THE Prime Minister was said to be furious today after The Sun revealed 38 senior heroes including one on the Afghan front line were crassly sacked by EMAIL. The shocked men – all warrant officers – were informed they were victims of defense cuts.

Each got an impersonal message advising them: “Start planning your resettlement.” One stormed: “I thought it was a joke.” The MoD was branded “shameful and callous”. David Cameron’s official spokesman said: “The Prime Minister is very, very clear that the way this has been handled is completely unacceptable.

“We are very clear that this was an unacceptable way of dealing with our Armed Forces and the Prime Minister has been very clear that he values their contribution extremely highly. “It should not have been handled in this way.” Defense Secretary Liam Fox also angrily slammed the move. He demanded an explanation of how it happened, saying this was “no way” to treat armed forces personnel.

In a statement issued by the MoD he said: “I am furious that such a situation should occur.

“This is no way to treat our armed forces personnel.

And I would say… don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.

  1. Gen Patin says:

    It’s their way of saying..Thanks for your service.

  2. Mr, Ed - the Original (accept no imitations) says:

    Couldn’t happen in the US military.


  3. bobbo, a bit behind on the science says:

    What’s the yellow stain in the crotch area? Seems to me if you’ve been pissed on it should be on the leg? And how is the discharge “dishonorable?” And how are they “heroes” rather than victims? And aren’t they better off as McCullough opines? And, and, and . . . . . .

    Anyway, I see nothing wrong with email notice of what is scheduled to happen a year later? Thats not a sacking in my book but rather a notice of a sacking. I assume the year is time to get things in order, to appeal, find alternatives? It also “sounds like” they were already in some kind of status that allowed for this kind of action?

    I remember my own discharge. It was by mail in the form of “an order” where I could choose to volunteer for a group of bad duty assignments for 3-4 years minimum or volunteer for early discharge.

    That was the all Volunteer force in my day. HA!

  4. Breetai says:

    When are these jackoffs going to realize the contractors Xe GE Beoing Ratheon and *gasp* Halaburton ect… are the real enemy? you could probably quadruple the pay of every solider for every one of these corporations you fire.

  5. freddybobs68k says:


    “you could probably quadruple the pay of every solider for every one of these corporations you fire.”

    Ah but contractors give the politicians plausible deny-ability. With us footing the bill and their chums in the military industrial complex throwing in a few kickbacks, it’s all good.

  6. msbpodcast says:

    Here’s a nickel Bobbo, go an’ buy yourself a clue.

    Of course they used mail.

    Its because its happening as a result of an austerity measure.

    What would you want the gumment to do?

    Send engraved noticed by courier?

    e-mail is free!!!

    They are to be congratulated for doing it as cheaply as humanly possible.

  7. sargasso_c says:

    British Army warrant officers are the most highly ranked NCOs in the service, paid as much as a colonel and are often life long career servicemen who have outstanding records for active service. They are often appointed as commandant of bases and in war zones will often outrank a stationed captain. Badasses.

  8. Floyd says:

    When I left the US Army at ETS (in 1974 after 3 years in the Army), I got what’s known as a DD-214. That piece of paper later got me a VA home loan, with a substantial discount on the interest.

    If the Brit WOs got their end of service notice in the mail without any warning, that was pretty awful, because the warrant officers would have had nowhere to go. From the article in the Sun, it sounds like the higher level people in Defense have done something about this mess…

  9. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Fear the legion.

  10. Chris Mac says:

    and i agree with this message

  11. Wrigsted, the Dane says:

    So some kidkillers have been fired over e mail, I am so sorry for them…..

  12. Luc says:

    What is so wrong with email anyway? It’s the most used means of communication these days. Heck, it’s even considered old fashioned already by teenagers hooked on Twitter and Facebook. And by Leo Laporte, of course.

  13. Holdfast says:

    If there is a group of people in any army, US UK or anywhere else, that you do not want to offend it is these people. Warrant officers, sergeant majors and the like make the whole thing work.

    Generals have big idea. Colonels get their bart of the big idea. This goes all the way down to the 2nd Lieutenant holding the map upside down and messing it all up.

    The senior NCO is who has made armies work since long before Julius Caesar. When this group gets cross with someone – there is nowhere to hide.

    Whatever civil servant thought this up had better avoid military bases for the rest of their lives! And don’t think nobody will ever know. These are the people who know everything…

  14. Floyd says:

    Holdfast knows…In the US Army at least, senior NCOs are powerful people. An E7 has a lot of power. An E8 is very nearly God. A Sergeant Major or higher IS God. Officers simply think they’re in command. Same with warrant officers.

  15. Chris Mac says:

    let’s not forget who trained our armies.. g

  16. Kent says:

    In the private sector, hitmen usually get two to the head…some this is a somewhat better package.

  17. Nowwer says:

    It’s hardly a gift Dvorak, they are the ones who are going to take over for American troops keeping the [slight] peace. This is a decent setback for pulling our troops out of that place and letting them take after themselves.

  18. dexton7 says:

    Because the government loves us all so much. =]



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