The House of Representatives Friday passed a measure to end federal funding for abortion provider Planned Parenthood a day after Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., brought the chamber to stunned silence after describing her own personal experience with abortion.

Friday afternoon, the House passed the amendment by a vote of 240-185. The vote was generally along party lines, with all but seven Republicans voting for the cut, and 10 Democrats voting in favor. One Republican voted present.

The measure would eliminate about $330 million through the end of September for preventative-health services, including federal funding for contraception and cancer screenings, at Planned Parenthood clinics across the country.

Rep. Jackie Speier (D) took to the House floor to respond to comments made by Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., against abortion funding. “There is a vendetta against Planned Parenthood, and it was played out in this room tonight,” Speier continued. “Halliburton is responsible for extortion, for bribery, for 10 cases of misconduct in the federal database, for a $7 billion sole-source contract. But do you see us over here filing amendments to wipe out funding for Halliburton?”

Planned Parenthood needs better lobbyists.

  1. strictfunctor says:

    Talipublican? Repliban?

  2. msbpodcast says:

    In # 13 Bob said: “let be it privately funded or funded by the states

    Hahahaha… I don’t fuckin’ know what you‘re smokin’, but I want some.

    Show me a single state charter which says: “<state> will provide for the care or feeding of its resident populace.

    In footballese, that’s one way to make sure the buck makes an incomplete pass.

  3. MikeN says:

    >They are not about abortion as much as they are about preventing disease and encouraging people to use birth control until they feel they are ready to care for a child.

    NO, their main source of income is abortion.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    in #37 Holdfast said: “Politicians should read history.

    There are no educational requirements for being an elected officious.

    You don’t have to be able to pronounce “nuclear”, never mind know what the word means, beyond its capacity to provoke a reaction.

    If you are a PowerThatBe™®, you certainly don’t want them to know how to do more than turn the hand-crank on the check writing machine.

  5. msbpodcast says:

    In #41, MikeN said: “their main source of income is abortion.

    I’d like to know how.

    Follow the money, man.

    Who’s supposedly shelling out the bucks?

    This cloture action† is being pushed by some really skeevie people.

    They only way that this can be of benefit to you is if you’re a crime boss.

    It will increase the number of back-street abortions*, the number of drug addicts** and other low-lifes.

    This action is made to order for drug dealers, pimps, cops on the take and crime bosses with a sense of history.***

    *Don’t have to wait ’til your son the doctor graduates. He can start shoving a coat hanger up some teenager’s cunt anytime he wants and whip it around in there real good. He can charge a whole lot more than whatever the market will allow too.

    **It was an interesting statistical finding† that the crime rate in this country fell lock-step after the introduction of family planning and has stayed down since.

    Organized crime was decimated by the introduction of family planning. The golden age of organized crime was in the fifties and its been lowering ever since the introduction of the pill†.

    *** If you believe that history is conspiratorial and that only a thousand families run the fate of the world, a la Unseen Hand†, some of these families are absolute bastards.

    † sorry but its giving me a hard time about the URL links.

  6. KD Martin says:

    Planned Parenthood may not use Federal funds for abortion, so there won’t be any difference there.

  7. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    Why wouldn’t Crime Solvers pay for black women to have abortions and nip a lot of problems in the bud? I think the church might go for that.

  8. msbpodcast says:

    In #45 Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection said: “wouldn’t Crime Solvers pay for black women to have abortions

    First that an incredibly prejudiced and unthinking comment.

    Next most of the girls who were getting back-street abortions were little white girls who got fucked in more ways that one by the system.

    Do you want your sister not to have the option, or do I hear you pledging, right here, right now, to pay for an abortion, and the transportation and a hotel stay for however long it takes for her to recover.

    If you aren’t willing to cough up the dough, your opinion is worth shit.

    And if it sounds like personal experience … I’ll let you make up your own minds.

  9. MikeN says:

    >It will increase the number of back-street a

    Why? What’s wrong with Planned Parenthood abortions? Are they that expensive? Why can’t they just do a back-street abortion but indoors? Call it an N-Side abortion.

  10. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    In #45 Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection said: “wouldn’t Crime Solvers pay for black women to have abortions.”

    First that an incredibly prejudiced and unthinking comment.

    Thank you, this comment actually required very little thinking – I’m a nun FFS. I’m not Mother Fucking Theresa.

  11. Jeppedy says:

    I do not want my tax dollars funding abortions. Period. And for the government to force me to do that is just wrong.

    How about diverting that money to the schools?

    [Fed. funds cannot be used for abortions. – ed.]

  12. Rick says:


    We need the babies, for our future armies who will fight and die for the wealthy interests overseas.

  13. EatMorChikin says:

    Obviously, the money that should have gone to Planned Parenthood needs to go to Totally Unplanned Parenthood, which would be The Tea Bagger Party, wouldn’t it?

    #49 Jethro

    I do not want my tax dollars funding education. Period. And for the government to force me to do that is just wrong.

    How about diverting that money to free ice cream for everyone?

    I know! We could all vote on it and the majority wins. Does that sound like a plan you can live with — or does only your vote count?

  14. MikeN says:

    >“wouldn’t Crime Solvers pay for black women to have abortions.”

    First that an incredibly prejudiced and unthinking comment.

    Why do you think Planned Parenthood was founded?
    It is to abort the babies of inferior races. Margaret Sanger was big into eugenics movement just like so many progressives of the day.

    Actually, Republicans should be opposed to this defunding of Planned Parenthood, as it increases the number of future Democrats.

  15. Sister Mary Hand Grenade of Quiet Reflection says:

    #52 – High five!

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #52, Lyin’ Mike,

    Why do you think Planned Parenthood was founded?
    It is to abort the babies of inferior races.

    Actually, no it wasn’t. Abortion was not a feature of Planned Parenthood until after Roe v Wade.


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