
There is finally an explanation for a Los Angeles TV reporter’s slurred gibberish during a live broadcast Sunday night, which puzzled millions.

Serene Branson’s bout of babbling was caused by a complex migraine, her physician, Dr. Neil Martin, told The Los Angeles Times.

Branson’s nightmarish 10-second report after Sunday night’s Grammy broadcast from the Staples Center began: “Well, a very, very heavy burtation tonight,” before her words became even more incomprehensible.

The original video posted here from Today on NBC was pulled.

  1. bobbo, a lover of slow culture living in fast times says:

    Stroke? = thought as much. Realize that and so much more can happen to any one of us at any time? And the image of the Three Sisters Fate weaving my future comes brightly into focus.

    So much of life is nothing but luck. We should all be thankful and play it forward. or not and be a PUKE.

  2. ECA says:


  3. Big number says:

    Or a complex migraine, but who really knows for sure.

  4. derspankster says:

    Glad this was taken down. Sad to think of all the yuks morons got over this woman’s misfortune.

  5. Milo says:


    Indeed, extremely distasteful.

  6. 1873 Colt says:

    Since it was taken down, perhaps someone could tell us what the secret is. Was it a minor stroke?
    I figured she had one, based on the way her mouth seemed to be losing muscle tone and control. It was very hard to watch.
    I feel very sorry for a young woman who had everything going for her.
    Hope she can recover as well as possible.

    And to all of those who are so nasty and incredibly without compassion on here, it could happen to your sister or mother.

    Let’s hope not.

  7. Joe says:

    Her own doctor says it was not a stroke but a “complex migraine”, so let the jokes and remixes continue unabated.


  8. 1873 Colt says:

    OK. Thanks for the information. I work as a TV news photographer and live truck operator, and we have all be talking about this incident. If my reporter did such a thing, I would immediately call 911 or drive her to an emergency room. All my female reporter friends voiced concern, and we are glad to hear she is going to be fine.

    Yes. I am a radical rightist, but that doesn’t mean I am as nasty as most liberals…

  9. Guyver says:


    So much of life is nothing but luck.

    Spoken like a true liberal who doesn’t believe there are consequences (good or bad) to decisions people make in their lives. 🙂

  10. bobbo, a lover of slow culture living in fast times says:

    Guyver==stop trying to act like a tough guy. Puke/goon.

    You will never come close to your own humanity if you don’t appreciate your good luck. and isn’t that the problem in general with conservative self involveent? NOTHING I said speaks against hard work and application which is a joy in itself.

    Stoopid PUKE! ((ha, ha. I crack myself up. True though!))

  11. Rendertank says:

    She was just on “The Talk” on CBS. She goes into detail about her “condition”.

    I hope she listens to the remix version!


  12. mustardtits says:

    The same kind of thing happened to Ian Punnet, and no he wasnt drunk. The producer was worried and called him right back and he was fine and thought he said every thing right. The only thing he could think of was maybe he hadn’t fully awoke from his nap, and was joking about it the next night on the show.

  13. Guyver says:

    10, Bobbo,

    You will never come close to your own humanity if you don’t appreciate your good luck.

    Sure there’s some luck in each of our lives, but how we end up in life has little to do with it and more to do with the choices and sacrifices we CHOOSE to make.

    Very few people are where they are at in life due to “bad luck”. But before you go and try to take me out of context, people don’t wake up and decide to be poor or an under-achiever. Most people who fail do so because they pick up habits that nurture why they’re not succeeding in Life. When it’s “too late”, they want someone else to pay for their mistakes through entitlement programs that liberal politicians promise them because it’s not their fault they’re in the predicament they’re in.

  14. Reagan says:

    #10 Guyver

    What are you? Twelve years old?

    Life is somewhat more complicated than you seem to think.

    I pity anyone with such limited perception because karma will get them, sooner or later…


  15. bobbo, a lover of slow culture living in fast times says:

    #10–Guyver and all other even less perceptive self centered JERK/PUKES: what Reagan said.


  16. bobbo, a lover of slow culture living in fast times says:

    Except: there is no such thing as Karma. some do get born with a silver spoon in their mouths and it stays there their whole lives.

    My favorite: talking with a rich board member who “made it on her own with hard work all the time.” My question: do you think being a beautiful woman had anything to do with your success? That shut her up.

    Luck is good and bad. Your own hard work/lack their of, can be a constant force against these slings and arrows.

    Luck?==who your parents are, the year you are born, the country you are born into, your general genetic health, people you happen to run into or never meet?

