzz Mega says:

    That’s awfully funny.

    The cat gets exercise. The dude or dudette gets to play with their laser pointer, the internet gets a big laugh. The cat gets extra pets of praise after…

    Why it’s win/win/win/win!

  4. deowll says:

    I vote with #2 & 3

  5. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Very clever and funny because of the caption. I wondered what it meant. Good one.

  6. Reagan says:

    I’m just amazed they got a strike the very first time they tried this because of course, no cat would ever fall for that laser pointer trick twice…


  7. Animal Mother says:

    Animals are so stupid. That’s why it’s OK to shoot them.

  8. Elmer Fudd, Armed to the Lithp says:

    #7 Animal Mother

    Animals are so stupid. That’s why it’s OK to shoot them.

    Hey, Animal Mother. I’ve got one question. How are you gonna get back down that hill?

  9. Animal Mother says:

    You’re going to carry me.


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