Found by Cinàedh.

  1. Animby says:

    I’m going to bed. I can’t wait until I get up in the morning and read all the thoughtful comments about how hot the news babe is.
    Good night. Sweet dreams.

  2. TooManyPuppies says:

    If so, then it would be perfectly acceptable to take corporations and the government out. Get to work people.

  3. Basil says:

    What country is this about? The government pays companies to manipulate the public in the interest of the corrupt corporations.

  4. ECA says:

    When will we take back our government?
    When will the PEOPLE learn that THIS IS OUR government?
    WE ARE RESPONSIBLE for what it does.

    Its long and hard, to get OUR opinion to them..but NOW with the net, we can EXPRESS our opinions TO THEM. “IF THEY LISTEN”.
    and if they DONT? we have the NET.

    Its TIME, to NOT’ be spoon fed information on WHAT our gov is doing.


  5. Jeanne says:

    We may be their paycheck but they have the power to take the money away from us.

  6. msbpodcast says:

    in #5 Jeanne said: they have the power to take the money away from us.

    With the advances in technology that a few people like us have brought about, they even have the power to redefine what money is.

    Forget about taking it away from us. If you piss ’em off, they have the power to take money away from you.

    No more need to start a scam depression to take away everybody’s savings.

  7. msbpodcast says:

    In #4, ECA said: REMEMBER 1 thing…YOU ARE THEIR PAY CHECK.

    How naive…

    We would have to act in concert.

    We don’t do that kind of thing.

    Americans are individualistic idiots forever acting against their own best interests. You don’t even take care of your parents or you sick people.

    The owners of this country have nothing to worry about.

  8. ECA says:


    HOW much would we save, IF’ we cut salaries to the TOP pay outs?

    cAN ANYONE FIND THE PAY outs to all top federal workers. I know that the Vet admin makes over $300k per year.

  9. qwerty says:

    Trusting a “Russia Today” news program for information about WikiLeaks conspiracies is alot like trusting “Fox News” for information about where President Obama was born.

  10. Publius says:

    When a person depends more on who said something than on what they said, choosing not to think for himself and not analyzing the information itself, then this sort of person is going to be the target of repeated manipulations by authority figures throughout his lifetime.

  11. Reagan says:

    It is growing more and more difficult to get yourself labeled paranoid these days.

  12. foobar says:


    Mmmm. Hot liberal cyber girls. Beats the ball crushing fetus receptacles running the Tea Party.

  13. eighthnote says:

    Egypt just got rid of a corrupt dictator. The kind of stuff here about is *exactly* the kind of stuff you’d expect from a corrupt dictator. Sure, it’s on the lighter side of what’s possible, but this is surely within the scope of what one could expect.

  14. Publius says:

    Why would the government approve of plotting attacks against web sites while raiding other people’s houses ostensibly for the same crime?

  15. deowll says:

    #9 Views vary I suppose but I think Bill O thinks he was born in Hawaii. Hannity might disagree though he fakes/says stuff to stir people up.

    Do you have solid information that Obama wasn’t? This sucker has _something_ to hide because he’s spending a lot of money to hide it. I’m not sure what because I think he was born in Hawaii. Maybe it has the wrong guy listed as father or the birth certificate or a birth defect like being short a gonad, cross eyed, an extra digit somewhere or maybe a stub tail they had to amputate (1 in 10,000 I’m told and nobody ever has to know because they fix it now before you go home.)

    I’ll sell you a copy of my birth certificate for a lot less than it’s costing Obama to hide his.

    #11 I learned long ago that just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t out to get you.

    #13 The thought did occur. You said it first.

    #14 Because the gap between who they wish to appear to be and what they are is very large.

  16. Improbus says:

    Just assume anything the government or corporate PR (this includes “news”) says is a lie or slanted and you wont be far wrong. Assume the worst.

  17. noname says:

    deowll #16

    “I’ll sell you a copy of my birth certificate”

    You can give me your birth certificate for free, I still won’t believe it’s real.

    Maybe deowll #16 has the wrong guy listed as father or the birth certificate or a birth defect like being short a gonad, cross eyed, an extra digit somewhere or maybe a stub tail they had to amputate (1 in 10,000 I’m told and nobody ever has to know because they fix it now before you go home.)

  18. soundwash says:

    ..and people laugh, should you point out that we have become a fascist state in everything but name.


  19. God, Allah and other monikers says:

    I must admit, I did a fine job on her. Too bad about that imperceptible lump in her breast.

    Hey, I never said I was perfect.


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