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And he wants us all to get vaccinated.
Poor McCain, he tried so hard to be another Bush but he didn’t make the cut.
Instead we all get to enjoy watching Sarah (Im)Palin’ rattle around like the loose cannon she is.
So one and for all you old fart, popular grass-root movement resulting in democracy good, or bad? you can’t have it both ways, you can’t only say its good when you f***ng like the outcome.
Seriously, how can such people be so blind to their own hypocrisy?
It looks like he might have had a movement during this interview
What the fuck?! Okay so Bush’s mission of spreading democracy throughout the middle east is actually fucking WORKING?! Of course now it needs to be spun as a bad thing because they still need a boogieman to instill fear in the public to ramrod home their agenda.
There’s a false flag on the way… without a boogieman the sheeple are standing up to the patriot act. That won’t last.
Bill Maher last night: so during a revolution in the street controlled by tanks and the military, the government is deposed by the Head of the Secret Police and the Military Commission and this is called “A Triumph for Democracy.”
Perhaps a bit harsh, but there is more work to do?
Sugar on Crap: Egypt is a proud culture with over 7000 years of History. There is no invigoration or information from history of the type referred to here, in Egypt or anywhere else. Just BS Spin to keep people asleep/distracted.
Dear Senator McCain,
It’s not a virus. It’s a pandemic. Made out of pandemium molecules that leak out of the interwebbitubes.
Get your story straight.
im sick of Israel
we should just scoop them all up and put them in texas instead of giving them money and weapons. they send american jews into palestinian slums with 24 hour soldiers to protect them. they tell them to have kids, thats it.
What a douchebag. Where’s the jingle when I need it?
The more he opens his mouth, the more I am glad I voted against him. Obama sucks, but not as bad as him.
It is sadly as depressing as it is funny to see the right-wing asshats try and dance around the subject.
This “virus” called democracy or freedom seeking or oppression revolt… extremely dangerous.
In what century is McCain? What an idiot!
Bill Gates called Open Source Software a virus once.
Apparently, if the powerful want us to be scared of something, that is the word they use.
It didn’t work for Gates. OSS is still here and growing. We need to make sure that democracy does the same!
Question is if this was true democracy movement (S.Africa for example) or “democracy” movement (Iran for example).
All posts above assume that they know for certain this was the first case. No one knows yet. We will need year or two to weed that out. Hence, by clear logic we must conclude that there is 50-50 chance this revolution turns out democratic. At best.
McCain assumes (equally wrong as all the posters above) the opposite. But that is what you must get from old seasoned politician, never mind military man. He assumes the worse. And there are plenty of pointers that this can be worse. Not certainty, but equal possibility…
He may have been misunderstood.
He should be afraid. His constituents have guns, unlike the Egyptians. He wouldn’t want “his” people to start think’n about Freedom.
The last thing conservatives want is for oil to be democratized or nationalized so populist movements in the Middle East scare the crap out of them.
>> # 4 Breetai said, on February 14th, 2011 at 11:10 am
>> Okay so Bush’s mission of spreading democracy throughout the middle east is actually fucking WORKING?!
The neo-con’s (remember them?) disastrous foreign policies set back pro-democracy movements by about a decade.
😛 you do know that the trigger for this uprising in the middle east were the fires in russia?? russian wheat fields were burning last summer, and russia stopped exports of wheat to the middle east to keep what was left for their own use. with the high unemployment(some in the 30% range) and a mostly young and restless populations in these countries it is no wonder they revolted, food prices are skyrocketing there (and here too did ya notice?)
it remains to be seen what if any democracy will be born outta this, lets just hope that egypt hand not jumped outta the pan and into the fire..
Iraq canceled their 16 fighter jets today and decided to feed the poor.
McCain needs to be kicked in the nuts.
So people on here disagreeing, I guess are in favor of having Israel surrounded by countries with regimes opposed to her existence?
As for neo-cons setting back democracy, William Kristol at neocon HQ The Weekly Standard is in support of ousting Mubarak.
Israel has always been surrounded by regimes opposed to her existence and William Kristol is a tool.
The Mubarak regime is not opposed to Israel’s existence, and has been at peace since the Camp David Accords. Jordan is also at peace with Israel.
FYI ya’all: Israel’s “fear”/concern is that the populations of the average people around her will be in a mood to throw of their dictatorships for some other form of tyranny. The tyrants so affects will attempt to distract them by appeals to patriotism and antisemitism as well as anti-Zionism. “The People” will be whipped up into an anti-foreigner fog of self destruction ((just like the USA Sheep regarding Sadam)) and tricked into invading Israel for the 10th straight time losing again.
The Mubarak regime is: gone. His handlers are still in place: Close but different set of issues.
Jordan: another illegitimate dictatorship playing the populous off against the Jews.
Maybe all y’all can understand the geo-political situation this way: its like High School Football. Ya gotta support the home team.
So it’s only a “real” democratic effort if the people agree with our policies?
these damn liberals like McCain are always against democracy
You are so good at building straw men and lighting them on fire. Bravo.
“The analogy in context, is accurate and innocuous…democracy is spreading like a virus…from host to host.”
It’s twice in two days, but I gotta agree with you again. You’re working very hard.
I agree with the darker interpretation too, which puts me squarely at odds of every political booster on both sides. Maybe when they all line up together that’s the best sign it’s a load of crap.
We heard about how highly educated the Iraqi population was too, but it didn’t end up mattering. Don’t forget that this isn’t a problem within a state, but a problem within two regions: North Africa AND the Middle East.
Also don’t forget that crime traditionally goes up during the summer as it gets hotter.
Also also don’t forget that Islam explicitly disagrees with a separation of religion and political/administrative control of territory.
I think he meant “Viral”. A 70+ year old man should never attempt to use trendy internet social media terms.
Liberals have no credibility claiming to support democracy. In the last decade we go from ‘The difference between Bush and Saddam is that Saddam was elected.” to Syriana to Obama hosting a state dinner for the jailer of the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
#9 ditto.
We are doomed.