Seriously this is a darwin award candidate why? he is obviously pretty skilled at riding a motorcycle.
[If any one of those cars or trucks had suddenly moved out of it’s lane, he would have been dead meat. A good portion of his run was in the wrong side of the road. – ed.]
azure==Darwin Award: given for people who “do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool” (i.e. lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in a stupid fashion). …
You might disagree about just exactly HOW stupid it is to race on a motorcycle thru heavy road traffic, but that would still make it stupid.
azure==Darwin Award: given for people who “do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool” (i.e. lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in a stupid fashion). …
bobbo==You might disagree about just exactly HOW stupid it is to race on a motorcycle thru heavy road traffic, but that would still make it stupid.
I think you proved azure correct if anything bobbo. This biker neither died in the video nor removed himself from the gene pool. So it clearly would not qualify for a Darwin award. Sure you could speculate about what happens to him in the future, but thats only speculation.
and so supercool I took your challenge most seriously……….I agree with you. I thought there might be some wiggle room in just what “candidate” means but surely it means someone who has removed themselves from the genepool and the candidacy is evaluated based on just how stupid the action was.
So. My vocabulary is enhanced. Thank you for the challenge and congrats on the win. I am a better person.
Seriously, if he’s not already dead, keep it up and he soon will be.
I lived most my life in LA and didn’t own a car for years. Rode a Honda CB750K for nearly 150,000 miles. Only crashed twice. Walked away both times with bike intact. That was driving sanely.
Question: You see old motorcyclist and old bullet bikes. How come you never see old motorcyclist on old bullet bikes?
nobody in #16 said: “I imagine that performing this type of stunt might INCREASE your chances of spreading your DNA in the gene pool.”
Nah… Girls hate showboating like that.
I fact, one wrong move and you may decrease the blood supply by the number of transfusions required to keep you alive while the doctors sew you back together again.
If we’re lucky, you’ll hit an obstacle so hard that you’ll spare us the drain as they scoop up your brain with a shovel.
#21 – Nah… Girls hate showboating like that.
Yes that’s been my experience, “Ohh look an engineer with a Volvo, I bet he always drives within the speed limit”, that’s what all the girls say to me.
For Kindle and with free ePub version. Only $9.49 Great reading.
Here is what Gary Shapiro CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) said: Dvorak's writing sings with insight and clarity. Whether or not you agree with John's views, he will get you thinking and is never boring. These essays are worth the read!
Old Old Old but COOL! video
You will love this!
The biker has a death wish?
Ya I think they call this guy ghost rider, he’s got a bunch of videos like this, his entry in wikipedia has been deleted
That was a fucking waste of time.
No crash, folk. Move on. Nothing to see here.
Seriously this is a darwin award candidate why? he is obviously pretty skilled at riding a motorcycle.
[If any one of those cars or trucks had suddenly moved out of it’s lane, he would have been dead meat. A good portion of his run was in the wrong side of the road. – ed.]
ive read on some forums he is dead. there is an american guy i read people like more. i forgot his handle… but yeah, whatevers 😛
azure==Darwin Award: given for people who “do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool” (i.e. lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in a stupid fashion). …
You might disagree about just exactly HOW stupid it is to race on a motorcycle thru heavy road traffic, but that would still make it stupid.
Faster than highspeed rail, that’s for sure.
Just tattoo your bloodtype near the elbow..:)
azure==Darwin Award: given for people who “do a service to Humanity by removing themselves from the gene pool” (i.e. lose the ability to reproduce either by death or sterilization in a stupid fashion). …
bobbo==You might disagree about just exactly HOW stupid it is to race on a motorcycle thru heavy road traffic, but that would still make it stupid.
I think you proved azure correct if anything bobbo. This biker neither died in the video nor removed himself from the gene pool. So it clearly would not qualify for a Darwin award. Sure you could speculate about what happens to him in the future, but thats only speculation.
First it’s John C. Dvorak in Vegas, and now this…See what you started John.
and so supercool I took your challenge most seriously……….I agree with you. I thought there might be some wiggle room in just what “candidate” means but surely it means someone who has removed themselves from the genepool and the candidacy is evaluated based on just how stupid the action was.
So. My vocabulary is enhanced. Thank you for the challenge and congrats on the win. I am a better person.
Damn you DU and your misleading headlines!!!
Ha, ha. I’m just a stoopid hooman.
stupid,dangerous and boring,but an A for driver skill.
meh, we have people that change flat tires at 55mph here.
and now for something completely different.
Just as I’ve always said: You Yube is dangerous and should be banned.
#9 – Hardly a Darwin winner. I imagine that performing this type of stunt might INCREASE your chances of spreading your DNA in the gene pool.
Looks like a typical ride through LA traffic.
Seriously, if he’s not already dead, keep it up and he soon will be.
I lived most my life in LA and didn’t own a car for years. Rode a Honda CB750K for nearly 150,000 miles. Only crashed twice. Walked away both times with bike intact. That was driving sanely.
Question: You see old motorcyclist and old bullet bikes. How come you never see old motorcyclist on old bullet bikes?
BTW, he may be a talented rider, but he is not a smart rider.
Red streak in the making…
nobody in #16 said: “I imagine that performing this type of stunt might INCREASE your chances of spreading your DNA in the gene pool.”
Nah… Girls hate showboating like that.
I fact, one wrong move and you may decrease the blood supply by the number of transfusions required to keep you alive while the doctors sew you back together again.
If we’re lucky, you’ll hit an obstacle so hard that you’ll spare us the drain as they scoop up your brain with a shovel.
I ride, but somebody needs to throw open a door.
Adrenaline junkie.
There are no margins of safety in what he is doing. He is very good but surviving this takes pure blind luck and sooner or later you roll snake eyes.
#21 – Nah… Girls hate showboating like that.
Yes that’s been my experience, “Ohh look an engineer with a Volvo, I bet he always drives within the speed limit”, that’s what all the girls say to me.
vhat iss Russian for ‘future organ donor’ ?
# 16 nobody – your chances of spreading your DNA in the gene pool –
Did you mean spreading your DNA on the pavement?
Its pretty much the same in every language.
Organ Donor = motorcycle rider
будущий орган жертвователь
David Wilcox once wrote a song about a girl who liked to ride her rocket bike in the “eye of the hurricane.” The one night a truck got in her way…
My type of accident. Blood, 250 meters down the road with a few entrails hanging from the handlebars.
The Quick and The something else.