The House of Representatives Friday passed a measure to end federal funding for abortion provider Planned Parenthood a day after Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., brought the chamber to stunned silence after describing her own personal experience with abortion.

Friday afternoon, the House passed the amendment by a vote of 240-185. The vote was generally along party lines, with all but seven Republicans voting for the cut, and 10 Democrats voting in favor. One Republican voted present.

The measure would eliminate about $330 million through the end of September for preventative-health services, including federal funding for contraception and cancer screenings, at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D) took to the House floor to respond to comments made by Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., against abortion funding. “There is a vendetta against Planned Parenthood, and it was played out in this room tonight,” Speier continued. “Halliburton is responsible for extortion, for bribery, for 10 cases of misconduct in the federal database, for a $7 billion sole-source contract. But do you see us over here filing amendments to wipe out funding for Halliburton?”

Planned Parenthood needs better lobbyists.

  1. Buzz Mega says:

    Republican lawmakers have vowed to kill all “preventative care” measures in a bid to create a self-fulfiling prophesy that Obamacare will not save any money in the long run. First on their list: privatizing the FDA.

  2. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Its a right turn into the dark ages. One only hopes the outrage/hypocrisy/attack on the middle/lower classes will finally be seen clearly for what it is and a backlash develops that will last more than two weeks.

    Naaaaaaaaa. Bring on school prayer and let’s all get on our knees.

  3. Hmeyers2 says:

    Planned Parenthood helps reduce the population of future criminals, high school dropouts and welfare recipients.

  4. nicktherat says:

    this better not go away. if the senate doesnt veto it, i am sure obama will. HE BETTER! otherwise they are just trying to make the military bigger 🙁

  5. The Ox says:

    The political toon used to accompany this story is misleading to the point of bordering on idiocy. Check that. It crosses the line into complete idiocy.

  6. madtruckman says:

    …noooo people. They need more human resources at $9.1mil a pop. Dont you people ever listen???

  7. Metals721 says:

    Does not matter at all. The senate is going to smack this bill down and no one will even notice when that happens. Its just a way of making the new republicrats look good. Could some one give real change a chance and vote for independents and term limits.

  8. Mikey Twit says:

    Yeah, can’t let pesky things like facts get in the way! Like, most Nordic countries where a Planned Parenthood like program is a nation wide/government supported program, where they have a far lower unwanted pregnancy and STD rate than North America, even when pro-rated for population. Who needs facts when dogmatic ideology will do!

  9. Mextli says:

    #8 “Like, most Nordic countries where a Planned Parenthood like program is a nation wide/government supported program….”

    Yep, just like Obamacare, time to roll out the other countries do it better shtick. Nothing new here.

  10. Dallas says:

    Didn’t expect anything different from the Christian Taliban element of Congress.

  11. Bob says:

    The federal government is broke. In fact it is so beyond broke its not even a joke. The feds cannot afford programs like this any more. If planned parenthood is such a good idea then let be it privately funded or funded by the states.

    I know some of the people who voted to defund it are just doing it because of the abortion angle, I don’t think that reason is the correct one, but the fact is, its another program we just can’t afford.

  12. Publius says:

    (CBS) On Sept. 10, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declared war. Not on foreign terrorists, “the adversary’s closer to home. It’s the Pentagon bureaucracy,” he said.

    He said money wasted by the military poses a serious threat.

    “In fact, it could be said it’s a matter of life and death,” he said.

    Rumsfeld promised change but the next day – Sept. 11– the world changed and in the rush to fund the war on terrorism, the war on waste seems to have been forgotten.

    Just last week President Bush announced, “my 2003 budget calls for more than $48 billion in new defense spending.”

    More money for the Pentagon, CBS News Correspondent Vince Gonzales reports, while its own auditors admit the military cannot account for 25 percent of what it spends.

    “According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,” Rumsfeld admitted.

    The War on Waste

  13. Publius says:

    The public money belongs funneled up to corporate fatcats. What would happen if taxpayer money was instead returned to the taxpayers, why, that would make too much sense.

  14. Reagan says:

    #12 Dallas

    Didn’t expect anything different from the Christian Taliban element of Congress.

    …or The Taliban right here, for that matter.

    I’m pretty sure most of the people here on DU, who think they would prefer living in The Dark Ages, would also secretly prefer to be Muslims.

    After all, what’s the difference between Muslims and Christians? A few words, here and there in dusty old books, written by superstitious, cave-dwelling novelists.

    Of course the cartoon implies this is all about money and not about morality or life and death at all – so The Taliban arguments are moot, really.

  15. Dallas says:

    #16 Not sure what you’re saying.

    If you’re selling that this is about cutting gov wasteful spending because that’s what the cartoon says, then you’re selling to the wrong guy.

  16. What? says:

    People who speak about morality usually are immoral in the conduct of their own lives.

    I say this. If a woman or man doesn’t wish to love and support the unborn, then she has the right to stop the pregnancy. If an unloved and unspported child is born into our society, it is our collective responsibility to support the child. To not support the child will create another criminal. Unfortunately, the society can not muster love for an abandonded child, but there is a small chance the child will be loved by an adopting family.

