1. AlanB says:

    er, you try it.

  2. The Ox says:

    Hoax. Pure and simple, and for a variety of reasons.

  3. Zybch says:

    #3 You have to be kidding me right.
    How freaking gullible are people these days!

  4. emh924a says:


  5. jobs says:

    #4 I think you answered your own question.

  6. Dave says:


    This article really annoyed me its some idiot already starting up the Facebook vs Google fanboy fights by being a total suck up.

  7. denacron says:

    With practice you will all achieve the point of this vid in no time!

  8. KMFIX says:

    Ice and an edit.

  9. nicktherat says:

    i got it on my first try, its not that hard. pulling the envelope at the right speed is key. it causes a vacuum effect to condense the molecules in the water for a short time. the spinning keeps its form up. it only lasted like 10 seconds though 🙁

  10. Likes2LOL says:

    Damn it — I’ve tried over 50 times and I still can’t get the hang of it!

  11. dexton7 says:

    Given the educational level or most Americans.. I bet there’s a lot of wet messy houses in America right now thanks to this video. lol.

    Neat video effect at least.

  12. Rick says:

    Is the “trick” that this guy gets even one person to try this, or that he gets a thousand blogs and a million blog comments to recognize his few minutes of air-time?

  13. JoaoPT says:

    They forgot to mention that there’s some cost involved…

    some couple thousand dollars for the 3D package, and the motion tracking compositing system…

  14. Wrigsted, the Dane says:


  15. Dallas says:

    Works on the first try with cooking oil.

    [Har! – ed.]

  16. jasontheodd says:

    worked fine with play-dough

  17. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    So, I learned the first part of this 40 years ago. I eventually convinced my dad that it would be fun to do it at a restaurant before we left…just leave the cup upside down and full of water. But that just pisses off the waitress or busboy, because they don’t know how to solve the problem, or don’t notice and just pick up the glass. lol

    So we upped the ante by putting the tip in the glass before flipping it over.

    Ahh, that was fun.

  18. Yankinwaoz says:

    This “trick” brought to you by the Distilled Water Makers of America.

  19. SpeedBump says:

    The only place they CAN do this, would be on the space station.

  20. Uncle Dave says:

    #14: You’re on the right track, only it doesn’t need all that. A good 3D graphics program to create the ‘water’ and then composite it into the video using something like Mocha using After Effects.

  21. JustPassingThru says:

    Amazing how a cup inside a cup will keep water inside it when the outside cup is removed….

  22. JoaoPT says:

    You can use OSSoftware like Blender.
    These days you can do almost anything with free software and OSes… with a steeper learning curve though…

  23. McCullough says:

    Actually, the secret is in the Pink Flamingos….they’re like magical Unicorns.

  24. Eric_D says:

    It’s an obvious hoax because water is a liquid! It can have surface tension, and the video seems to suggest that that’s what’s making hold the shape.

    Surface tension can out-gun gravity only up to a point. Ever noticed that droplets on a surface only ever get so big. That’s the limit of surface tension in water.

    Also notice that droplets always assume a spherical, pseudo-spherical or semi-spherical shape.

    In space, you get bigger droplets. Much bigger, but they still form sphere-ish shapes.

  25. 1873 Colt says:

    I tried this and it did not work. What am I doing wrong? My water spilled all over the place, and went into my brand new iPad while it was turned on, and ruined it. Then I tried it again, and it went all over my Renoir etching which I had hanging next to the table. Then I tried it again and the water went all over my just acquired first edition of the Gutenberg Bible. What am I doing wrong?

  26. McCullough says:

    You were SUPPOSED to use the iPad instead of cardboard dummy.

  27. daladams says:

    Only works if your a Republican

  28. steve says:

    do i need a special brand of water? can i do it with beer,buurrp?!

  29. steve says:

    i used salt water and it stayed up almost 4 minutes,but the table has to be perfectly level and smooth.

  30. usa1 says:

    I tried it 4 times with tap water and it did not work. I got some distilled water like the video said and it worked after 3 attempts. It lasted about 15 seconds. Amazing!


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