click pic to embiggen

  1. McCullough says:

    Now offered in your favorite Kool Aid Flavors!

  2. noname says:

    “Get all the fake Apple news at ” really says it all, doesn’t it?

  3. msbpodcast says:

    How would Apple market fuming nitric acid or potassium cyanide?

    These are cute but meaningless diversions done by somebody sitting in his/her office late one evening while waiting for his/her “writer’s block” to go away, so s/he can get back to some paying work.

  4. M0les says:

    Our local water and electricity utility, ACTEW came out with some glass reusable water bottles for cafes and restaurants several years ago with glazed labels saying something like “Cold. Pure. Wet.” (Plus the logo, of course). Alas I can’t find any online references to them now.

  5. Nalgadas says:

    Dihydrogen Monoxide.

    Very Bad for you. Can be deadly if inhaled.

  6. KD Martin says:

    What? No consumption speed ratings? And no multitasking? You get a cheesy one button package that is probably incompatible with other manufacturer’s products. Too bad you can’t send the recycled material in the original container back to Apple. Maybe that requires AppleCare…

  7. sargasso_c says:

    I feel thirsty, for some reason.

  8. noname says:

    Windows water is full of viruses and bacteria. Its actually untreated sewerage.

  9. darkhelmet says:

    The “buy now” button doesn’t work!

  10. Zybch says:

    Surely instead of stating:
    “You’ve been drinking the juice”

    it should instead say:
    “You’ve been sucking on the the Kool Aid”

  11. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “..enclosure is ribbed for greater satisfaction.”

  12. JimD says:

    Don’t encourage the LEMMINGS !!!

  13. kucing says:

    Rumors are that Apple Water 2.0 will include 1/8 twist technology. Open within a 45 degree angle. It will double the access time and increase productivity.

  14. Dallas says:

    The ribbed design is clever but the cylindrical shape is very passé

  15. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    Upcoming accessories:

    the iFridge – to keep your rehydration devices at the perfect temperature. The iFridge is the perfect place to keep your vegan lunch and anti-rejection drugs.

    iTrays – fill them with your Apple Water, place in the iFridge molecular demobilization compartment and, in just hours, you can access your Apple Water in delightful “cube” format

  16. Mr, Ed - the Original (with comma) says:

    8 noname – shame on you! You cut and pasted XCRider’s comment from the Scoopertino page and claim it as your own.

  17. Luc says:

    So, what’s Linux water like? Is it powder that you add to water and stir?

    Well, at least you’re allowed to change it… Although very few people have the knowledge required to change it.

  18. wtfnow says:

    You all forgot the part where every other water “manufacturer” tries to copy Apple and come out with their own “water killer”.

    A lot of you talk alot of smack but secretly yearn for Apple goodness. The same way a Ford taurus owner talks smack about a Ferrari owner. “Overpriced piece of crap. I get from point a to b in my Taurus just as easy. Damn Ferrari Kool Aid drinking fools.”

  19. Mr, Ed - the Imitation (accept no original) says:

    Sun is about to release the OSS version. Just take the cap off of any generic bottle and it’s open.

    Licensed under Creative Commons

  20. Scooter says:

    Even with this being fake I must admit I like the idea of a color changing indicator that lets you know when it is cold. I wish you could get sticker in real life to put on bottles and cans to let you know when they are ready to drink.

  21. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Scooter 22 – I’ve got something that works really well. I call it a “hand.”

  22. The_Tick says:

    @ #22, I could send you some beer that has that feature in the label, the rub is it would have to be coors light,,,, Yuck. On a side note, ,does anyone else picture steve jobs, farming groups of Philippine children harvesting livers as he needs them?

  23. Special Ed says:

    #8, I agree. I heard the fill those Windows water bottles from the toilet.

  24. No Fly Zone says:

    Thanks! I really really needed a laugh today.

    I think the site is brilliant and really shows what an icon Apple has become.

  25. Scooter says:

    Thank you, The_Tick- I see you get what I was saying.

    Animby – just phoning it in, That is the method I currently use.

    Pedro, you have no idea what you are talking about.

    I am not a macfan. I was only commenting on how nice it would be to have a visual indicator of how cold something is… like the Coors light cans. To have several cans of water or soda in the fridge at the same time with some cold and some not it would be a handy thing to have. you know you can’t tell how cold something is only by looking at it.

  26. Scooter says:

    For those that are interested, this site has what I am talking about. For hot and cold items. Not all that cheap though.

  27. JimD says:

    Boil some up and the Vapor makes an nice “Reality Distortion Field” !!!


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