A married US congressman has resigned after a half-naked picture and emails that he sent to a woman he met on the internet were published online.

Chris Lee, a Republican who has represented a northwestern district of New York for the past two years, announced he was quitting just three hours after details of his extramarital liaison emerged…

The picture of Mr Lee was published on Wednesday by Gawker, the New York gossip website. The congressman had sent it to a woman appealing for contact on Craigslist, the classified listings site.

In her Craigslist posting, the woman asked for respondents to come forward and prove that not all men were “toads.” In his reply, Mr Lee wrote: “Hi, Hope I’m not a toad :)”

An email exchange between Mr Lee and the woman, who was not named, was also published. The congressman had claimed to be a 39-year-old divorced lobbyist and described himself as a “fit fun classy guy”.

Asked by the 34-year-old woman “so do you always send shirtless pics to women from [Craigslist]?“, Mr Lee responded: “Sorry. It’s all I had”. She replied: “I was only joking”.

The pair then exchanged stories about previous dates. It is unclear whether they met. The woman is said to have cut off contact when she searched the internet for Mr Lee and discovered his true identity.

Proving that a congressman can be as dumb as a high school sophomore who just discovered sexting.

  1. moss says:

    What. No American eagle tattooed on his chest?

  2. Hyph3n says:

    Wow! Just when the Republicans get a good holy-than-thou thing going, they have to go and screw it up. Don’t worry… the DrudgeReport, Rush, and et. al, will do their best to ignore it.

  3. Improbus says:

    Like most Republican legislators his “family values” are just for show. Hypocrites.

  4. Canine says:

    Even though we have the second amendment it doesn’t mean you get to wave your gunz around in public.

  5. AlanB says:

    39 years old? HA HA AH HA HA. Toad.

    Least he had the class to resign quickly without taking us through another media circus; albeit at the loss of some entertainment value.

  6. WmDE says:


  7. atmusky says:

    Well this guy was actually my congressman. He could have had his job for life, the district is solid Republican. I am an independent and thought he was marginally ok.

    He seemed a little to socially conservative for me (guess maybe wasn’t really) but economically he was more middle of the road and seemed to have workable economic views.

  8. Dallas says:

    #5 The class to resign? Oh please. His resignation is mere evidence that his political career centered on hypocrisy – like most conservative POS’s.

    He judged others (womans right to choose, LGBT marriage and DADT) to pander to his sheeple religo-constituents. Once his hypocrisy was exposed (no pun intended), he saw no way out.

    Same thing with the Vatican. Once one of their pinheads gets caught sucking a boys dick, there is little way out.

  9. Reagan says:

    We need to create a Darwin Award, specifically for politicians whose gross stupidity removes them from office before they can do significant damage to the country they supposedly represent.

  10. MikeN says:

    Doesn’t he know only Democrats get away with things like that? He really should have known better after having his power taken away by a bunch of trees, and when his leader wanted to groom a new apprentice.

  11. Guyver says:

    3, Improbus,

    Like most Republican legislators his “family values” are just for show. Hypocrites.

    As opposed to what? Liberals having “family values”? LOL

    That particular guy is certainly a hypocrite, but it could have been worse… he could have been running a brothel or redefining the meaning of “it” or the meaning of “sex”. 🙂

  12. michael says:

    What’s the difference between a US Congressman and a cow?

    The intelligent look on the cow.

  13. B. Dog says:

    Poor dumb guy. Well, not so poor, since congressmen get to be paid their salary for life, working or not.

  14. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    The big surprise with this most recent (R) politician is that he was playing games with a woman. An adult one, at that. lol

    This article seems, at first glance, even-handed.

  15. Lou says:

    Nothing better than new pussy. It’s just hard to break that news to the wife.

  16. Buzz Mega says:

    Look what I can do if—and only if—I crunch my diaphragm. Republican abs, unite!

