This Episode’s Executive Producers and 277 Club Members: Sir Larry Roik, Mike DeBrock
Associate Executive Producers: Dan Henderson, Kyle Miller
Art By: Nick the Rat

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  1. nicktherat says:

    almost put the show number as an update number. funny cause i was doing that as soon as jcd said not to 😛

  2. deowll says:

    What kind of revolutionaries have to be told they can go and protest in front of Parliament?

    Why do I get the feeling the army/police can stop this any time they want to?

    The revolution is in part about high food prices brought on by gasohol? That does compute. Hungry people are very unhappy people.

  3. Beullar? says:

    Welcome back on the air! Thought maybe you were being routed through Egypt!

  4. CitizenX says:

    Good to see you back up and running.
    THANK YOU Admins!

  5. FRAGaLOT says:

    yeah wtf happened today? Site was down.

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    also that “AppleInvestor” banner ad at the top left is a dead link.

  7. jbenson2 says:

    Poor Bobbo has been going through withdrawal pains all day.

  8. Zybch says:

    #6 Is that the really annoying yellow one I always block because it fits into the

  9. Zybch says:

    #6 Is that the really annoying yellow one I always block because it fits into the page as well as Bin Laden would fit into a RNC convention?

  10. Glenn E. says:

    I think it’s an interesting coincidence that Youtube and Adobe changed flash again, just before this Egyptian revolution, so that lots of PCs were probably caught off guard, not being about to play anything. I’ve upgraded to Firefox 3.6.13 and Flash player and I still can’t see anything but a blank black rectangle.

    I’ve never had this damn much trouble with getting Flash to work before. And I know if worked just a few weeks ago. And I’ve got an old stand alone FLV player than plays downloaded flash files just find. So it’s only the browser plugin viewer that’s broken. Nice timing, if it was some kind of CIA directed objective. Now that the king is out, can we have backward compatible flash viewing again?!

  11. Glenn E. says:

    So NASA clears Toyota of the “electronic bug” being the cause of sudden acceleration. Are these the same NASA scientists that lost a Mars probe, because they got english and metric distance to Mars switched? And the same scientists that rushed to the press with their “life on Mars” evidence, from Antarctic exteriors? Without any independent peer review, as is standard scientific protocol. One or more of the same NASA scientists that claimed the Face on Mars was covered up. So we funded another satellite to photograph it again, and it practically vanished, because the previous photo was so doctored up to reveal detail that was never really there?

    Yeah, I’m so very convinced that NASA scientists would never lie to protect a major industrial entity or sponsor. Especially if in involved these Auto microprocessor chips, that could be flawed for more makes, than just Toyota. I remember hearing of the same problem with some Volvo and Honda models. So NASA isn’t just getting Toyota off the hook. They’re defending the whole industry’s use of a sloppily designed micro controller. Who knows if some cell phone, or police radio, or aircraft radio signal isn’t triggering cars to accelerate out of control. I’ll wager they didn’t test all frequencies and radio noise that these cars might conceivably encounter.

    Scientists who managed to miss all the ways the Space Shuttles might be brought down. Like loose foam hitting the wings. Aren’t very good at finding how to deliberately break something. They ought to outsource this job to some hackers. And see if they can reverse engineer whatever goes wrong, to real world causes. But I’m thinking they really don’t want to know. So they blame low cost fixable things, like floor mats and sticky gas pedals.

    And if these really are the cause, then the car makers need to add a de-accelerate solenoid, to the gas pedal linkage, activated by hard braking. Because obviously, nobody wants to mash down on both the brakes and gas, at the same time. Unless they’re stunt drivers, or nuts! So one should kick back the other, if the gas pedal is stuck, caught on a mat, or confused with the brake pedal.

    The problem just may be that they’ve redesigned gas pedals to be too damn easy to mash down on, and gun the engine to out race other vehicles. So owners don’t think they’ve bought a gutless hunk of tin. So now, the modern gas pedals, no longer hinged to the floor, feel the same as the brake pedal. And are so close together to be easily confused, in some cases. And easily jammed in others.

  12. Anonymous says:

    #11 Glenn E.

    Yeah, you just can’t trust those lyin’ scientists.

  13. B. Dog says:

    The Packers won the Super Bowl. John got too mesmerized by St. Lucy to comment on that. You know she thinks she’s so great, but there isn’t anyone at Uncle Sam’s Club that would let that crazy lady buy any of that fancy nano-thermite stuff. You know, the stuff that Jimbo Bush blew up WTC7 with.

  14. StillWalkingPoint says:

    NASA makes mistakes, typically once.
    The engineers working the Mars Climate Orbiter calculations used metric Newtons while the ground crew was inputing course corrections using Pound-force. As Maxwell Smart was so find of saying “missed by that much”.

  15. The_Tick says:

    I am starting to wonder if Adam’s idiot act is really an act at all. “don’t want to let the cops know where the protest is”? Really? Oh well, For me this show has lost anything that once made it good, but thanks for trying fellas, I am off to find something interesting because my playlist of shows based on ignorance and catchphrases is surprisingly full. CRANKY GEEKS RULES!!!!!!!

  16. Glenn E. says:

    Considering I’ve heard several “official” explanations of what cause the Apollo 13 malfunction, over the decades. We were first told it was a micro-meteor strike. Years later, it was said to be an incorrect voltage regulator that blew, and damaged the liquid oxygen tank. NASA actually claimed the wrong value regulator wasn’t cause, after they upgraded everything else to higher voltages. Then it was something else obscure, I can remember exactly. Heating wires, I think. And finally, the blame was put on the oxygen tank maker, who had dropped the thing, HARD, and cracked the insulated coating on the internal stirring motor leads. I wonder why they needed to wire the thing inside the tank, in the first place. Magnetic induction probably could have worked thru the tank’s wall. But the maker didn’t think that way. And NASA went along with the idea of running power wiring into the tank. If they’ve changed the design, they’re not saying. It’s a big secret.

    So why all the previous false stories about the cause? Were they just guessing? Are they still guessing? Were they more interested in protecting the manufacturer from being sued? Were they lying to keep the Missions going? Faulty a oxy tank design might have shutdown the remaining missions, for too long. So we got the meteor story. Then the voltage regulator one. Hey, I didn’t make this crap up. They did!


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