Ach du lieber!

Talk about outsourcing.

The parent company of the New York Stock Exchange revealed Wednesday that it is in advanced talks to be purchased by the owner of the German stock exchange — meaning that the citadel of American capitalism soon could be foreign-owned.
The deal being negotiated calls for Deutsche Boerse to own approximately 60% of the company, the first time in its history that the iconic NYSE would be controlled by a foreign entity. Duncan Niederauer, NYSE Euronext chief executive, would be CEO of the combined company.

In some ways, the potential deal is the next step in the evolution of stock exchanges from nonprofit entities owned by their members to fast-moving companies with publicly traded stocks. The NYSE and many traditional stock exchanges switched to public ownership over the last decade, saying the rapid pace of technology and other forces required them to be more nimble and entrepreneurial.

  1. rcool says:

    Interesting timing with London, England Stock Exchange talking about buying/merging Toronto, Canada Stock Exchange!

  2. ± says:

    Der Traum lebt weiter …

  3. chuck says:

    I, for one, welcome our new nazi overlords.

  4. bobbo, what is the value of an idea says:

    Oh Damn F*ck IT!!! The stockmarket needs to be regulated back into the stone age when all they did was find the capital for IPO’s. EVERYTHING beyond that is GAMBLING or SKIMMING operation in the pursuit of the SUPER RICH getting richer at the expense of everyone else while creating nothing of value.

    Pisses Me Off – Big Time. Its the core stupidity that defines the closing of American Greatness.

  5. Animby says:

    Bobbo in #5 – Thank you so much for not offending me by typing out the entire word “Fuck”. I would have been so shocked and offended, To read it – not to do it! But, later, you used a euphemism for urine that seriously offended me. I’m sure you just ran out of asterisks and used the one you had left in what you considered the most vile word.

    ON TOPIC: Seems to me when another country wanted to run our ports, they ran afoul of national security issues. I would think the same would apply to something as sensitive as the stock exchange. On another note, it is good news since it seems to indicate foreign belief that our economy will turn around soon. Or does it? I’m a financial babe-in-the-woods.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    I have to wonder if this sale is a response to any threat of future regulations? The big banks had free reign of the OTC Derivatives. The gov. saw to it that it wasn’t regulated. Or should I say Alan Greenspan did, and the gov. cooperated with his conveniently “flawed” view of economics. Poor AG was a reportedly a broken man. Yeah, right. Boo hoo. I don’t buy the crocodile tears bit. I’ll bet old Greenspan left Congress, laughing all the way. He managed to resign, just in time, while all the sh*t was just about to hit the fan. And no matter what, I’m sure history will continue to paint him as some great and wise economist.

    BTW, there ought to be an Inverse-Nobel prize, given for the biggest screw-ups of the year. But that would most likely always be awarded to major corporate CEOs and key gov. and fed officials. So it’s hardly a contest, to weed those out. And no matter how badly they screw things up, they still like to believe they performed miracles. At least they did so, for their super rich friends. I’m sure Greenspan, and his successors, are all immune from any considerations of manipulating the system for person gain, and Insider Trading law violations.

    The sale of the NYSE to some German entity will probably further distance future manipulators from federal oversight. Otherwise, WHY ELSE DO IT?! Gaming the rules, is pretty much the reason any big deal operation makes major changes to itself.

  7. Animby says:

    # 7 Glenn E. said, “there ought to be an Inverse-Nobel prize, given for the biggest screw-ups of the year” There kind of is: Check out and it’s ig nobel prizes.

    As for Pedro? Ignore him. He’s a petulant, semi-literate product of a European education.

  8. What? says:

    More of the manipulators manipulating the manipulators.

    Stock market is a sham.

  9. Reagan says:

    Since corporations are trans-national, why shouldn’t stock exchanges be trans-national?

    In fact, why not have one big stock exchange for the entire world, owned and operated by corporations as a corporation, so it isn’t accountable to anyone, anywhere, at any time?

    That way, none of these pesky rules and regulations, implemented to protect investors, could possibly get in the way of wild and crazy, imaginary corporate profits.

    Talk about a New World Order! Fucking Ferengis own the fucking world.

  10. Nobody says:

    Are the shares for the NYSE traded on the NYSE?
    Then why can’t anyone buy them?
    Is anyone in the US familiar with the concept of capitalism?

  11. bobbo, what is the value of an idea says:

    YOU KNOW, It strikes me that an issue can be troll bait, only if you are a troll?

    But I’ll bite: Animby, only one reason I use asterisks in f*ck and that is to help DU along by avoiding spam/porn filters that don’t like Anglo Saxons. Do you really expect anyone to say “Urinates Me Off?” Now, remember to play nice cause there is no bigger tell than saying “I don’t care.” I thought that “other” comment of mine might raise a hackle, but only if you do care? Aren’t docs the caring type? Should be, and I believe you are. Thats a compliment.

    Maybe if the Stock Exchange were foreign owned, our own regulators would have one less excuse not to do their jobs?

    Sad, sad, sad – and it continues.

  12. Animby says:

    #17 Bobbo. My apologies. I did not consider the effect on porn filters. But, I’d go further and suggest that a wordsmith of your intelligence should be able to find suitable alternatives.

    Of course, I care. But I’m more in the Doc Martin model (Brit TV) or maybe Ted Danson’s Becker (US TV) but not as abrasive as House (a Brit acting on US TV).

    Oh, well, in the words of Confucius: Is better to be pissed off than to be pissed on.

  13. JimD says:

    Any structural “moves” in the Stock Markets are just to make it EASIER TO STEAL !!! Barnum said “A sucker is born every minute!!!” That’s the “Markets” Mantra !!! That’s how they make OVERNIGHT MILLIONAIRES – THE OLD FASHOINED WAY – THEY ***STEAL IT*** !!!

    p.s. Your “Due Dilligence” may be considered INSIDER INFORMATION by the SEC !!!

  14. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Animby–thank you. Being called a wordsmith by someone as erudite and megagaltastic ((I know that will urinate on you)) as you is high compliment.

    but review the literture. That is maybe the 3rd time in years I used the term and maybe the first time for pisses me off.

    Yes, it really does concern me what the USA is doing to ourselves. Its one thing to lose an empire, quite another to throw it away. But that’s probably how it looks to any thinking person on the inside.

    Stoopid Hoomans, all in a group.

  15. Herr General von Schlepper says:

    ODESSA makes its penultimate move. ^o^

  16. Somebody says:

    Oh, so if the stock market is owned by foreigners, you’ll freak out, but if DC is owned by foreigners, you won’t even bother to notice.

  17. Animby says:

    #21 Somebody : Don’t be silly. DC is not owned by foreigners … wait … are the Illuminati foreigners?

  18. Kent says:

    Globalists and the New World Order….Alex Jones was right all along.


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