I realize this is old news to this group, but the article nicely catalogs both how different and un-different (to coin a word) Obama has been from your typical political hack, especially in regards to regulations.

President Ronald Reagan did not make any bones about his intention to reverse the New Deal economics when he set out to promote Neoliberal economics. Likewise, president George W Bush did not conceal his agenda of aggressive, unilateral militarism abroad and curtailment of civil liberties at home.

There is a major similarity and a key difference between these two presidents, on the one hand, and President Barack Obama, on the other. The similarity lies in the fact that, like his predecessor, Obama faithfully, and indeed vigorously, carries out both the Neoliberal and militaristic policies he inherited. The difference is that while Reagan and Bush were, more or less, truthful to their constituents, Obama is not: while catering to the powerful interests vested in finance and military capitals, he pretends to be an agent of “change” and a source of “hope” for the masses.

There are also, of course, re-election considerations here. And here it seems that the president’s team is pinning his chances for re-election on big business and big media; confident that once he is able to win their hearts and minds, they will, in turn, be able to manipulate the public to vote for him – just as they did in the 2008 election.

And we Americans are nothing if not manipulatable.

  1. McCullough says:

    #37. foobar is right, you are the fool. And it never ceases to amaze me when idiots think differently.

    Obama is a Bush conservative. Like it matters.

  2. Dallas says:

    #39 Mehh. The only thing that came from narrow mind might be “Barak Obama is a fascist”.

    Everything else is a collection of cut and paste incoherent bullshit you found surfing the net. I thought maybe it was a poem but nothing rhymes.

  3. Animby says:

    # 4 bobbo, said, “Tollybong–I admire your nit picking.”

    I do not. If one picks nit, one ought to be certain the nit is valid. Check the Cambridge dictionary to find out a hyphenated re-election is quite acceptable. Admittedly, it should not be but sometimes misspellings become accepted.

    And “manipulatable” is a perfectly fine adjective.

    Bobette – please do not encourage self-proclaimed “spellingnazis” who know not whereof they write.

  4. bobbo, what is news to you says:

    Animby==you are also quite the word master yet you have not slapped yourself on the back for that. Yes, I often compliment people who don’t deserve it just trying to raise the feel good level of those participating here. I like complimenting people, its a real burden for me to have to identify all the dumbshits posting here. Perhaps you have noticed that yourself? Ha, ha. OK==like Peepod, most of us only post to amuse ourselves.

    But right or wrong, Tollybong, YOU, cursor, confusion et al should all offer comments on spelling and word choice. It’s the evaluation rather than the conclusion that is meritorious. As I demonstrate constantly, I’d rather use the wrong word for various reasons. No Jesuit training for me. Words have a meaning but what is meant to be said may be the difference between the dictionary and the usage==heh, heh, when the meaning in either sense is in a ballpark that uses the same shaped ball? Shoot, gotta go case by case.

    Thats my position, now put that ruler away.

  5. Animby says:

    # 42 bobbo said, “I’d rather use the wrong word for various reasons.”

    Let me be perceptually clear here – I have absolutely no objection to using the wrong word if it elicits humor or makes a point. My complaint lies with (and picks up fleas from) the sanctimonious dogs who make plain pronouncements of superiority without exerting the courtesy of a ten second google check. Hell, even my Firefox spell checker accepts “re-elect” (though at this moment it’s screaming at me for not capitalizing Google). Speaking of Google, as I said misspellings often become accepted. It is my understanding that Google was meant to be Googol.

    I’m pretty sure when I’m on the road, I make many spelling errors as my Android doesn’t do a great job of spell checking. So, I’m inclined to be a bit generous about spelling errors. Less so with grammar though I try to think of what MY grammar sounds like when I’m speaking Thai or Arabic or whatever.

    I kind of like the way you are able to twist the verbiage when it suits your porpoises. I even like msbpodcast’s use of the lingo. If only he weren’t so wrong-headed. I do think it’s important for the users of this blog to remember it’s a forum for exchanging ideas. Jeez – we even allow Alfie to post here. If someone is looking for a forum to exchange English lessons, I’m sure a quick Googol search will turn up a few.

    Thanks for the complement. My mother would be pleased. She wanted me to be an English teacher. When I became a doctor, she merely said, “But you look like a plumber.” So, I hitched up my pants and briefly considered a career as a urologist but, as a full-time job, it’s a real pisser.

    BTW, Bobbo – re your #34 – I have a friend who works for the FDA. He claims it ought to be titled The Semi-Pure Food and Drug Act.

  6. bobbo, what is news to you says:

    Alfie–I’ll respond to you only so that you know I am ignoring you. Ordinarily I would assume you were just running a long term performance art piece of a brain damaged perverted religious fundamentalist of hyperextended incompetence–but too many here come in a close second, so I am forced to come to grips with the fact that your type exists. A pox on you all.

    Pedro–still no names huh? So self defeating, even after having it pointed out to you. Do you think I’m the only one who won’t go look up the number to see if it is their post you choose to denigrate? Silly boy, grow up.