    Self centered turds can’t even appreciate the concept when its put in their face. Thats pretty self centered.

    I’ve got mine: screw you.

  17. Guyver says:

    12, Reagan,

    I pity anyone with such limited perception because karma will get them, sooner or later…

    Karma will get me sooner or later for taking responsibility for my own fate? Got it. 🙂

    11, Bobbo,

    Guyver and all other even less perceptive self centered JERK/PUKES: what Reagan said.

    Wow! So someone who believes in personal responsibility is a self-centered jerk? LOL. 🙂

    You believe your fate has more to do with luck than the choices you make in Life. That’s certainly your prerogative.

  18. Guyver says:

    14, Bobbo,

    Except: there is no such thing as Karma. some do get born with a silver spoon in their mouths and it stays there their whole lives.

    So what? I knew sooner or later you’d show your penis envy. 🙂

    My favorite: talking with a rich board member who “made it on her own with hard work all the time.” My question: do you think being a beautiful woman had anything to do with your success? That shut her up.


    Luck?==who your parents are, the year you are born, the country you are born into, your general genetic health, people you happen to run into or never meet?

    No disagreement there. But don’t forget that choices you do make in Life can help mitigate some of that “bad luck”.

    You can’t choose your parents, but you can choose your friends.

    You may be genetically predisposed towards an ailment, but you can do things that offset it.

    Life is challenging. Some more or less for others. No need to be whiny about it.

    Self centered turds can’t even appreciate the concept when its put in their face. Thats pretty self centered.

    Personal responsibility == self-centered? Wow! 🙂

    I’ve got mine: screw you.

    That’s your prerogative.

  19. Guyver says:

    16, Alfred,

    Glad she’s ok…

    Agreed. But Bobbo may have a problem with it because the woman had the good luck of being physically attractive.

  20. bobbo, a lover of slow culture living in fast times says:

    Heh, heh. guyver. NOTHING I said speaks against personal responsibility. There I’ve said it twice.

    You aren’t THAT stupid. Just that self centered then?

    Well, kiddie. Sure. Think everything in life is a direct result of only your own hard effort.

    What about the NewLady above? I’ll bet she worked hard her whole life==then a stroke. Why are you not “lucky” not to have had a stroke?

    How about Alfie? How successful could you be if you were born as retarded as him? No “luck” for the arrangement of your genes/your innate intelligence?

    As with so many thinks: analysis is defective when entire subsets of relevant information is left out. Think of two overlapping circles: one is everything you intentionally do, the other is luck.

    The bad luck that damages your life is most undeniable. The lady above. How about a meteor than shoot down and takes off your leg? Would that affect your ability to succeed in life as you define it? Is being hit by a meteor “luck” or the product of your hard work in avoiding it?

    Good luck is more subtle. Pearls before swine.

  21. bobbo, I've got mine: screw all y'all says:

    Speaking of strokes leading to coma’s, anybody notice that both of the deposed tyrants are now in a coma? Kinda like all those ex-patriot Russian spys coming down with radium poisoning?

    Luck? Ha, ha.


  22. Guyver says:

    19, Bobbo,

    Heh, heh. guyver. NOTHING I said speaks against personal responsibility. There I’ve said it twice.

    You aren’t THAT stupid. Just that self centered then?

    And NOTHING I’ve said implied being self-centered. You just assumed that from your dogmatic view of things as your “luck vs. Pukes” comment alluded to.

    Well, kiddie. Sure. Think everything in life is a direct result of only your own hard effort.

    IMHO, 90 to 95% is due to hard work or making the smart / common sense choices. The rest can be attributed to “luck” or chance.

    What about the NewLady above? I’ll bet she worked hard her whole life==then a stroke. Why are you not “lucky” not to have had a stroke?

    Whether or not she worked hard at all is irrelevant. She used what she was born with and applied herself. As for why I haven’t had a stroke, the answer to that question is I don’t know. Two of my family members have had it and I don’t wish it on anyone.

    How successful could you be if you were born as retarded as him? No “luck” for the arrangement of your genes/your innate intelligence?

    You liberals obsess over what you see as your superior “intellect”. I don’t Alfred from anyone else on this forum. Regardless, in Life, you can have brilliant failures and successful duds. I’ve seen many smart people who fail in Life and it wasn’t because of bad luck. It was what they chose to do that dug them deeper into a hole. Don’t kid yourself into thinking high IQ beats common sense every time.

    As with so many thinks: analysis is defective when entire subsets of relevant information is left out. Think of two overlapping circles: one is everything you intentionally do, the other is luck.

