Found by Cinàedh.

  1. KMFIX says:

    This woman is a waste of skin.

  2. Robublind says:

    Lets start with the ones that steal from others? Ann I know you write all your own stuff so you don’t have to worry.

  3. DavidtheDuke says:

    #2, oil speculation shouldn’t be allowed to exist. It goes against each company having to compete for a price by having a agreed-upon industry wide collusion by a small group of influential entities with money. Not that I think it’s going to change. Hell, oil’s the only reason the middle class got to exist at all I guess. Oh well.

  4. foobar says:

    Makes sense to me. That’s how they do it in China.

  5. Dallas says:

    I just had breakfast so I can’t watch that giraffe just yet but he/she get that adams apple shaved yet?

  6. foobar says:

    #7 “The markets serve a purpose…but relaxing the rules to allow pure speculation doesn’t seem to convey the same benefits.”

    I agree. More regulation is needed.

  7. Holdfast says:

    She is far from my political preferences, but that was a throwaway remark for laughs.

    I can certainly think of some reasons some journalists should end up in court. Most already in jail should be released and well rewarded for their work though.

  8. zrakoplovom says:

    Someday we will regulate the markets sufficiently to enable the enormous success seen by North Korea and Cuba. Those are the regulation models we should follow.

  9. brm says:

    Everyone who applauded this bitch should be jailed.

  10. lynn says:

    Does she just have this one black dress?

  11. foobar says:

    #11 Barney Franks would agree.

    #14 That deserves jail time.

    #15 Who the hell wears a cocktail dress at 7 am?

  12. Mac Guy says:

    Congrats, everyone. Welcome to Introduction to Sarcasm 101. Please leave your tinfoil hats at the door.

  13. Cursor_ says:


    Someone that was up all night drinking purple nipples and giving head to Jimmy Mac.

    Ann loves a man in gloves.


  14. Reagan says:

    Could someone please try to re-boot that Persson-bot, as hard as you can?

    It seems to be stuck in an infinite loop with no exit or abort options available in the code.

    Lousy programmers.



  15. dcphill says:

    Ann Coulter needs to be ignored and unpublicized. She is free to speak her mind,

  16. foobar says:

    chris said “Over 3/4 of transactions in commodities markets are people who are not producers or consumers.”

    That’s probably closer to 98%. And I’m only talking straight up the middle futures and options contracts at places like the Merc and Nymex.

  17. MikeN says:

    >of course DU left out the context of her remarks

    There’s no context in the full remarks. Right after that she goes to the next question. Before that she says that the US should support allies rather than invade everywhere. Here’s a larger excerpt courtesy of AOL’s 315 million.

  18. 1873 Colt says:

    Highly amusing to me how you lefties hate Palin and Coulter. Shows how the left hates powerful women with a mind. Funny, though, you love Oprah and the Sock Monkey’s wife. Guess it’s just white women you hate. How does Hillary get a pass? Probably because liberals don’t mind her husband shoving cigars into interns, and appreciate her ignoring it. Or, have we all forgotten he was impeached???

  19. Axl says:

    Say what you want – but she is HOT! …and SMART!

  20. MikeN says:

    >Guess it’s just white women you hate.

    Nope, for all the hate leveled against Palin and Coulter, just imagine if Republicans submitted as a candidate Condoleeza Rice. Blacks have to stay on the plantation.

  21. jbenson2 says:

    I’d love to see Mary Mapes and Dan Rather do the perp walk.


  22. Ah_Yea says:

    What a bunch of dolts here at DU.

    Of course more “Journalist” should be jailed.

    It’s simple, but for your benefit I will go slow.

    It is a common defense here in this blog to defend the rants of Olbermann and Maddow’s as “Commentary”. (The same goes for Beck and O’Reily, etc.)

    Journalism is protected under the 1st amendment. “Commentary” such as we see today certainly is not. What passes for “Journalism” today is what the National Enquirer did yesterday.

    If I were a lawyer, I would get together everyone Olbermann slandered under his “Worst person in the world” segment and hit his ass with a multi-million dollar class action lawsuit.

    Making these “Journalist” accountable for everything they say would raise the standard of reporting across the board.

  23. Reagan says:

    #28 No_No

    What a bunch of dolts here at DU.

    No shit!

    All the Brownshirts showed up at exactly the same moment to defend their Harpy-in-Chief.

    Remember what happened to the original Brownshirts, after they outlived their usefulness?

    Har! No big loss.

  24. chris says:


    foobar said: “That’s probably closer to 98%”

    I’ve heard before that it is average 15+ transactions on these instruments before it goes from producer to consumer. That makes sense with your estimation.

    It doesn’t seem mysterious to me why these things double, or more, year to year. Even less mysterious when all commodities move together for long periods.

    No way traders need to overwhelm a market to provide liquidity for end-users.

  25. FO says:

    Troll bait.

  26. Observer says:

    Jail all the journalists, then no one but Fox “News Channel” folks will be on the TV.

  27. desert hiker says:

    Gosh Alfie, if you don’t like Couric and Cooper then just don’t watch them. It’s that simple.

  28. Floyd says:

    So it’s OK for the lunatic right wing to lie or be ignorant, but it’s not OK for the center to call the right on their lies.

    By the way, Bachman was the laughingstock of Minnesota when I lived up there.

    On the other hand, Palin made herself a laughingstock nationally, as did O’Reilly. He can’t figure out tides at all.

  29. msbpodcast says:

    Alfred Persson in #2 said: The Democrats took over Congress in 2007, crashed the system via taking bribes

    Man what the fuck are you smokin’.

    The Dems didn’t take over until 2008 and the system was already crashed from 8 years of Bush robbing us blind, with Cheney as his accomplice.

    Stop trying to rewrite history when you can’t even the years right.

    I’m not saying we’re any better off, but lay off the Ganja man.

  30. msbpodcast says:

    Ah_Yea in #28 said: If I were a lawyer.

    But you’re not so STFU.

    If you were a lawyer, or an accountant, you’d look for some loophole that you could up your billable hours.

    I know accountants and I know lawyers and I don’t know why people attribute any form of noble motives to these scoundrels.

    I smoke cigars with these guys on Broad street every fuckin’ day and they’d be the first to tell you that they’re hopeless scum.

    And they’d smile at you s they imagined their billable hours going up…

    What are you going to do, sue ’em?

    They got you comin’ an’ goin’


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