Above you can see the Super Bowl commercial for Chrysler, giving quite an inspiring look to the city, despite some of the communist/marxist art in the video, which might have been included to appease the unions.

This video provides a look at the stray dogs situation in the city. A warning to our readers, the video can be quite graphic and upsetting.

  1. Ssquared says:

    What people fail to realize and what makes this commercial work so well is that Detroit, Chrysler and M&M have all made massive mistakes in their past and despite that all 3 are trying to come back. Will they make mistakes in the future. Probably, but as long as they keep trying as long as they keep getting back up. They have the possibility of success. Spew hate hold them down for past mistakes, whatever. Make fun of grammar or spelling, whatever. It seems the message was lost on you. To paraphrase a Japanese proverb. Fall down eight times get up nine. As much as I hate living in this region I have tremendous respect for the locals refusal to give up.


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