Telegraph – 04 Feb 2011 – “Court bans man with low IQ from having sex”:

The 41 year-old had been in a relationship with a man whom he lived with and told officials “it would make me feel happy” for it to continue.

But his local council decided his “vigorous sex drive” was inappropriate and that with an IQ of 48 and a “moderate” learning disability, he did not understand what he was doing.

A psychiatrist involved in the case even tried to prevent the man being given sex education, on the grounds that it would leave him “confused”.

Mr Justice Mostyn said the case was “legally, intellectually and morally” complex as sex is “one of the most basic human functions” and the court must “tread especially carefully” when the state tries to curtail it.

But he agreed that the man, known only as Alan, should not be allowed to have sex with anyone on the grounds that he did not have the mental capacity to understand the health risks associated with his actions.

Should Retards be Allowed to Hump?

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  1. TheDevilMadeMeDoIt says:

    #68 Alfie

    …you want to dictate who can have children…

    …and you don’t? Well, welcome to Pro-Choice!

    Progressive bastards…

    By the way, whatever happened to:

    Leviticus 19:18: Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

    On Sunday, too!

    Fast track to Hell, Alfie. Fast track straight to Hell.

  2. Nth of the 49th says:

    Well that’s it for me.
    Grats SN for getting 70 posts by sinking to such low levels. Pretty sad to see John attach his name to such drivel.

  3. Greyhound says:

    I don’t answer rhetorical questions.

  4. bobbo, eugenics will come again says:

    Quick Alfie, Book TV is on for another two hours with R Emmett Tyrrell, founder of American Spectator. Like you, everything good is Conservative, everything bad is Liberal, the only bad thing Conservatives do is not being conservative enough, and the only good thing liberals do is when they screw up and act conservative.

    You do have your role models.

  5. billabong3453 says:

    Any man with a boner is a retard.

  6. bobbo, eugenics will come again says:

    Tyrrell says liberals attach their philosophy to everything thereby dragging down any political discussion. When challenged that its talk radio pundits like Rush Linbaugh who do this Tyrrell responds that liberals should like Rush because half of what he says is just funny and liberals should laugh. He doesn’t address the what anyone should think of Rush’s other comments.

    Yep, no balance at all, yet he appears to dress himself and not drool. Probably humps as well. With right wing radio, tv, magazine forming this tight cocoon, easy to see people who don’t want to think much can gravitate to this well.

    What of the libs doing the same thing you might ask? Here I am watching book tv–what DOES the right wing “think?” Does make my skin crawl.

  7. Floyd says:

    Actually, that picture of Palin and the rifle should be enough to reduce the population all by itself. EEEEEW.

  8. O'Really says:

    What a bunch of Douche Bags!!!

    Why not put on some leg irons and work the fields with the niggers, or march your ignorant ass into a gas oven with the Jews, or how about you Christians go persecute some native tribe or rape some boys.

    If you’re willing to poke fun at someone that was born with a developmental disability then you should all welcome the fruits of your labor.

    John C. Dvorak, you should be ashamed of yourself for not moderating this.

  9. GF says:

    Sure, why not. We elected one to be the Vice President of the U.S.A.

  10. ramuno says:

    Bobo: “In fact: welfare should be liberally available in exchange for your reproductive system. solve several issues while leaving people “free” to choose.”

    Okay let’s go for that, since corporate welfare is far bigger than monetary help to the underprivileged.

  11. bobbo, eugenics will come again says:

    OReally–how is thinking that retards shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce, poking fun at them? Seems like a serious conversation to me==unless the other side just jumps off the cliff in their inability to form an argument.

    On the issue of retards not having sex–that does seem less impactful on society==as long as when the retard comes down with AIDS he is appropriately tatooed on the forehead, maybe the foreskin as well?

    What is the liberal v conservative divide here? Liberal = what is the impact on society v Conservative = individuals should do whatever they want to do regardless of consequences to others.

    Any better formulation?

  12. bobbo, eugenics will come again says:

    ramuno–can you rephrase your point. Its too ambiguous for me. Thanks.

  13. eighthnote says:

    Seems to me this guy’s knowledge of sex is about average.

  14. humptydance says:

    I’m a retard who is offended by the word HUMP

    1) noun The thing on the back of a camel.

    2) If the thing on the back of a camel is another camel, the noun becomes a verb.

  15. bobbo, to the left and right, and then more left of Obama says:

    Alfie–you really are a bit confused. Can you explain further how mob violence targeting news media, or anyone with a camera, is a “good” thing, or otherwise explicate how on scene reporting is a “progressive” enterprise?

    c’mon Alfie==engage the real world.

