1. Rufus Redneck says:

    You are weird, hhopper.

    Very, very weird.

    Please carry on and don’t let the inevitable hamster’s Democrat/Republican debate over this commercial get you down.


  2. hhopper says:

    I take pride in being weird.

  3. bschuler says:

    After this commercial, I yelled out, “Everyone put down your Budwieser, It turns you gay!”
    That is what this ad is about right?

  4. skunkman62 says:

    it reminded me about the six beer theory

  5. McCullough says:

    I’ve always thought the Budweiser commercials to be some of the best of the Bowl.

    The beer however, belongs in a different bowl….the shitter.

  6. chuck says:

    So, budweiser makes you gay?
    That confirms what I always suspected: any one is just 6 beers away from being gay.

  7. Animal Mother says:

    My God, this was one of the stupidest beer commercials ever and that’s saying something.

  8. Glenn E. says:

    Once again Youtube broke their site for my browser. Or the version of Flash player I have that makes it work for Flash clips. It’s not the browser’s fault. I still can download clips with the “downloadhelper” add-on. But as of Feb. 2011, the flash screens went black, without any playback-slider progress bar. Or playback buttons. And I don’t remember Youtube posting any warnings (ever) that they’re about to alienate tons of their users. So once again, I’ve got to hunt down yet another non-backward compatible Adobe Flash player version. And hope it doesn’t include all sorts of spyware caveats.

  9. Glenn E. says:


    Well Adobe’s motto must be, “ALL YOUR SCREENS ARE NOT BLANK BECAUSE OF US”.

  10. M0les says:

    Peter Stormare?


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