President Obama will roll out a $3.7 trillion budget blueprint Monday that would trim or terminate more than 200 federal programs next year and make key investments in education, transportation and research in a bid to boost the nation’s economy and reduce record budget deficits.

Senior administration officials cast the document as a responsible alternative to the deep spending cuts that Republicans will urge in a vote this week on the House floor. Obama’s plan would reduce deficits by more than $1.1 trillion over the next decade, the officials said, with two-thirds of the money coming from spending cuts that would strike hard at programs that Democrats have long favored.

However, the president also will call for targeted investments that would increase funding for energy and medical research, expand the tax credit for corporate research and development, pay to train 100,000 new science and math teachers, and fund a wireless network that would bring high-speed Internet access to 98 percent of Americans.

“The debate in Washington is not whether to cut or to spend. We both agree we should cut,” said a senior administration official, who briefed reporters Sunday night on the condition of anonymity because the budget had not been released. “The question is how we cut and what we cut.”

  1. MikeN says:

    I just had a thought that there is something more sinister going on. It appears that the president never said budget will be balanced but that revenues will equal spending, which should be the same thing. The followup stories after his lie was exposed was that he meant balanced except for the interest on the national debt, which he was kind of hinting at. Is the president planning to default on the national debt?

  2. cgp says:


    US sovereign default coming soon.
    You have no idea what that will mean.

  3. Dallas says:

    #102 Glad you had an epiphany about what was actually said versus what you heard.

    You still have it wrong though. There is no lie and there is no sinister plan on defaulting. What else you got?

    By the way, I want to share some comic relief with you this wonderful morning. It made me laugh pretty good and hope it would cheer up your day.

    Sarah Palin on Eqypt (word for word)
    “And nobody yet has, nobody yet has explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak and no, not, not real enthused about what it is that that’s being done on a national level and from DC in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt. And, in these areas that are so volatile right now, because obviously it’s not just Egypt but the other countries too where we are seeing uprisings, we know that now more than ever, we need strength and sound mind there in the White House. We need to know what it is that America stands for so we know who it is that America will stand with. And, we do not have all that information yet.”

  4. MikeN says:

    Nope the president is lying. He repeated the statement in an interview after the media called out his wrong statements. The president is trying to claim a balanced budget when he knows he isn’t doing that.

    It is possible he is planning to default on the debt, or is simply a total idiot who doesn’t understand the budget or interest payments.

  5. JimD says:

    The way to Balance the Budget is to SOAK THE RICH !!! If anyone can remember (or look it up online !), in the “Fabulous 50’s, America was unquestionably NUMBER ONE, AND THE TOP TAX RATE WAS 91% !!! Elvis paid it and was still RICH !!! So, lets let the BILLIONAIRES AND MILLIONAIRES BALANCE THE BUDGET !!! Bill Gates and Warren Buffet agree, so let’s do it !!!

  6. JimD says:

    P.P.S. The above article shows the Plight of the Middle Class SINKING WITH THE SO-CALLED “Reagan Revolution” – Republican Rule since 1980 with Repukes in the Oval Office and a couple of Repukes thinly disguised at Dems – Clinton and Obama !!! Repukes have been STABBING WORKERS IN THE BACK SINCE THE START OF THE LABOR MOVEMENT IN AMERICA !!! Workers who vote for Repukes have ONLY THEMSELVES TO BLAME FOR LOST JOBS AND FORECLOSED HOMES !!!

  7. bennyblack1 says:

    Lots of you are lost in priorities for our country. First of all, I agree that we need to cut spending for many programs. However, paramount to any other issues are a top notch military, taking care of disabled veterans by providing them with education and healthcare, education for K-12 and college, as well as job training programs.

    Without a military, we cannot protect our country or help our allies that we are in treaty with. So, we must have a strong, technologically efficient military.

    Military veterans become the largest middle class of every country, so we need to make sure they are awarded for their service by continuing to treat their wounds, educating them, and giving them jobs. They fought for YOU, and were injured for YOU, and their families made great sacrifices for YOU. You OWE them your freedom and your lives. They should be provided top notch health care, because while in the armed forces, they fought in combat for YOU, but in the civilian world, they can fight for YOU differently by producing top notch products and services to give our GDP and GNP a needed boost.

