A Spanish nun has been kicked out of the religious order where she lived the last 35 years in seclusion after spending too much time on the social networking site Facebook. María Jesús Galán, dubbed “Sister Internet” by her fellow nuns, announced on her Facebook page that she had been asked to leave the convent after disagreements over her online activities.

The 54-year old, who lists her hobbies as “reading, music, art, and making friends” had almost 600 Facebook “friends”at the time of her eviction and now has fan pages with thousands of supporters from around the globe calling for her to be allowed back into the order.

A computer was first brought onto the premises of the 14th century Santo Domingo el Real convent in Toledo, central Spain 10 years ago after the Mother Superior was persuaded it would lessen the need for nuns to enter the outside world…

However, the nun quickly saw the possibilities and soon began digitising the archives contained within the convent’s ancient walls and making them accessible to the world…

But despite admitting that her dedication to her vocation was as strong as ever she said she was driven from the convent by her fellow nuns who disapproved of her cyber activity and “made life impossible”.

Don’t worry. The Lord will provide. Har!

  1. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    People really, (really!) enjoy thinking they have secrets and that they lose when they share with those not of the order. People are like that–even the brides of Christ. Which is really the father, and the holy ghost? Four-Way? Ha, ha.

    “Play by our rules, or get the F out.”/// Just as it should be.

  2. msbpodcast says:

    Hmmm. Ever since the fall of Generallisimo Franco, the Spain an the Catholic church has , um, gone to Hell in a hand basket.

    What’s next?

    Oh yeah. Hooray for Spanish porn.!!!!!

    I never you could stick a fist up there.

    And what the fuck is he eating?


    Makes Abu Ghraib look like a walk in the park.

  3. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    “Nun expelled from order for having too many Facebook friends!”

    … and she’s hiding them all under her habit.
    … she’s a habitual facebook user
    … that’s a good picture of Maria (cough Alfred)

  4. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #4, I pray that God will kick you in the nuts.

  5. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    Re#5, I heard you Sister Mary.

    If only I had a foot…

  6. US says:

    If the order was one where it is expected the sisters have limited external contact then it is understandable why they have a problem with this. She entered the order understanding this and her activities are obviously counter to the order’s desire. People may not agree with the order deciding to have limited outside contact but the desires of the order should be respected. She should understand how activity like this on Facebook is obviously against the idea of limited outside contact.

  7. High Karate says:

    What a slut.

  8. Hmeyers2 says:

    She probably became an internet addict.

  9. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #4 Sister Mary – haven’t see you for a while. You were missed. Now that you’re back I’d like to ask you a question you are uniquely qualified to answer:

    If this Bride of Christ is forced out, does that mean she has to divorce Jesus? If so, does he have to pay her support? Looks like she’ll need help meeting her internet and food bills.

  10. Reagan says:

    #5 Sister Mary

    #4, I pray that God will kick you in the nuts.

    Good one, Sister!

    Damn. Do we really have to wait for God to do it?

    From what I’ve read around here, Alfie doesn’t have the faintest hope of ever getting anywhere near Heaven. He isn’t even a damned Christian, so to speak.

    Looking on the brighter side, I’m pretty sure Lucifer will kick Alfie in the nuts every day until Eternity – as one of His Normal, Everyday, Hellish Activities.


  11. So what says:

    Dear god, I want a pony and a rocket ship and if you have a moment could you drop a tree on alfie AMEN!!!!

  12. Dallas says:

    So Mother Superior allowed a PC inside the repressed walls years ago. She kust knew it will bite her in the ass some day.

    This is why Communist, repressive Muslim nations and the GOP are very concerned about these computer thing-ees.

  13. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #11 – The bride of Christ is a lesbian and Jesus was gay, which is the reason he always hung around with those 12 losers. They married for appearance sake. Jesus’ magic act paid the bills and he also had the ability to turn shit into other shit. He even set her up so she could use the wireless broadband that was open from the Christian Book store just across the street. She mostly likes looking a lesbian porn and ordering pizza online which is the reason that habit is actually a tent.

    I hope this helps. I also heard from a good source that they tried to kick Alfie in the nuts but they couldn’t find them.

  14. lynn says:

    Sorry to bring some serious commentary in here, but cloistered religious have mondo, mondo protections in canon law. Perhaps she agreed voluntarily to a leave of absence, but if she was actually exited from the order, wow, she did something EXTREME. Not just ticking people off by having too many Facebook friends.


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