  16. bobbo, to the left and right, and then more left of Obama says:

    This Tyrrell guy IS funny: Clinton should have been impeached because Lewinski was a serious crime but Nixon should not have been impeached even on breaking the law because it was mostly “other people” who were loose canons.

    You gotta love the PUKES.

    Now Alfie, you just gotta agree that Presidents of the USA, like retards, have the freedom to hump or BJ’s right?

    I’ll wait for your insightful analysis.

  17. O'Really says:


    There are convicted rapist that are still permitted to have intercourse. There are people that will pass on genetic mutations and their offspring will be afflicted with a disease and they are still allowed to procreate.

    There are several issues here, one….it’s not OK to refer to people that are born with a developmental disability as a “retard”. I’m not the PC police but people that are born like this have no control of the cards they are dealt. Many are abused by the system and have no recourse because idiots like you still don’t care and call them “retards”.

    If you think it’s alright to call a PERSON a derogatory name, I suggest you go find someone like Rampage Jackson (of the UFC) and call him a Nigger. With any luck, he’ll beat you retarded so we can all laugh at you and call you names and tell you not “hump”.

    If it were up to me, there would be one person you could hump. Go fuck yourself….

  18. Heinrich Moltke says:

    This article is the gift that keeps on giving.

  19. Rufus Redneck says:

    #72 Alfie

    What does all that crap have to do with you being Pro-Choice and an evil person who is headed straight to Hell?

    You can prevaricate all you want on a silly blog, Alfie but I seriously doubt St. Peter is going to be interested in your political opinions.

    There is good and there is evil, Alfie. You know what he’s going to find in your heart. Just re-read some of the things you’ve posted here, while advertising yourself as a devout Christian.

  20. bobbo, Eugenics - letting no seed go to waste says:

    #88–O’Really said, on February 6th, 2011 at 1:12 pm /// Looks like you got something to say. Let’s parse:

    Retarded \Re*tard”ed\, n. having a limited or below normal mental ability


    There are convicted rapist that are still permitted to have intercourse. /// Yes, and many would object to that for reasons totally unrelated to the issue presented here. Completely Irrelevant.

    There are people that will pass on genetic mutations and their offspring will be afflicted with a disease and they are still allowed to procreate. /// No evidence our subject here has an inheritable disease or defect. Another totally irrelevant point.

    There are several issues here, one….it’s not OK to refer to people that are born with a developmental disability as a “retard”. /// Of course it is. The word is in the dictionary. Your argument is with Webster and common usage. Totally fair to argue for changes in the language but such change comes slowly. Sadly my friend, its not the “word” used that is important, but the idea behind the words that are important. so often, those who focus on the one will miss the other.

    I’m not the PC police but people that are born like this have no control of the cards they are dealt. Many are abused by the system and have no recourse because idiots like you still don’t care and call them “retards”. /// Idiot vs Retard? Heh, heh. Once again the issue is not control of the card dealt, but what one does with the cards once dealt. Another irrelevancy, hypocritical as well.

    If you think it’s alright to call a PERSON a derogatory name, I suggest you go find someone like Rampage Jackson (of the UFC) and call him a Nigger. //// No. Nigger has always been derogatory. The more appropriate construction would be “negro” or “colored person.” But I would never call anyone anything with the sole intent to denigrate. Retard has a proud history.

    With any luck, he’ll beat you retarded so we can all laugh at you and call you names and tell you not “hump”. /// You are very much hung up on this “word.” The reaction of a child. Same with thinking the epithet of “you can’t hump” is on par with being denied the activity of humping. Not the same thing at all.

    If it were up to me, there would be one person you could hump. Go fuck yourself…./// I’d like to be that flexible–wouldn’t we all? Did see that porno where the guy was blowing himself. Not that flexible either.

    Heh, heh. So much “emotion.” More overflowing negativity than the comments you are objecting to. O’Really==what do you call it by demonstrating the very defect you are complaining of? Its not “retarded” but something along those lines. I’ll let you think on it.

  21. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Alas, the very people who shouldn’t procreate are usually the last to know (and the first to procreate). The decision to have children is always a selfish one, even though the subsequent struggle to raise those children without burdening society often ends up being very unselfish. However, people often make that initial decision to procreate in the face of glaringly obvious problems that all but guarantee a future burden on society with the results of their selfish decision.

    For those who believe in an Intelligent Designer, wouldn’t a far more intelligent plan be for human procreation to involve absolutely no biological drive — no fleshly pleasure? Humans who loved their Creator would honor him by procreating and rearing their young as members of the cult, and believers would have a far higher reproductive rate compared to non-believers. Assuming true believers would obey the command to reproduce from their Creator even if didn’t involve something so profoundly pleasurable as an orgasm, this would have been a much better plan. It would also guarantee that every child was never the result of an “accident,” but the result of a hormone-free decision.