    An unloved child will be miserable, and will bring misery to the rest of society.

  17. dusanmal says:

    @#18 “If a woman or man doesn’t wish to love and support the unborn, then she has the right to stop the pregnancy.” – guess what, they still can do that if this passes.
    There is huge difference between legal abortion issue and federal funding for abortion.
    By all polls number of taxpayers opposing abortion is greater than number supporting it. Hence, their own tax money should not be used for what majority finds outright murder.

    Why can’t Planned Parenthood survive on its own? With all Left support for it (even here at DU), there must be many people willing to donate their money for their works. You support it – feel free to fund it.

  18. Reagan says:

    #17 Dallas

    I apologize for being unclear. No “wasteful spending” is involved here.

    The alleged “wasteful spending” is just a smokescreen and we’re supposed to be blinded sufficiently by a reference to the almighty dollar, not to see through it. Typical Tea Bagger nonsense.

    You quite correctly mentioned the Christian Taliban but according the KD Martin’s cartoon and remark, de-funding Planned Parenthood isn’t about religion at all; it’s just about the money – so of course we all have to agree to it…

    [Ed. Well, they won’t be taking that money from Halliburton…]

  19. chuck says:

    Step 1: Cut Planned Parenthood funding.
    Step 2: Cut Haliburton funding.
    Step 3: Cut all other funding.

    Who says we can’t balance the budget?

  20. TheMAXX says:

    Most of what Planned Parenthood does are gyno exams for people who couldn’t otherwise afford it. They are not about abortion as much as they are about preventing disease and encouraging people to use birth control until they feel they are ready to care for a child. Cutting their funding will cost us all money in healthcare costs for the sick and welfare costs for the kids whose parents weren’t ready to have kids.

  21. Tommy Paine says:

    Obama is the same as every other politician: a toady-boy to the megacorps. When are you people going to wake up and figure out that they’ve got you dancing to the same old Rep/Dem, Lib/Con, Black/White, Us/Them,
    “controversy” tune you’ve been shuffling to for years?
    Things will get better when somebody builds a giant rat trap for politicians—maybe a briefcase full of money that snaps down on their necks.

  22. markatlnk says:

    We can save a few dollars here and pay for it 5-10 years down the road when these people that can not afford health care show up in the ER with real problems and still aren’t able to pay. We (the ones with jobs) will still pay, if not in taxes then in higher health care costs. If people are being responsible and not wanting kids, letting them have inexpensive birth control options must be better (cost effective) than just letting them figure it out.

    Unless you are heartless enough to just refuse them when they get to ER for delivery and let them die on the streets if there is a problem.

    Seems a bit short sighted, this is nothing more than an anti abortion move. It will cost the future generation a great deal.

  23. Harry says:

    If the right wing payed as much attention to the living as do do to the unborn the world would be a much better place.

  24. What? says:

    Alfred Persson, the proof of my statement is in you. You must have felt unloved by your mom and dad, and because of this we all must forever suffer the miserary of your attempts to spread your pain as broadly as possible.

    If you wish to perpetuate misery, then donate your god damn money to supporting the lives of the unwanted.

  25. 1873 Colt says:

    Yeaaaa! Free housing. Free abortions, Free hospital deliveries if you want a kid, then free food for mom and kid, WIC is great! Free citizenship if you get your pregnant ass over the border before your free pregnancy care. Free welfare, Free SSI, Free medical care. Free Food Stamps.. Free sex change operations! Free college educations…
    Really! What is the problem? This stuff is all FREE, FREE!, FREE!!!.

    America is great. Especially if you just got her from Mexico.

  26. Angel H. Wong says:

    How long until we see Christians smacking airplanes into buildings of nations they disagree with?

  27. Mextli says:

    #33 “What is the problem? This stuff is all FREE, FREE!, FREE!!!.”

    Yep, and the more the better. The “Progressives” are just buying votes. Spendthrift assholes.

  28. Holdfast says:

    As your grandparents what happened before.

    There were back street abortionists, DIY attempts, overdoses of things that were hoped to cause spontaneous abortions, pregnant women punched in the stomach until they miscarried and some nasty things done with knitting needles.

    This was all illegal of course so there was no limitations on how developed the unborn baby was like we now have.

    This stuff still happens in parts of the world where abortions are illegal or limited to the rich.

    And if the unwanted baby actually made it through to birth, there was a lot abandoned. The ‘lucky’ ones ended up in orphanages. No, they were not adopted very often.

    Politicians should read history.

  29. deowll says:

    #2 I know facts don’t always interest you but this organization has a track record a lot longer than the past few incidents.

    They pretty much got the ax in TN some time back under a Democratic Gov. because it became way to clear that they were not providing good ethical service at a reasonable price and the money could be better spent on our system of clinics.

    Anything Planned Parenthood was doing right other organizations with cleaner track records is doing as well as if not better.

    To put it another way Planned Parenthood is being run by a bunch of money grubbing capitalist with a dubious track record for ethical behavior unless your only ethic is to make money.


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