    Animby–boy, I hate sancti-moan-on-us dogs too. How come my reaction was one of thinking it was “humorous?” I didn’t even tell Tolly I was trying to spell isolated rather than insulated. Interesting how either is appropriate and neither spelled correctly? The rules of English grammar are like any language totally arbitrary. Hyphen here, runon there, no consistent rule. A special pisser for me is the closing quotation mark. Reviewing my own work here, I see I misplaced the “?” above as it should fall outside the quote. I’m just too antiauthoritarian to follow someone “else’s” rules! Gosh, I’m tired of trying to install drivers for my sound card–I’ll do anything instead.

    Ha, ha.

    Foolbar: dumb as Alfie to gloss over very different philosophies/personalities just because they share a few grievous faults. When was the last time you recognized you were wrong and learned therefrom accordingly? Sad when you were given an excellent example/rationale from Greg Allan. Dare I say stoopid too?

    Let’s see. Well deserved compliments and rebukes. Fair and balanced? Ha, ha.

  7. bobbo, what is news to you says:

    Pedro—a learning experience that like Alfie and Foolbar you will miss: “I” am not affronted, I just will not take the time to go back into the thread to see if your numbers line up with me. If I am doing that, so are others. If you post with any appreciation at all in getting a response, then YOU are limiting that exchange in full caution that that is what you are setting up for yourself. Now, if you just want to come a plop your glop, then you are beyond reproach. PeePod is however in the minority. Sure, most of us enjoy playing with our own poop, but we need the input of others to keep it interesting. Even you Pedro. You aren’t that dull witted to get along based on your own self pleasuring.

    But you refuse to learn. So many otherwise intelligent posters here are like that, and they aren’t all doctors or the religiously constrained. What is your excuse?

  8. English Bob says:

    Your paycheck: chump-change you can believe in. Oh, wait. That’s right, you don’t HAVE a paycheck anymore. Never mind.

  9. CrankyGeeksFan says:

    #5 Lakelady – Liberal as used here refers to neoliberal economics.

    Barack Obama was the Goldman Sachs candidate in the 2008 Presidential election.

  10. MikeN says:

    Bobbo, it is the Democrats and Obama specifically making an assault on the middle class and poor. Energy prices are up, car prices will be going higher thanks to Obama’s miles per gallon mandate, etc.

  11. gmknobl says:

    Speak for yourself, original poster. I voted for him since McBain would have been more of a disaster. But to truly do America good, you’ll need to get a hard-line reformer like the Roosevelts. Until we learn, as a nation, that liberal IS best, we are doomed to fall apart and become another failed Roman Empire.

  12. bobbo, what is news to you says:

    Alfie–“usually” I read a post without paying attention to who wrote it. Then if I think I might want to respond, I note who posted it and I read it again–then I decide. If the post is long, I see who posted it. When you post a longer one, I skip it. You were interesting abut 3-4 times, what was that?-a year ago? One trick ponies Alfie. Even elegance repeated too often loses its shine. I don’t know why you don’t take the word skills you do have, the bottomless trove of 4th grade insult humor, and use it to critique the specific comments/positions of people here===not the boilerplate crap you regurgitate at every meal. You might even like it.

    MikeN==too Alfie, too silly. The main difference between you and Alfie is your brevity–and that is appreciated. You do have a few subjects you express some actual thinking on. I forget what they are right now. Was it AGW or printed circuit boards?

    I could review myself, but I think Peepod has captured me sufficiently.

    Ha, ha. So resistant to new/opposing ideas. Makes us all rather knee jerk puppets in the dance of life.

  13. bobbo, who puts themselves in danger? says:

    Pedro–I take Obomanation to fit two different word plays: one you have picked (on purpose or subconsciously?) – Abomination meaning a loathsome person or situation, and the other being “Obama Nation” meaning what he is making our country into. Either fits, but like you I think the hypocracy/ineffectualness that Obama demonstrates is the more glaring.

    At firts, Obama’s character was clouded by the shit storm BushtheRetard left him which IS still ongoing, but Obama’s own character/lack there of shines thru still. Like all politicians-he is bad but still better than any PUKE I can think of==ball lickers all.

  14. MikeN says:

    It’s not Obama’s fault that Congress passed a health care law that wasn’t constitutional and got thrown out. Well he could have avoided it but he had to pay off his insurance company friends. Nevertheless, he passed health care reform which has been the lefty dream for 70 years.

  15. Somebody says:

    That was Old Barack.

    Nubarack means all that stuff he’s saying.

  16. G2 says:

    #64->And we’ll all learn that as we just get to know him better. Before, we just didn’t like him because we didn’t know him.

    I lernt about ‘im pretty danged quick!

    Paraphrased: “I’m gonna steal money from these people, give some of it to these other people, and give the rest to my friends. And I’m gonna do legally by using the hucksters you vote into office!”


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