    It doesn’t take a genius to find flaws in Intelligent Design dogma that point to a more fitting label of “Retarded Design.” I should know, because I’m mildly retarded myself, and even I can spot flaws in it.

  22. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    #96 Whatever you think of “progressive hatred for humanity,” your reading comprehension deficit is showing. Remedial classes are clearly in order.

  23. Somebodyj says:

    “Go fuck yourself.”

    Well, that begs the question.

  24. foobar says:

    Alfie, your sacred cow is chewing cud again.

    Nobody has yet explained to the American public what they know, and surely they know more than the rest of us know, who it is who will be taking the place of Mubarak. I’m not real enthused about what it is that is being done on a national level from D.C. in regards to understanding all the situation there in Egypt and in these areas that are so volatile right now.

    — Sarah Palin on Obama’s handling of the Egypt crisis

  25. foobar says:

    And that’s 100 for everyone but bobbo. Yowza.

  26. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Alfred Persson clearly has a serious issue when it comes to repression and the management of his anal drive: thus his identification with anything authoritarian. (The Daddy figure is automatically good. –This is the modus operandi of most political conservatives.)

    I support the prospect of retards humping. With the following caveats:

    1) If a retarded person cannot pass an official sex-knowledge test, then his or her retard-humping should be court-supervised.

    2) However, given that a) retards are often as strong as horses; and b) they have been known to sweat, some consideration should be paid to the issue of their CO2 production.

    3) Since retard-humping can be reasonably believed to produce more CO2 than non-retard humping, efforts should be made to offset this “net negative” impact on the environment.

    4) Suggestions include: a) placing the humping retards on treadmills for the duration of their humping — these treadmills being engineered to produce electricity, like windmills; b) forcing them to wear specially-designed suits with thermoelectric generators that will transform body heat into electricity, and will convert the salt from sweat into useable energy.

    5) Humping retards can also be monitored over the web to ensure that no one comes to harm and that they are adhering to humping “best practices” prescribed by their court-ordered training. However, this kind of monitoring costs money being a drain on public funds. Therefore, advertising in the form of “” ads can be handwritten in permanent marker on their sweaty bodies. (Tattooing can be performed in the presence of a long-term advertising contract.)

    6) If advertising revenue does not sufficiently offset the cost of hump-monitoring — or if it proves a valuable revenue stream of benefit to all — then the existing structure of web-monitoring can be expanded to include the general public. Indeed, the public can be counted on a) not only to monitor retard-humping with greater attention than private monitors; b) they can provide an additional revenue stream via two mechanisms of income: i) by betting, a la PaddyPower, on the outcome of retard-humping events; ii) by paying for the ability to issue specific commands to retard-humpers, i.e. in the manner of Rock ’em-Sock ’em Robots. Retard humping thus becomes a type of competitive match where members of the general public gain the ability to employ retards as personal avatars, applying moves and counter-moves to the sexual advances of their retarded counterparts.

    7) Given the intense public interest in retard-humping certain to follow its broadcast on the internet, licensing deals with television channels like the Discovery Channel, magazines like National Geographic and Nature, can be expected to generate an additional revenue stream and contribute to the public welfare. Retard-humping as a phenomenon is not unlike the naturalistic encounters between caribou, or bears, or hippopotami during their mating seasons. The collision between crude, powerful bodies — muscular and utterly without grace or tenderness — is a naturalistic wonder.

    8) The “animal” nature of retard-humping, and thus retards, having been established in the public eye, it will therefore only be a matter of public relations and of perception management to effect a shift into *retard-hunting*. Luckily, however, since retards are not, strictly speaking, animals according to legal definitions, such a change will not be encumbered by any issues regarding animal rights.

  27. Mr. Ed - the Imitation (accept no special original) says:

    Retard is the preferred word. It is only two syllables versus Republican, which is five syllables; two if you are one.

  28. Mr. Ed - the Imitation (accept no special original) says:

    Why is Alfred so adamantly in support of retards humping?

  29. Rufus Redneck says:

    #105 Alfie the Incoherent – Again

    …proves once again what a Retard you are…

    Not very Christian of you, Alfie. This kind of lowlife, scumbag hatred is definitely not what your God had in mind when He made you.

    Say hello to Lucifer for us, Alfie. God is gonna get you for fucking up His public relations campaign like this!

  30. usa1 says:

    I’m sure the Sarah Palin picture was just trollbait, but I have to point out it’s a photoshop. Good job perpetuating a lie.


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