
There is finally an explanation for a Los Angeles TV reporter’s slurred gibberish during a live broadcast Sunday night, which puzzled millions.

Serene Branson’s bout of babbling was caused by a complex migraine, her physician, Dr. Neil Martin, told The Los Angeles Times.

Branson’s nightmarish 10-second report after Sunday night’s Grammy broadcast from the Staples Center began: “Well, a very, very heavy burtation tonight,” before her words became even more incomprehensible.

The original video posted here from Today on NBC was pulled.

  1. soundwash says:

    Complex migraine my arse.

    she did not wince, grimace or hold her head.

    i saw no pain in her face, only fear.


  2. WmDE says:

    Probably a migraine aura. I occasionally have the visual type. Once when I was driving I noticed that the car in front of me had no left tail light. If I turned my head the tail light would appear. Then the zig-zags started. I found simulations on youtube by searching for zig zag vision.

    There is speculation that Picasso suffered from migraine auras and his paintings reflect that view of the world. The aura tends to precede the headache. In my case the headache never shows up.

    This reporter had probably gone through it before, knew what was happening and explained it to the paramedics resulting in no trip to the hospital. The expression on her face was probably “Oh damn! Not now!”

  3. foobar says:

    Migraine? Called it.

    There is no luck. There is just a omnipotent God who screws with your life all day long and demands constant worship and adoration. Life is a theological North Korea.

  4. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #9 1873 Colt (may we call you 18?) said, “I would immediately call 911”

    Right you are. I’m still in disbelief that no one insisted she be examined. Even if it’s happened before – the next time MIGHT be a stroke.

    I’ve heard of this symptom associated with migraines and, more often, tension headaches. Never seen a patient with it, though.

  5. Scooter says:

    Question to all in this blog. Why the HE** does everything have to have a Right wing or Left wing political viewpoint on this blog??

    Is it easier to relate/complain about political viewpoints and make insults/snide remarks than to discuss the topic at hand?

    Sigh 🙁

    -Hope Serene Branson is doing better.

  6. Reagan says:

    #38 Scooter

    Question to all in this blog. Why the HE** does everything have to have a Right wing or Left wing political viewpoint on this blog??

    Because it takes no thought whatsoever and since nothing ever changes, you can continuously make precisely the same arguments, endlessly, by remote control.

    The color red is better than the color blue!

    No, the color blue is better than the color red!

    No, the color red is better than the color blue!

    No, the color blue is better than the color red.

    As the wealthy laugh their asses off at these silly, stupid, screaming dummies, doing as they were programmed to do their entire lives:

    No, the color red is better. Believe it or I’ll kill you!

    No, the color blue is better. Believe it or I’ll kill you!

    Ad nauseum…

  7. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    WmDE #17 you win…she was on CBS this morning and that was the diagnosis. Her mother has a history of migraines. She’s going to have a long-term relationship with a neurologist.

  8. bobbo, pricks normally are the engines of social change says:

    Hi McGuyver. Fine. You are an island unto yourself and have made your own way in life with no help from anyone else. You got yours, screw everyone else. You are successful because of your own hard work. No need to provide anything of comfort/help/support to anyone else. And when the USA turns into small enclaves of the privileged with glass studded concrete walls surrounding their compounds guarded by private security keeping the successful in this life from the teaming oppressed masses fighting for the scraps on the outside, you will be proud you earned your own way.

    This is not fanciful, you can see this already. Income disparity is the start. Tax cuts for the rich, service cuts for the poor==a spiral to the enclaved society. If you have traveled, you have seen this too. Not the kind of society I want to live in.

    Sadly, too many people “think” just as you do Guyver. Short sighted, not socially sound.

    Silly child.

  9. Guyver says:

    42, Bobbo,

    You are an island unto yourself and have made your own way in life with no help from anyone else.

    For the most part this is completely true.

    You got yours, screw everyone else. You are successful because of your own hard work.

    I got mine and I choose who I give to. I do not need government to take my money by force and give to those I’m philosophically opposed to.

    But yes, I’m successful due to my taking personal responsibility for myself. Just because I don’t praise the welfare state doesn’t make me greedy… but you’re entitled to think so if that’s your world view.

