Click pic to get closer to Kim

Throwing a party? Kim Kardashian would love to attend — if you’ve got a couple hundred thousand dollars to spare.

The ubiquitous Kardashian family (Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloe, Robert, Kendall, Kylie and Olympian Bruce Jenner) has taken reality fame to a new level, translating one television show into a veritable branding empire. The Hollywood Reporter, which works to unlock the secrets of the clan in their issue, reports that, in all, the family took in a whopping $65 million in 2010.

But for what?

Their faces — and names — are everywhere, but many don’t quite know what the Kardashians do, exactly. That’s easy: they just live their lives. It’s just that they let everyone else watch in. And then buy.

Here’s the whole, depressing story of this poor family who have to deal with horrific problems like these:

And then there are those who watch the family’s three series on E! (with a fourth going into production this year) for the there-but-for the-grace-of-God voyeurism: Thank God my mom doesn’t want to know the size of my boyfriend’s penis! Hey, at least my dad isn’t walked over by every single member of his family and my mom doesn’t engage me in a postpartum discussion about personal lubricant. When asked about that last particular discussion, [Bruce] Jenner looks genuinely puzzled. “Really? Who hasn’t had to use lube?”

  1. msbpodcast says:

    If they were paid what they were worth they’d be shelling out the shekels to attend my little cousin’s batmitzvah.

    I’ve always though that they all looked like cheap slutty-ass skanks.

    I have too much respect for the dinero to waste any on them.

  2. Who says:

    I couldn’t get it up with a tow truck for any of them.

  3. McCullough says:

    I agree, Best ignored.

  4. deowll says:

    Uncle Dave, If you stick a picture of yourself dressed like that on this web site I will barf.

    Afraid I agree with one. I regard them as being in the same social class as any other sluts. I don’t think they have any class beyond slattern. Run with them and the bleep rubs off.

  5. FRAGaLOT says:

    What DO they do to make that much money?


    Reality TV shows?

    that it? No wonder we are in an economic recession. ppl pouring money into crap like this. How does that help the economy buy giving money to bimbos?

  6. Floyd says:

    Line from “Young Frankenstein:”

    “What is it that you do do?”

    The Kardashians are eye candy, and nothing more.

  7. Luc says:

    “O world, how apt the poor are to be proud!”

  8. ramuno says:

    The bio says she is German/Irish. Yet, she has an Armenian name and looks Armenian.

  9. TooManyPuppies says:

    She should just get back on the porn wagon.

  10. m.c. in l.v. says:

    Famous for getting pissed on in a sex video. Her real father helped O.J. beat the murder rap. I hope he’s enjoying his time in hell and that their “wealth & fame” brings them nothing but misery.

  11. dexton7 says:

    Just goes to show that if you are remotely attractive, ready to whore yourself out in any way possible, and have connections… The sky’s the limit!

    Well… until you have an overdose or get killed by the Hollywood Whackers.

  12. gardener1 says:

    People watch that show, really?

    No way. Who watches shit like that? I don’t believe it.

    Show me proof that anybody watches those people on TV. Betcha can’t do it. The whole thing is a ruse.

    …mmm, maybe the whole thing is a media fabrication? The Kardashians don’t really exist and no living humans actually watch them not doing anything?

  13. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    Wasn’t it a Kardashian who’s butt grew so fast she had to have emergency alterations to her Grammy’s gown?

    Hmmm. Another question: Why are the Kardashians attending the Grammys?

  14. interglacial says:

    I have heard John and Adam talk about these Kardassians on their show and always had a mental image of aliens on Star-Trek. Thanks for posting the picture, but I’m not sure I’m happier knowing who they are.

  15. Dallas says:

    Very strangely proportioned body, but whatever..

  16. Mr, Ed - the Original (accept no imitations) says:

    I wonder – without all the makeup and surgery, would she still look quite so awful?

  17. Brian says:

    The article is a good read and fascinating insight into the business side of their lives.

  18. AnchovyD says:

    Can’t believe all the hatred for Kim K. For what it is worth Kim is the only eye candy in the family. She may be a skank, may be vapid and shallow, and the show is unwatchable, but she is legitimately beautiful even without makeup. Check out those sites where you can see celebs without makeup. Kim K. doesn’t look as exotic without all the eye shadow but she is very pretty au naturale. The other Kardashians are pigs.

  19. FRAGaLOT says:

    #6 ”The Kardashians are eye candy, and nothing more.”

    Really? Have you seen Chloe?

  20. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    You are all pigs. Compare a swine fetus to a human fetus. Everything that happens after that is just decoration.

  21. anonomous says:

    #20 Except for bacon

  22. Obama : The Stool Softener Years says:

    Mmmmmmmmm. Boobies.

  23. MikeN says:

    >People watch that show, really?
    No way. Who watches shit like that? I don’t believe it.
    Show me proof that anybody watches those people on TV.

    Actually, it’s been posted on here before, Democrats watch stuff like that, along with Breaking Bad and Mad Men.


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