    We need to provide a solid, traditional education to our children. And I mean, they DON’T have a choice in the matter. They don’t go to tenth grade and choose to take business math and art the rest of the time they are there. They must learn certain basic skills – period, or face a life in the street. And they must know them MANUALLY apart from the computer. We got a bunch of stupid button pushers who don’t know basic math and got their HS diploma out of a Cracker Jack Box.

    There need to be job training programs, as well. Short and sweet and to the point – learn it, and go – 3-6 months, getting the basics then hit the road runnin’ on a job.

    Our elderly need to be taken care of. They work all their lives to put a contribution into social security. Then, the younger generation sits on its ass – denying them their benefits. The current generation pays for the previous generations’ retirement, and fraudulent social security payments are going to 25 – 35 year olds faking some sort of sickness. So, now, you young people are getting what you should’ve been getting when you are 65. That’s robbery, and it isn’t right. Get a job.

  8. bennyblack1 says:

    Once the previous things have been paid for, then people should be learning financial management. If people learned early on how to invest and profit later on down the road, they don’t NEED social security. Teach them how to CATCH a fish, and they won’t be begging for one. In a capitalist country, it is not self-esteem that gets things rolling; it’s PERFORMANCE!!! If Ross Perot could make billions of dollars investing his welfare money, so that he’s a contributor to the United States rather than siphon – well, anyone can. Children must learn this young. If they get too old, they won’t ever learn, or have an extremely hard time learning. We’ve got to get back to EARNING our dollars.

    Welfare reform: welfare is for those who genuinely NEED it. NOT for illegal aliens and their kids. The kids are illegal aliens if the parents are illegal aliens. We should not be supporting the kids, only to harbor them here indefinetly without paying taxes. Face it, they don’t pay taxes. Welfare is for US Citizens who are handicapped, a mother who was abandoned with children to raise, and widows.

    Earned Income Credit reform: we shouldn’t change the income limitations. We should lower the amounts of Earned Income Credit. So, a mother having a couple of kids that didn’t pay in taxes – shouldn’t be getting 3500 bucks. That’s outrageous. Perhaps 1500, or even 2000, depending on income and number of kids. To discourage illegitimate pregnancy for welfare, there should be a limit on how many children they can have before they can get the credit. I’d say a single mother shouldn’t have more than 2, and then she gets credits for 2, but no more. Once the income limitation is reached, just like now, there should be no more credits. This will encourage budgeting and tax planning. There are W-4s for a reason. Use them.

  9. bennyblack1 says:

    I’m not saying don’t have more than 2 children for a single mother under the income limitation. I’m just saying, don’t PAY for any more than 2. And a married couple under the income limitation shouldn’t have more than 4. It encourages budgeting and tax planning.

    Government workers should not be getting paid more than those working civilian jobs that are of the same skill levels. Government workers in an unskilled labor position get 3x more money than the average Joe. Benefits should be coming out of their OWN pockets, not the employers’. There are programs the employer can adopt that do not require them to make payments out of the company’s profit. Health care is the same way. The employee is responsible to get health care on HIS OWN DIME if he wants it. The taxpayers pay his salary, so he can go get a retirement plan and a health care plan like everyone else.

    While corporations need to be paying less taxes, employees need to have a full 1% raise in federal tax withholding, social security tax, and medicare tax. And everyone needs to be paying that, based on income, from CEO to the lowest paid employee.

    Minimum wage is just that. Minimum wage. It should be LOWERED to provide incentive to get a raise. $5.50 an hour is good. A good worker should be getting regular pay raises – once a year. A dime, a quarter – whatever. But, to start, $5.50 an hour is good enough. If the minimum wage gets higher than $8.00 an hour, then it’ll take a college education to get a job. A high school student should be able to get a min wage job. Now, though, they can’t, because employers can’t afford to train them.

    Stop funding special interest groups. They are special interest groups because they appeal to a small niche in society. Their funding should come from a club membership, and they should be living withing the contributions to that club. Christians build their own churches debt free from tithing without assistance from the government. Our own church raised $1.8 million dollars for it’s new facility, and had to raise another $1 million dollars for a youth center. Paid for by the congregation. No loans. Debt free.

  10. bennyblack1 says:

    These are some ideas. I could go on all night long.

    Just another suggestion, though. Discussing some ideas with others:

    Every one living here gave a dollar each extra a year of free will, that’s ALOT of money.

