
There are conflicting reports about whether she suffered some sort of medical episode like a stroke. Branson was hospitalized after the incident. When 10 News called to check on Branson, employees at CBS 2 only said that “she is doing much better.”

I’m sorry if she had a medical problem but this video made me laugh out loud.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    If something is not done, I shall have to leave this board altogether…

    Don’t let the door hit your butt on the way out.

  2. The_Tick says:

    I wonder if schizophrenics ever have personalities disappear in a huff?

  3. Uncle Dave says:


    As the real Alfred has pointed out, there has been someone impersonating him, Fusion and others. His name is Heinrich Moltke and he has been banned.

    His fake comments are being deleted from this post.

    We allow a lot here on DU, but these kind of attacks under false pretenses aren’t.

  4. Named says:

    69 Uncy Dave,

    Great… Now Alfred is going to have a swollen head… and not from meningitis…

    BTW, how many times has Alfred threatened to leave this blog? It’s like he’s in an abusive relationship that he’s too scared to leave…

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    Named: I utterly disagree with Alfred on many things and wonder about his sanity at times 😉 , but that doesn’t mean he should be silenced.

    But if we’re going to have at least some level of reasonable discourse, impersonation kills can’t be allowed.

  6. The Old HM says:

    Aw, now, “banned”…

    I left my e-mail address behind purposefully as a wink to the moderators. They were hardly personal attacks or “impersonation kills”. I had no idea that any of the comments on this blog were meant seriously.

  7. Named says:

    72 Alfred E Newman
    “I wouldn’t think of leaving you to your own devices…that would be cruel.”

    Spoken like a true statist…

  8. Bobo the Hut says:


  9. ray says:

    I did not find this video funny.

    Oddly enough, I found #5’s comment hilarious.

    [I found it hilarious at first but then felt sorry for her after I realized it might be a medical problem. However, it IS news and has been on hundreds of blogs, all the TV networks and most local TV stations not to mention newspapers. – ed.]

  10. TardHumpin says:

    Uhm…So my comment got deleted even though I was impersonating no one. I simply picked a different name for the fun of it. I used my own email which I seriously doubt anyone else has used. And I made a pretty tame comment compared with the rest of the thread. Wow. Just Wow. I’ll leave the commenting to the rest of you clever souls from now on.

    Just one last thing, pseudointellectualism is the seed of the coming idiocracy.

  11. Big number says:

    Next on tap for DU: arguing about what color your shirt is with someone who’s colorblind. Drawing conclusions from someone’s morality by referencing their sense of humor, and only a snippet at that, sounds like something Glenn Beck should be doing. Pull out your chalkboard and let’s figure this out…


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