    No need to provide anything of comfort/help/support to anyone else. And when the USA turns into small enclaves of the privileged with glass studded concrete walls surrounding their compounds guarded by private security keeping the successful in this life from the teaming oppressed masses fighting for the scraps on the outside, you will be proud you earned your own way.

    First meteors and now small enclaves?!?!?! LOL. Look, I give to who I want when I want. It’s no one else’s business what I do. No need to be emotional because I believe you and other liberals are not entitled to know what I make.

    Income disparity is the start. Tax cuts for the rich, service cuts for the poor==a spiral to the enclaved society.

    First and foremost, I think taxing people on their income is stupid. That said, would you rather work for a poor person or a rich person?

    I know the rich guy can afford me. There are consequences to targeting employers.

    If you have traveled, you have seen this too. Not the kind of society I want to live in.

    Poverty is relative to what you compare to. As you should already know, the poor in America compared to other parts of the world have it pretty damn good. But it’s all relative or what you prefer to say as definitional. Being poor can literally be a death sentence in some parts of the world. Not so in America.

    Sadly, too many people “think” just as you do Guyver. Short sighted, not socially sound.

    Your weakness is in your herd mentality. Without big government you fear you will not be able to survive.

  10. hhopper says:

    Thank goodness the Guyver/Bobbo show is over. Man was it boring.

  11. Guyver says:


    Thank goodness the Guyver/Bobbo show is over. Man was it boring.

    Sorry to bore you. Try posting something more interesting next time. 🙂

  12. Reagan says:

    #45 Guyver

    Sorry to bore you. Try posting something more interesting next time.

    Well, at least Guyver is sorry about being a colossal asshole. Me too. How about you, bobbo?

    Didn’t you know, Guyver, life is what you make of it, all by yourself and with no help from anyone else – so if you’re not finding things interesting…


  13. Guyver says:

    46, Reagan,

    Well, at least Guyver is sorry about being a colossal asshole. Me too. How about you, bobbo?

    Boring == Asshole? No wonder you liberals need government to help you survive. You can’t make logical conclusions. 🙂

  14. Reagan says:

    #47 Guyver

    …you liberals…

    Oh crap! You’re one of those stupid assholes?

    I should have figured that one out when you declared yourself boring without realizing it. (You still don’t realize it, do you?)

    Never mind – I don’t care – there’s simply no point in talking to the hive mind. It’s my mistake. I thought you might be a real person.

  15. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Guyver–you worry me. Intelligent, cool, calm, stays focused==totally nuts. Ha, ha. So I will parse back:

    42, Bobbo,

    You are an island unto yourself and have made your own way in life with no help from anyone else.

    For the most part this is completely true. /// Ok, I make the most extreme statement I can to back you down and you accept it completely. Obviously, one of us is nuts -or- coming from completely different life experiences/readings/environment -or- we need to correct some bad vocabulary.

    After you were born, did your parents feed you? Provide shelter/clothes? Provide healthcare? An education? How did all your pre leaving home requirements get met?

    If you were born less intelligent, got smallpox as a kiddie or polio or acute hemorrhagic pancreatic necrosis or any other of the terrible nasties, or ate lead paint, or drank contaminated water, or went to a bad school district, or had red hair would all your hard work have been rewarded just the same?

    Were there never any “risks” in any of the choices you made? Ever have your chosen mentor die on his way home from work? Have a wife that turned out to be mentally ill or give you aides? Or your kiddies the same? None of that ever happened to you?==what hard work on your part guaranteed this result?
    You got yours, screw everyone else. You are successful because of your own hard work.

    I got mine and I choose who I give to. I do not need government to take my money by force and give to those I’m philosophically opposed to. //// Yes, totally self centered. Society doesn’t work that way. You’ll find those that break into your house to take your stuff, rape your dog, and kick your wife will be very philosophically objectionable to you. Be penny wise–make sure those louts get a fair shake to begin with rather than have them roll the Karmic Wheel right through your security system.

    But yes, I’m successful due to my taking personal responsibility for myself. Just because I don’t praise the welfare state doesn’t make me greedy… but you’re entitled to think so if that’s your world view. /// I think hard work is a necessary but not sufficient foundation for success in life.

