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I like the new iPad ad
The commercials this year were a snooze fest. And yet still far more interesting than the Superbowl itself. You picked out the best two though.
I always wonder why I like/or don’t the “look” of one babe over another. As my buds used to say: “Turn off the lights and they all look the same.”
I’ve been attracted to ones that are vaguely similar to my mother (just a brunette?) and those who aren’t (blonds and red heads).
It must be something more than a bag of bones and a hank of hair? I don’t have a good sense of smell either so its not hormones. and I’ve like flat as well as large chested women too–so its not two things taken as a whole.
Damn mystery.
The Motorola ad made me laugh, which made my guests look at me funny…they didn’t get it. It’s a nice ad, and about time someone poked Apple.
They could have at least “poked” apple with something that didn’t look like it came straight out of the apple catalogue
Parking monkeys trumped these 2 in my opinion. There seem to be a lot of them in MD…
I don’t watch football.
I did watch the ads, on the intertubes last night.
They all were pretty much inferior to past years.
However, I did kind of like seeing that bitch Roseann getting killed by the log.
Oh. And That black couple assaulting the white woman. Well, that was just like Oakland.
People didn’t get Motorola add,they did a giant favor to apple.
No one saw that they are mocking apple,where they
created world with blind followers(not far away from the truth)
Little Vader and Cram it in the Boot were up there for me.
I’m with you Christ (#10)
I think the Mini ad “Cram it in the boot” was my fav.
#9 -too funny.
i see those bloody white headphones *everywhere* in Manhattan..
Although.. i think the opening frame of the tablet set the tone and overall intention (and subtle jab) quite clearly:
George Orwell
(everything is always hidden in plain sight)
A touch tablet which costs around $800, the Android OS of which Motorola got for free. Bring it in below $400 and that would be impressive.
Gotta love the snub to Apple the pad ad. They guy is reading 1984. For those who don’t know, Apple launched the Macintosh with a Superbowl ad based on 1984.
The car ad, that yacht is real. It is owned by a Russian billionaire. It was cruising the California coast late last year. A friend of mine and I went out and buzzed it in a small powerboat. It is impressive.
Why, oh, Why do all these damn videos default to maximum volume?
So, in order to watch the Bud Light YouTube video, you have to claim you’re of legal age (’cause no teenager would ever lie to YouTube)!!!
Presumably, since this commercial was shown on broadcast TV children -gasp- may have been exposed to this tribute to alcohol abuse.
Thank god, we are protected on the internet
Apple iHand
Apple Fans Chopping Off Hands In Anticipation Of New iHand
I go for the last one.
I just don’t get the point of a lot of ads, including the Kia ads — “Buy our car and get car-jacked five different ways!”
At least the game itself was a real contest, with the result in doubt almost to the end.