    A bumb off the street could find $1.

    Another idea, real quick, is teaching moral sexual practices. Teach abstinence, knowing full well that abstinence is not entirely effective. Teach about contraceptives. Teach about the responsibility a parent has for children. Teach that parents must raise their kids to be positively contributing members to society. Right now, it’s a disaster. Sex is casual for young teens, and pregnancy a survival technique. Do you know how many abortions and black marketed babies there are? Stop funding planned parenthood.

  11. ECA says:


    Who is derailing this post?

    Do you know how much is SPENT in top wages in the USA gov?

    DONT aim at illegals.
    They do the job so you WONT need to.

    AS to being POOR and finding money enough to USE saving? you are a fool.

    If there were a Good swimming hole near you, SOMEONE would sue the land holder for LEAVING ACCESS open. It would need to be Fenced and FILLED IN, and 1000 warning around it.
    Want to go fishing? FIND someplace within 20 miles. I will bet there isnt any fish LEFT there. PS. if you have time enough to FISH, you should be working.

    As to population control..
    LOOK at other countries and density of population to the USA. Its a nice idea, but THEY wont let you do it..(not talking about welfare persons) To many RELIGIONS, deem it YOUR responsibility to FILL the planet with PEOPLE.

    I suggest you ask this question..
    we are willing to DENUDE the food in the USA with all kinds of extenders/fortifiers/BS/CHEMICALS AND rise the cost of FOOD, but we are selling 10 times the AMOUNT that we eat, to OTHER NATIONS.
    WE even have the tech to Take all of NORTH mexico and turn it to Agro-business.

    Just explain to ALL these poor folks in the USA, WHY those major TOP wage earners have gained 10-100 times their wages in the last 15 years, and MIN WAGE STAY’D at $5 and went to $7. THAT isnt capitalism..That is PROFITEERING.

  12. Rick says:

    I would like to know these “enemies” that seem to require defense against.

    Russia? China? Europe? Africa? Australia?

    Unwashed arabs in sandals?

    I really can’t think of any justification for keeping a cold war size military. Apparently nobody else in the world keeps a cold war sized military, they must know something we don’t.

  13. Homer horsewinkle says:

    first off get the military out of the countries we are baby setting.
    raised the retirement age too a couple of years.
    quit spending so much on research that going no where..
    quit spending so much on weapons that cost so much to build..
    put a freeze on goverment worker wages congressmen
    quit sending aid to other countries when our country is bad in depts that we cannot afford to do this anymore..
    use some common sense and not get involved with ever war that brakes out somewhere in other nations,

  14. Randy Britton says:

    The one and only thing america needs to do is start electing presidents and goverment leaders that knows what they are doing period.
    gosh america lets elect someone that is wise and knows how to get this country up and running again, please do before our nation get so weak other nations will laugh and make fun of our nation. please don’t let politicts make you for someone that is just in your party, vote for the man that you think is smart and will be for the good of our great nation God we trust

  15. gotobedmouse says:

    There is a program called IDA (Individual Development Account) where a participant gets matched $3 for every one dollar they save. For either college, buying a house, or home improvements. The government is literally giving people $2,000 to get there house painted or a new roof. I think that program can easily be eliminated.

  16. Beck3128 says:

    I definitely think government aid such as welfare, food stamps, etc., should be looked at and revised. I was on assistance for 8 months after I left my husband and it helped but I continued to look for a job and got one and cancelled my food stamps and check. They allowed me to keep the health care for my son until I was eligible for it at my place of employment. Now, here’s why I’m saying this. I have a niece who had a baby. She got a free apartment and welfare, food stamps and medical care before and after the baby. She then went to college for 2 years while her mom helped babysit so she could get her degree; a degree that guarantees she could be making about 25.00 an hour. So, they tell her that her check is going to stop when her child is 6. So, all of a sudden, she comes up pregnant again. I’m not saying she consciously did it on purpose but I am saying it looks like she did. Out of sheer terror of losing her place to live and her “sure thing” financial support from welfare. I worked with a black girl who straight up told me that her sister was a “word we white people shouldn’t say.” She said her sister keeps on having kids JUST to get more welfare. And this girl I worked with was a very independent, hard worker who held 2 jobs and raised her son as a single mother like I did. It CAN be DONE, people!! Don’t use welfare as a way of life and sit and wallow in low self-esteem, feeling bad about yourself because you ARE dependent on the rest of us paying taxes to take care of you and your children. Get UP off that couch and get aggressive and GO LOOK FOR A JOB!!!!! And get your damn tubes tied like I did while I was on medical assistance. They will pay for it so you don’t keep having kids you cannot afford!! Go look in the mirror and say over and over again “I’m smart, I’m powerful and I can do ANYTHING!!!!!” Believe it. Listen to that inner voice in your head trying to help you. That isn’t you talking to yourself; it’s your guardian angel.

