
There are conflicting reports about whether she suffered some sort of medical episode like a stroke. Branson was hospitalized after the incident. When 10 News called to check on Branson, employees at CBS 2 only said that “she is doing much better.”

I’m sorry if she had a medical problem but this video made me laugh out loud.

  1. Dallas says:

    She certainly has all it takes to run as Vice President on the Mitt Romney ticket.

  2. Steve says:

    You can see the panic in her eyes. Not funny at all.

  3. Rob Leather says:

    Looks (sounds) like a TIA. Transient Ischemic Attack, aka mini-stroke.

  4. JMilesMiller says:

    Not funny. Watching that makes me feel empathy and sorrow.

    I guess that clip is a good test video to see if you have a heart and soul, or if you are a son of a bitch and a bastard.

  5. ubiquitous talking head says:

    Hopefully somebody will be around to take a video of hhopper if he has a heart attack. I bet it would be a laff riot.

  6. hhopper says:

    I could see the panic in her eyes and felt sympathy for her but if something tickles your funny-bone, there’s not much you can do about it.

  7. Micromike says:

    Doesn’t seem a bit funny to me. If a person in obvious distress like this makes you laugh you must not have any empathy at all.

  8. Buzz Mega says:

    If you think that’s funny, how about a video of a baby being beheaded by a trolly? That should really get you gufawing…

  9. Marc Perkel says:

    I think I saw an episode of Star Trek where something like this happened.

  10. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    I did that to her so that others could discuss their feelings over her humiliation. Carry on.

  11. Carney Lentz says:

    Maybe, hhopper, you were laughing at an uncomfortable situation (which is a natural though hard to understand response). Who hasn’t felt like laughing at a funeral/in church/etc.? But your note below the video implies that we should all find this to be funny.

  12. senkmajer says:

    I’m “in” for the “not funny.” I was frightened on her behalf.

  13. senkmajer says:

    If my wife had an aphasic attack like that, “humored,” I would not be. “Scared as h3ll” is more like it. I would have her at the hospital ASAP.

  14. nicktherat says:


    if you don’t think this is funny, you are not American. this is like watching a football player intercepting the ball, making it close to get a touchdown, puking, slip in his own vomit and fumbling the ball.

    don’t become a talking reporter if your sickness makes you talk like a rare african bird.

  15. foobar says:

    Medical. I’d bet migraine or seizure.

  16. nicktherat says:

    buzz mega, what if it was baby hitler and he was dressed like a clown

  17. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Boy, I’ve really seen the comments section on DU deterioriate. Witness the “Retard Humping” poll imbroglio.

    Half of you are unreconstructed morons. The other half of you are the same guy: bobbo, the part-time troll whose longer than average nicknames tend to give him away.

    I’ll give 2-to-1 that “ubiquitous talking head”, “God, Allah, and other monikers” and the next two lengthy nicknames are the same guy.

    Here’s a news flash for you brainiacs: humor is a sense for the incongruous. It has nothing to do with morality. When I saw the above clip, I laughed my ass off. Know why? It’s because seeing a trained reporter whose sole job is as a talking head turn mushmouth and start uttering syllables never before spoken by a human being — is incongruous. It isn’t the norm. And so we laugh.

    It used to be seeing a dignified person slip on a banana peel produced laughter. We aren’t dignified anymore, so seeing someone slip doesn’t do as much for us — though we still laugh at supermodels falling.

    When I read about the guy who got nuked first in Hiroshima, then hopped on a train and three days later got nuked in Nagasaki — I laughed my ass off. Want to know why? Because the incongruity of getting nuked twice is enough to provoke my brain into producing an outburst.

    Now, the people that got nuked once don’t cause such laughter — though the guy that dove into the swimming pool when the city was intact, and came up after the city was vaporized does provoke something between awe and laughter. But there again: it’s because it’s such a stretch imagining what it must be like to go into the pool fine and come up with your whole city nuked.