    And in my Venn diagram (and I would argue most people’s), luck is dwarfed by making the right choices and applying myself.

    The bad luck that damages your life is most undeniable. The lady above. How about a meteor than shoot down and takes off your leg? Would that affect your ability to succeed in life as you define it? Is being hit by a meteor “luck” or the product of your hard work in avoiding it?

    Really? That’s your come back to defend bad luck? Seriously? 🙂

    Look there are UNAVOIDABLE accidents in Life. There’s nothing to debate on that. Most of what liberals like to label as “bad luck” are almost entirely avoidable.

    How we choose to live, work, spend, network / mingle drives a lot of what happens to us. Much of that is not luck.

    But sure, if you want to turn this into a meteor coming down to take my leg off then knock yourself out.

  23. bobbo, I've got mine: screw all y'all says:

    Guyver–you speak against yourself. You take “all the luck you are born with” and start a zero based game.

    Is this a typo, or just a revelation of your hypocrisy: “Whether or not she worked hard at all is irrelevant. She used what she was born with and applied herself.” /// What is the distinction between working hard and applying herself? and isn’t what she was born with a major part of the “luck” involved here?

    You dismiss and disparage the HUGE role your parents have in your upbringing–even the very values you have in enjoying and having the opportunity to work hard.

    Now, take your parents and you at age 5 with fully engaged personality as formed, and move you to a foreign country that experiences political revolution. Any change to your life?

    You really do not recognize the role of “good luck.” a short review: http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Luck

    Well, since common sense avoid you, perhaps summarizing it as “its definitional” would be another whack at the mole? But then maybe too much of your self image rests on thinking you are the captain of your own ship? I’m thinking of survivor syndrome: all those dead, why did I make it?==same as the others, just luck.

    Emotions. I guess you would not be so deserving of life’s riches if you had to admit more luck than you wish to?

    I thank god for all my good luck: my brains, my health, my parents, nothing “really bad” ever happening to me. and I worked hard: 35 hours a week for 3.5 years while getting a double BA in college. Work, work, work. And I prefer my life over those less able who fail the intellectual challenge to recognize the larger tableau. Take my money (taxes) but leave me my health, my education, my experiences–a bargain I will take everytime. How can I caste myself as the “victim” after such an excess of bounty?

    The disdain for taxes reveals the very small mind. The mind who does not appreciate their good fortune in life. The hypocrite. Too many thus situated are not satisfied by the good life they have, they must also deny others the same opportunities to make their way.

    I had a friend in High School. Just as smart as me. We made our own kayaks and went river kayaking. both our dad’s were alcoholics. Mine just made sarcastic remarks (hah!) but his was violent. I am successful, he has disappeared in life but it wasn’t looking good for him. Parents. Like that story a few months ago of “That other (whats his name”–Two black guys with the same name. One is very successful, the other in jail. Parents.

    Point of view isn’t it?

  24. Dallas says:

    That clears that up. What’s the scoop with Palin’s blabbering?

  25. bobbo, I've got mine: screw all y'all says:

    Alfie–I’m not responding to you, but rather the random words that got posted after your name.

    I tried to make it abundantly clear that my hard work and luck, those gifts from Mother Nature, the time and circumstances in which I was born, raised, found employment==have all made me a WINNER! Course, being humble, I must add–depending on how you define it, but still.

    Whenever I start to feel sorry for myself–I can’t avoid my knowledge of the other 99% of people ever born that I would not change places with.

    All seems rather axiomatic to me. The universe is a meaningless place and we are all products of chance. How successful would we be in a universe where the gravitational constant was .05% stronger?===and it cascades from there.

    Another friend of mine called up wanting to complain about the $1000’s of dollars he was going to have to pay in taxes because a tax shelter he was in was just invalidated. I reminded him of a mutual friend who had just died in a traffic accident he could not have avoided. Luck.

    How much of anyone’s life should be taken up lamenting the HUGE income one makes and the resulting tax, versus being killed in a traffic accident? versus all so many other things?

    Be happy–arrange for the happiness of others as much as possible. Who even WANTS TO live in a country where bad luck is allowed to play out without correction/help from the government? Not me, and I’m willing to pay for it. You who don’t need the very mental health services I’m willing to provide for you. Ha, ha.

    Silly little self centered miscreants.

  26. skunkman62 says:

    i’m really getting tired of this troll fest.

  27. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    Alphie distracted her.

  28. So what says:

    “How relevant is luck to success?” Ask every successful person. The answer tends to be very relevant. Of course there are those who also make their own luck.


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