  17. Beck3128 says:

    ECA said “Don’t blame it on the illegals” but I do. They have NO RIGHTS to be in this country illegally. Now, I am not a hater. I’m stating facts here. I have a few Mexican friends who live near my parents. This woman married a U.S. Army serviceman JUST so she could be legal and then, she had 2 kids, they got divorced and the WHOLE TIME I knew her, she spent hours and days, weeks etc. filing papers to get her whole family over here – legally. And guess what? They are ALL legal. The illegal Mexicans: I worked with one. They send 1 family member to come over here, get legal, get educated in something where they work outside an office, then the rest of them sneak over and they alllllll pile in a 2 bedroom house, sleeping on the floor, counter, wherever – and stand on street corners until some unAmerican hires them for the day. And, THIS is part of the reason we have a bad economy because our OWN CITIZENS are SO GREEDY that they will hire these street people so they don’t have to pay taxes on them. Is it the illegals faults? Part of it. But not all of it.

  18. grahams222 says:

    I agree with MOST of the comments. If we cut the Social Security out, WHO takes care of the elderly, who pays their bills? As it is these people worked & fought hard for what they have/had. Once they get old the government takes it all back away to help them get their medical needs cared for, they take their HOME, PROPERTY & money & then throw them in a nursing home where their care most of the time is less than throwing them out to die. I say #1 I agree on these OVERPAID over educated people in our government. Let just 1 of them make less than $20,000 & see how many bills they can pay, feed a family of 4 or 5, pay for health insurance/doctor bills, afford to put clothes on their childrens back & still have enough money left over to put GAS in their cars just to go to work & insurance to drive their car. Now lets do this… Has anyone thought about ALL the children in our foster care due to LACK of parenting skills. Yes it is part of our constitution, put it does NOT say anything in there that TAX PAYERS have to raise them. Our government does NOT want to sterilize our DEAD BEAT dads who refuse to pay child support, so the government PAYS mom WELFARE to raise them, SLIT THE BALLS. There are families that know that they don’t have to go to work cause the WELFARE takes care of their 5, 6, 7 kids while the parents sit on their asses smoking cigarettes, drinking beer & doing drugs. HELL why not the government pays for, their utilities, their health insurance. STERILIZE male & female’s who are BORN with mental disabilities who in no way can mentally care for children or themselves. But NO it is against their CIVIL RIGHTS. Well it isn’t my CIVIL right to help raise them. I do have a cousin that is 32 & mentally unstable of caring for herself, she has serious health issues & has a mentality of a 8 or 9 yr old. My uncle on disability spent 5 years with this tied up in the court system to get this young lady sterilized to keep her from being RAPED or Molested & having children. NO ONE wanted to keep her from having children. My brother in law the same age I am, sits on his ASS drawing a WELFARE check cause it is EASIER than going out to get a job. I have been a mother since I was 16 & raised had 3 children by the time I was 19, Divorced by the time I was 21. I worked 2, 3 or 4 jobs & did whatever I had to do to raise my children. I NEVER got a hand out, I didn’t get FOOD STAMPS or health insurance. Now I am 48 & have Sarcoidosis (my lungs have filled up with TUMORS) makes it hard to breath, there is NO CURE & NO TREATMENT. I can’t get on disability because we have a HOME & CAR. And my husband has a job. He had 2 heart attacks & major back surgery & was out of work for 6 months, & was still unqualified for any assistance. We are raising teenage daughter. He is worth more to me working & DYING at work than he is alive & unable to work. SERIOUSLY.

  19. E-Man says:

    The cuts were NEVER “rolled out”….you guys are all being duped…Look at my right hand while my left hand steals your country!


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