  17. Mick Hamblen says:

    Speaking of Hypocrites ah yes John Boner

  18. bobbo, what is the value of an idea says:

    I thought it was “strange pussy” that was the catnip to the male? And the wife said push farther than 2 inches and you’ll find some. But enough of domestic bliss: Guyver–name the last Democratic Sex Scandal? Last I recall was Barney Frank and his boyfriend and he told everyone to STFU.

    No, the PUKES have the market on hypocrisy of all kinds, sexual, moral, financial, legal. We all need to read Dallas with more reverence. Imagine your political career/personal life being based on a series of shameless lies and posturing and its revealed???

    Hee, hee. OH==and why I posted to begin with: ties right in with the Patriot Act and our “expectations of privacy” thread below. I mean really: if you demand privacy on the phone–what of all the other exposures you make “on purpose?”

  19. Jason says:

    You are spot on Bobbo. The Rs and the Ds are both hypocrites but the Rs are FLAMING hypocrites compared to the Ds…

    Just more reasons that I am glad I am Canadian…

  20. All politicians make a living by stealing from the minority who voted for the losing candidate and those who didn’t vote because they know democracy is a sham. So color me NOT surprised by this or any other so called scandal. The fact that the sheeple allow themselves to get raped by the government systematically is the true scandal!

  21. soundwash says:

    sounds like the media smear machine is in full effect.

    this morning on 1010 am radio news here in nyc, he was reported as sending the pic to a 10yr old girl who was in reality, an undercover policewoman.. (?)

    so.. imo, like all supposed sex scandals, odds are strong that this was just another setup to removed one pol from office in order to install a more “compliant” stooge.

    -kinda similar to how they ousted elliot spitzer for nailing the major banks here with a $1.4billion fine for fraud.

    All is normal in the land of make believe.


  22. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Alfie–I let the first brain dropping go, but now I’m gonna go all Barney Frank on you: STFU.

    Your own personal “morality” is fine for you ((I’m guessing)) but you and your repugnant ilk have no right to impose your stupidity on others.

    FREEEEEEDOM: Other people doing what you don’t like. You are just a Taliban Asshole. Never appreciating the Freedom you exercise trying to take it away from other.

    Repugnant fundy. Ha, just struck me there must be a positive correlation between religious retardation and hypocrisy. I wonder where your lines cross Alfie. Tell us, what is your fetish?

  23. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    soundwash–I like your posts, but that is stupid. Lets get rid of Congressman X. Ok, lets set up a child molestation sting?


    You say the target is a PUKE?

    Carry on. I apologize.

  24. It’s funny. Half the people here defend the dems while the other half defend the pubs. All the while, we’re all getting screwed by both. There’s the real scandal. You’re all divided and ready to be conquered.

  25. LotsaLuck says:

    A word of advice to bobbo:

    “At a time when we are far too eager to lay the blame for all that ails the world at the feet of those who think differently than we do. It’s important for us to pause for a moment and make sure that we are talking with each other in a way that heals, not a way that wounds.”

    — Barack Obama

  26. Birddog says:

    What no cigar?

  27. Urotsukidoji says:

    All politicians are hypocrites and liars. Every single one of them is only there to serve their ego. They always say what they think you want to hear, simply to get elected. When will we just accept that fact?

    For that matter, politicians are not the only people that play these bullshit games.

  28. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    #29–Lotsa==make sure you never leave you house without your pants on.

  29. Oliver Klozoff says:

    Politicians lie. That’s what they do. Professionally. They lie to their constituents and they lie to their wives and children. No difference between Rube-publicans and Dumbocrats, except which eternally gullible bunch of drones (or cronies) supports them.

  30. bobbo, everything is the same and different, not just one or the other says:

    Crap. You idiots that spot 1-2-3 points of comparison and declare things are “the same” are – – – – well, – – – – idiots.

    Yes, thats it. Just the same as idiots. No gradation, no looking at the differences, just the same as idiots.

    Your simplistic idiocy is of the very same type you claim to see in others, but it is only a mirror to your own failings. Another control meme allowing the PUKES to rise above their natural base of 3%.

    You are all f*cktards.


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