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Shocking: Boy Murdered by Police in Alexandria Egypt Even as He Surrendered!
By hhopper Sunday February 6, 2011
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Thugs. Society is a thin veneer that in the best of societies can barely contain the will to abuse of anyone in power.
So this policeman shoots a citizen, and Mubarak has stolen how many Billions?
All the same: oppression of those whom you can.
Bye-bye H.M. Hope you enjoy the resort.
What we are seeing is proof that we should never surrender our guns. We might need them some day.
It’s hard to tell exactly what that video shows. I couldn’t help thinking it was odd how he seemed to keep his hands hidden in the jacket the whole time. Why didn’t he just lose the jacket and put his hands in the air?
Perhaps it was as the title suggests. I just don’t think the video itself definitively shows what the title suggests.
sick fucks!
yay snuff films….
Police everywhere are going to be tarred with the same brush, as psychopaths and sloppy, uncaring, unfeeling sociopaths.
But if the shoe fits, throw it.
There are many ways to stop a kid without lethally shooting him. Shooting him in the legs (or crotch) is an obvious one.
Given the distance between them and the fact that the suspect was not running either to or from the officers, this was a deliberate act.
I would consider his a homicide.
#7 Police everywhere ARE tarred with the same brush. No normal person becomes a cop, only those with inferiority complexes or barely literate sociopaths.
#9 or people a lot more decent than you who actually give a s**t about serving and protecting those in need of it!
(FYI I am not and have never been in the police.)
#3 it shows why police should not normally be armed and, if they aren’t, why civilians shouldn’t be either.
How do we know he is a “boy?”
Looked like he just fell over to me. Cops told him to lie down and he complied.
What do we expect in a country of turmoil?
#10 fool
Cops need guns more than ever. Just don’t employ murderers, by having constant cop personal surveillance and an independent bad cop jurisprudence however that’s spelt.
also #10 don’t give civilians guns that can discharge 30 rounds in under 10 seconds. That is not needed for personal protection.
I don’t think we can say what happened here. Maybe he didn’t have time to set off the grenade. Maybe he kept approaching when told to freeze. Who knows? Maybe the cops didn’t like his looks.
Whatever it is, it won’t hold up in any court.
Not saying it is, but this could be easily faked. My first reaction is to doubt anything coming out of the Middle East.
Funny I can only find one report of this in the news. That’s in Al Jazeera who only say it “appears to show” the man being shot by what appears to be police. They also say they don’t know if he died.
Personally, getting your news from YouTube seems about as smart as writing your thesis using Wikipedia as your reference.
Every day there are dissidents shot with ammunition made or paid by the U.S around the world. This guy is just “lucky” to be filmed.
Actually it is USA fault.
For someone that is quick in the tongue to call someone moron you are very ill informed.
Thankfully I come from Europe.
That video doesn’t prove anything.
He may have been ordered by the police to do something like “lie down or be shot”.
And you don’t know that he was shot, the video could have been tampered to include a gun fire that never occurred.
And if he was shot, it may not have been fatal … we get all of a couple of seconds after the alleged shooting.
Then again, maybe he was really shot. And maybe he was really shot fatally. And maybe the police gave him orders that he did not comply with if he did get shot.
You cannot trust propaganda no matter who it comes from and there is a lot of propaganda going on with the whole Egypt situation right now.
Video cannot be summarily trusted, it could be creatively edited to give a certain biased perception.
The kid must of been one of those dirty rotten liberal commie niggar/wetback democrat unemployed Obama types. In Egyptian that translates to “Target Practice”.
#22 – Well, I like the way I … uhh . you …uhh … WE think.
#8 pedro
“When corruption meets anarchy…” is one of the most thoughtless statements I’ve ever heard. Especially when it is the government police doing the shooting. If the government there was so great, why would people be revolting? People are revolting because the minority is oppressing the majority. If it were the other way around, the minority would be sufficiently suppressed and powerless to revolt, like it is here in the good ole US of A. When the majority oppresses the minority, it’s called democracy.
#24 Blackie – Don’t be bothered by Pedro. He’s from Europe.
How many shots did those alleged Egyptian police take at that alleged egyptian kid? Seems like the alleged Egyptian cops are best defeated if that alleged Egyptian kid would have presented a moving target. Don’t just sit there and wait for them to get the right shot off, fuckin move. Evade. RUN!!! Or better yet, shoot back.
#25 pedro
I never said you need fire arms to create anarchy. Learn how to comprehend what you read. Actually, learn how to understand what you write.
Anarchy is a situation where there are no rulers. Until the Egyptian gang aka government is disbanded, there are still rulers there. What’s happening in Egypt is when the ruled revolt against the rulers. That is not anarchy, that is revolution. Hopefully, they don’t replace one gang of tyrants with another. Unfortunately, most people don’t understand what freedom is. That’s why they clamor for democracy, which in itself antithetical to freedom.