    For those of you accusing hhopper of being immoral, some sort of fiend whose reaction is to laugh at this kind of thing: do you really think that if he were present when someone was having a stroke that he wouldn’t help or call an ambulance? Of course, he would. You know that. And he wouldn’t be “laughing”. That’s because — at that moment — what’s happening would really be happening and not at the several step remove of some internet clip.

    The mind and all its processes can’t be under constant indictment by you prudes and moralists. What if I’m standing beside my dying grandfather in his hospital bed and suddenly have to take a dump? Should I throw myself out a window because my body is behaving like a body? What if I’m watching Monty Python’s The Holy Grail and I’m laughing during “Bring out your dead!” Am I a bastard because “the plague was a real phenomenon that ruined a lot of families in which good people died, including children…” Please.

    Stop the War Against Humor. You latter-day schoolmarms should take yourselves off this board, and go do something more appropriate — like join MADD. I remind you that this blog is called Dvorak *Uncensored*.

  18. interglacial says:

    I’ll give 3-to-1 that Heinrich Moltke is bobbo.

  19. LotsaLuck says:

    Let’s face it, we are ALL bobbo…

  20. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Hey Heinrich, I have a pretty good sense of humor, but is it OK that I just didn’t find this clip funny, and that I don’t care if you did?

  21. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    Heinrich, I made you laugh.

  22. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Dear Olo Baggins of Bywater:

    In light of your long nickname, I’ll give 7-to-2 that you’re bobbo. I’d have given 3-to-1 if you’d have used a comma, since he seems to like that, too.

    I don’t care whether somebody laughs at this clip or not. What I do care about is when somebody thinks it is UNTHINKABLE to laugh at this clip.

    Those unfortunate few ought to be given the Bradley Manning treatment forthwith.

    I’ll share with you one thing I find objectionable — and morally reprehensible: those Marc Perkel squirrel clips that kept showing up here. Like getting kicked in the nuts while throwing up in a feed bag having to watch those things — or getting waterboarded with the urine of a menstruating alley cat. So there, we both have things we don’t laugh at.

  23. ubiquitous talking head says:

    This is the first thing I ever remember criticizing a DU moderator for. FWIW.

    Hindlick, I have other handles/nicks/aliases, etc, but not on here. UTH is one that I’ve been using off and on since the BBS days back in the early 80’s. I don’t use it anywhere except here at the moment.

    In general my posts have one thing in common, which is that nobody ever says anything in response to them, so for that, I thank you.

  24. TThor says:

    She had a medical problem; this is not fun! Period!
    Actually, very bad taste Gentlemen. Very childish. There are a host of other and more appropriate issues to present here. Please!!!

  25. Heinrich Moltke says:

    hhopper: That YouTube clip is in excessively bad taste.

  26. Heinrich Moltke says:

    As long as we’re doing COINTELPRO, I’ll see you that and raise you this:


  27. DLee says:


  28. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Heinrich, I’ll take that bet, I was here at DU before bobbo, and he’s smarter than me.

    I hate those squirrel vids for a different reason…because those furred bastards are the true terrorists in our country. Why, every day we read yet another news account of some guy dying as his iron lung fails when a squirrel knocks out power to an entire city. Happens all the time.

    The squirrels must be stopped.

  29. jbenson2 says:

    From the station’s website:
    “Serene Branson was examined by paramedics on scene immediately after her broadcast. Her vital signs were normal. She was not hospitalized. As a precautionary measure, a colleague gave her a ride home and she says that she is feeling fine this morning.”

  30. Yankinwaoz says:

    Poor girl….
    In a way, she was lucky. She was trying to talk it became clear to her and others that something was wrong. So she could get to the hospital right away before more damage is done.

    I was thinking “What if that happened to me? How long would it take for someone or myself to notice?” It could be hours. When I get focused at work, I don’t talk to anyone for while. Who would notice, unless I fell over on the floor dead?


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