    No need to provide anything of comfort/help/support to anyone else. And when the USA turns into small enclaves of the privileged with glass studded concrete walls surrounding their compounds guarded by private security keeping the successful in this life from the teaming oppressed masses fighting for the scraps on the outside, you will be proud you earned your own way.

    First meteors and now small enclaves?!?!?! LOL. Look, I give to who I want when I want. It’s no one else’s business what I do. No need to be emotional because I believe you and other liberals are not entitled to know what I make. //// So, you think the tax policies and social safety net structure and public services/government services–their nature and quality have no effect on the society as a whole?==or you just don’t care as long as you keep your maximal income? Which is it?

    Income disparity is the start. Tax cuts for the rich, service cuts for the poor==a spiral to the enclaved society.

    First and foremost, I think taxing people on their income is stupid. That said, would you rather work for a poor person or a rich person? /// I don’t care who/what/why/how anyone one/thing/activity is taxed/fee’d/assessed or whatever. I merely am for a balanced budget: figure out what society needs to actually work to everyone’s maximal benefit and raise the funds to pay for it. You “imply” for the dodge that you are for a consumption tax? I doubt it and your inability to state what you are “for” just shows your muddles self serving short sightedness.

    I know the rich guy can afford me. There are consequences to targeting employers. /// Stupid. I assume this is the use of “coded words” where “rich people who employ others” is taken as a matter of dogma? Don’t think about issues, just regurgitate the dogma. Anyone that can pay me what I bargain for is rich enough. Any two people splitting the fee are rich enough.

    If you have traveled, you have seen this too. Not the kind of society I want to live in.

    Poverty is relative to what you compare to. As you should already know, the poor in America compared to other parts of the world have it pretty damn good. But it’s all relative or what you prefer to say as definitional. Being poor can literally be a death sentence in some parts of the world. Not so in America. //// Exactly==and I see some parts of America that already “look like” the wealthy suburbs of Lima Peru. What would you call a “gated community with 24/7 security patrols?” We are well on our way. You are very shortsighted and overly self oriented. There is a larger world beyond what you imagine the wealth disparity in the USA to devolve into. Whats the latest cut?==home heating oil for the poor. Easy to laugh at but how well can you study when your home isn’t heated?

    Sadly, too many people “think” just as you do Guyver. Short sighted, not socially sound.

    Your weakness is in your herd mentality. Without big government you fear you will not be able to survive. //// Its not ME you idiot. It doesn’t come down to who has the bigger stiffer dick between the two of us.

    Ha, ha. Seems you are too much the LIEberTARD with a good smattering of lone survivalist? I should check the record and see if you are a 911 Truther as well?

    I don’t care about you. I care that so many people are ((right now!)) being affected by the summing up of idiot red state voters just like you. It has lead to the exporting of American Jobs===why not? You/I have our jobs, who cares about people too stupid to get a nice white collar job? Its the death of a thousand cuts though and a strong upper class is only supported by a strong lower class and so on down the chain. America is/was rich enough to provide a fair deal to all those willing to work. Just not true anymore and its coming home to roost.

    Maybe you will dodge your own bullet. Maybe your kiddies and grandkiddies will too. Great grand kiddies? Friends and Neighbors? Not even already.

    Stoopid Hooman.

  16. bobbo, words have a meaning and a context says:

    Alfie–you make me blush, and if it weren’t for that glazed look you refer to, we could even be friends.

    Ha, ha.

  17. Obama : The Stool Softener Years says:

    I don’t understand the problem here. She as at that Grammys. Most of the wackweeds in the entertainment industry suffer from heavy burtation. Made perfect sense to me.

  18. So what says:

    “There is no luck. There is just a omnipotent God who screws with your life all day long and demands constant worship and adoration. Life is a theological North Korea.” The most concise and succinct explanation of dogmatic religion I have ever seen thanks.

  19. Rick says:

    Its never a good thing when you get “word salad”, as neurologists commonly refer it.

  20. mark says:

    Maybe I don’t watch enough TV. I could not tell anything was different from any number of other lip-flapping content-free mindless drivel heads I have seen on network shows. Did I miss something?


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