Found by Cinàedh.

  1. Rufus Redneck says:

    Monty Python was a prophet.

    Little old ladies can be dangerous… very dangerous!

    Fair warning: Don’t fuck with them and you won’t get hurt.

  2. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    Those were some sissy ass bikes those hooligans had!

  3. msbpodcast says:

    Go, go, go granny, go go go…

    How can you tell this wasn’t in the US?

    They weren’t threatening each other with guns.

  4. Rob Leather says:

    This all took place in Northampton.

    The further North you go from London, the more likely you are to get hammered by a random person whilst carrying out some crime.

    Four kids in Salford tried to carjack two guys and ended up in hospital. They managed to stop the car the contained two Karate instructors.

    Also, how can six guys not break a window with sledge hammers? Rubber hammers?

  5. Duffy says:

    WTF – did you see that Cop – he was just like… walking up. Hello – why the F aren’t you running to catch the bad guys. Saving the dirty work for little old ladies. C’mon.

  6. bigds63 says:

    Just watch the movie ( Drag me to Hell ) you will never look at a old person the same.

  7. the man says:

    conservatives are ruining the world.

  8. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    #7 heman – Other than getting their ass kicked by granny and those pussy mopeds they were riding, what makes you think they are conservos?

  9. Murx says:

    #5 Duffy – That wasn’t a police officer, it was a parking inspector. They swan around in high viz jackets and don hats and nametags to create the illusion of authority.

    Hmm.. Too much No Agenda I think.

  10. Mark says:

    How do you know this didn’t happen in America? Because at least some of the robbers would’ve been shot dead almost immediately. Thank you Smith and Wesson.

  11. roeboedog says:

    It sure did take them a long time to close the doors on the windows.

    And it confirms it is not in america, the shop keeper and the old lady would have been shot dead.

  12. bobbo, who puts themselves in danger? says:

    Note right at the start of the video that Granny runs over from way down the street. I will wager she has an ownership interest in that store or a family member working there.

    And we should all compliment the robbers for maintaining a shred of their humanity in not taking the old woman out.

    And if I were the camera guy, I would not have moved in to help either. I would have focused in on the perps and their license plates but that is about it.

  13. wtf says:

    I’m glad it wasn’t in America. Some “brave” cop would have rolled up and tazed granny. Then the perps would have sued granny for emotional distress and won.

  14. SN says:

    I don’t know what was more pathetic. The fact that those guys were stopped by a little old lady. Or the fact they were driving scooters as get away vehicles.

  15. wtf? says:

    f’ing idiot criminals try to break into a store with sticks
    limber (alleged) grandma runs up and scares the idiots away
    crowds of individuals and a civil servant swarm combination moron and poor driver who fell off his bike
    I feel like I’m watching tapes from a mental hospital

  16. deowll says:

    Interesting. Not out of line for dumbest criminals TV either.

    Underlines a simple truth. If you don’t want to be a victim and there isn’t a cop watching when the thugs decide to make you one it’s up to you to “rut hog or die”.

  17. Jopie says:

    Stupid dumb talk about progressives and conservatives…
    It’s called “divide and conquer”.

  18. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    In fairness to the sissy-bikes, you can drive bikes up 50cc when you are 16, anything else you need to be 17 or above … frankly, I think they should let kids drink at 16, drive mopeds at 18 (once they’ve learnt how to drink properly) and drive real vehicles at 21 … this smash-and-grab being one good reason why keeping kids on low-powered vehicles is a good thing!

  19. jescott418 says:

    Because they have strict gun laws. Granny was much safer doing this then in the US. If she would have been killed the story would have read much different.

  20. IndyMan says:

    That looks fake(d).
    Old people got old by being tough, and smart.
    Nonetheless, I carry gunS on me for crap like this.

  21. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    Can you legally shoot someone for doing a smash-and-grab in the us?

  22. green says:

    Totally looks fake.

    “feel good” story of the day.

  23. bobbo, what is the value of an idea says:

    #24–Ben==”Can you legally shoot someone for doing a smash-and-grab in the us?” //// No. Your own personal safety has to be reasonably perceived as “at risk.” While the line can be a close call at times, absent a threatened attack on you, you have to let these criminals run away–or hope for jury nullification.

    I’ve always disagreed with that for homeowners and maybe even business owners==both protecting their property. Now, should third party’s be able to shoot criminals? I’m right on the fence for that.

    some interesting hypo you can try to draw out on that though, and there does seem to be a growing exception for cop initiated violence. Especially if you “shoot them” with a camera?

  24. Buzz Mega says:

    Grannies with .357’s are even more effective.

  25. Troy says:

    I’m wondering what the chance is that a camera would be set up on a tripod, the other side of the street with that faming? I would like to know the story of the camera operator that led up to this.

  26. hhopper says:

    Now you’ve hit on the fishiest thing about this.

  27. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    As for the veracity of the video, it is pretty well documented: The arrests were real … I can’t imagine someone was willing to go to jail for the sake of an internet meme …

    As for an armed granny, I don’t see how a firearm would have made a difference in this case. Unless you can simply open fire or hold them at gun point (and if either case was true, the robbers would have been armed too mostly likely) a hand bag can do the job just as well. Indeed, because there are so few guns once granny got involved others did to.

    Back before fighter aircraft, machine guns, armored vehicles and mortars having guns made sense to defend property, keep government in check and act as a balance of power. In these modern times the right to a free press, the right to film police, the right to maintain mass communication are much more important that the right to have a few weapons lying about. Both politically (and in the case of a robbery) communication and surveillance is a much better tool than .45.

  28. Glenn E. says:

    So… In one of thee most security camera’d cities in the world… the only pictures were taken by a civilian film crew… who just happened to be there, filming, at just the right moment. I don’t think it was a cellphone video. But you’d think London would have a camera or two, aimed at a jewelry store. And the coppers might take an interest, in three guys revving their motorbikes, while three others swing away with maul hammers at unbreakable glass. And yet the very first responder is a woman in her 70s! No foot cops, no patrol cars.

    Glad to hear (or see) that the world’s most extensive and expensive city surveillance system is working just fine. Londoners better get use to the idea that they’re going to have to tackle the bad guys themselves. Because the system their taxes paid for, is likely bogged down by inefficiency.

  29. Ben-in-the-woods says:

    It was Northampton, mate, not London. If it was London people would have either covered their Grande Latte’s and run away in-case their designer shoes get scuffed or they would have grabbed what the robbers didn’t ….

    … but ya, you are right, CCTV is pretty useless …

  30. Rob Leather says:

    One question. Why didn’t the would be thieves just enter the place and rob it from the INSIDE.

    If you watched the video, the door is clearly open, one of the guys inside looks out and leaves it open.

    Plus, 50cc mopeds as getaway vehicles? Hmmmm.


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