Telegraph – 04 Feb 2011 – “Court bans man with low IQ from having sex”:

The 41 year-old had been in a relationship with a man whom he lived with and told officials “it would make me feel happy” for it to continue.

But his local council decided his “vigorous sex drive” was inappropriate and that with an IQ of 48 and a “moderate” learning disability, he did not understand what he was doing.

A psychiatrist involved in the case even tried to prevent the man being given sex education, on the grounds that it would leave him “confused”.

Mr Justice Mostyn said the case was “legally, intellectually and morally” complex as sex is “one of the most basic human functions” and the court must “tread especially carefully” when the state tries to curtail it.

But he agreed that the man, known only as Alan, should not be allowed to have sex with anyone on the grounds that he did not have the mental capacity to understand the health risks associated with his actions.

Should Retards be Allowed to Hump?

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  1. Ah_Yea says:

    More inane blather.

    The question is: Should “Retards” be allowed to hump (ergo, reproduce).

    A) Yes, or
    B) No.

    It’s that simple.

    The answer is obviously A.

    Now that I have had the courage to shown my opinion, let’s see who else has the balls to give a straight answer.

  2. Blind Stevie says:

    1873 Colt


    What has been photoshopped into the picture? The rifle or the body?

  3. Yankinwaoz says:

    How is this different than letting people get s**t faced drunk and screw? That is legal.

  4. badcowboy says:

    This article sounds more like the government had issues with him being in a homosexual relationship – i.e. he wasn’t thinking “straight”.

  5. StillWalkingPoint says:

    The “Union Of Concerned Tards” is being formed in protest, in City Council Chambers near you.

  6. Special Ed says:

    #37 – You and this retard sound like you have the same IQ.

  7. Heinrich Moltke says:

    What if the retard is underage?

  8. derspankster says:

    Oh God, it’s Sa Rah again!

  9. moondawg says:

    … wonders how many people know that this was one of the principles that drove Margaret Sanger to start Planned Parenthood?

  10. foobar says:

    Alfred said “Yes, they should be allowed…”

    Could you be a little more condescending?

  11. Howard Beal says:

    Should we be worried about all the similarities of the online posts our Alfred Persson and Jared Loughner?

  12. rabidmonkey66 says:

    Human-rights trumps all arguments. The devil is in the details. LOLZ!
    I can’t believe we still use the antiquated colloquialism “LOLZ.” On the other hand, maybe it’s just me who still relies upon that *PAA. HAR!

    *(PAA – Particular Antiquated Acronym)

  13. bobbo, eugenics will come again says:

    #44–foobar==in context with some council “not allowing” FWG (the PAA for “Fun with Gonads”) isn’t the correct opposition formulation espoused by Alfie totally appropriate?

    It is instructive to analyze the “human right” involved here vs the impact on society. Eugenics will come again. When everything else on the planet is being manipulated at the molecular level “for our benefit” how long before hoomans come within the rule? And just why not?

  14. Mr, Ed - the Original says:

    What about his partner? Is he being forbidden to have sex, too?

    The very nice judge still allows the man to have sex alone in the bedroom. Wait – no soapy shower fun?

  15. Troublemaker says:

    Bush had kids… didn’t he?

  16. msbpodcast says:

    That’s how (wait for it,) Hitler got his start.

    First the retards, then the jews, then the Romanche, the he patients filling the mental wards (who got committed who knows why,) then the gays, then, uh, …

    I’d hate if if they’d’ve won the war and I’d’ve jay walked, because I can just tell I’d’ve ended up an unwitting and involuntary organ donor.

    One part of me hates thinking this way, (like a right wind ass-hole,) while another another part hates sliding down the slippery slope to oblivion.

  17. msbpodcast says:

    I’m reminded of the Dadaist platform which demanded the right to piss in rainbows.

    That they couldn’t ever do it did no deny their right to do so.

    Tristan Tzara and the other Dadaists argued for many things which at the time seemed like nonsense but now seem prescient.

    While not specifically arguing for breeding rights for the, uh, intellectually disadvantaged, who is to say that the offspring of a modern day Forrest Gump would not turn out to be another Albert Einstein.

    Genetics is also dependent on epigenetics (like the shit that happens after you’re born,) so lets be honest here, the offspring of a retard are probably going to be treated like retards themselves.

    (Screw this your platform gave me all kinds grief about my references to you can hunt for:
    Tristan Tzara
    Forrest Gump
    Epigenetics and
    Albert Einstein)

  18. foobar says:

    Ah Alfred, you got me all wrong. I was barfing on your pompous, liberal, limousine licking language. You’re a closet elitist. You know you are. Say it. Spank your daddy.

  19. foobar says:

    Wow, bobbo and Alfred have finally climbed into bed together. Little baby Glenn Becks are sure to follow. 😉

  20. denacron says:

    “Should Retards be Allowed to Hump?”

    Yes. Yes indeed!

  21. SimonSez says:

    Considering IQ tests rely on mathematics, problem solving, and science skills, I think half the country would be banned from humping if measures such as this were imposed. Fox News would lose a lot of potential viewers.

  22. Nugget Coombs says:

    The British Government should also prevent the Royals form breeding, that family of in-breds has already outlived their usefulness.

  23. Mr, Ed - the Original says:

    # 58 SimonSez – Fox News would lose a lot of potential viewers.

    You do Fox News an injustice. There isn’t a news channel around these days aimed at an IQ higher than 80.

  24. Fuck You John says:

    The term is not “retarded”. This is actually an offensive term for the mentally handicapped. Sure go ahead. Call a defenseless human being names. This makes you look smarter than the rest. I am more than just a little disappointed in this post. Its not the comment trolls, I expect this from them. But to headline a post on your site, JOHN DVORAK, and use this offensive term on a person that can’t possibley defend themselve or even understand what you are doing is shameful. You would NEVER list a headline using nigger or faggot. Would you? WOULD YOU?

    Go fuck yourself.

  25. Special Ed says:

    #61 sounds like another retard.

  26. Heinrich Moltke says:

    It’s as if DU opened the gates of Hell with this one. I’m all for it.

    How about — Black People: Public Menace, or Case for Genocide?

  27. soundwash says:

    A slippery slope to eugenics to be sure.

    however.. Nature practices its’ own brand of eugenics very effectively and for sound reasons.

    In the case of humans.. we would most likely naturally practice it too, without giving it a thought. -however, the majority of the planet has been turned into mind-numbed idiots by the ruling governments, churches, higher academia and the puppet masters that control them.

    common sense has been pretty much eradicated. (though i hear it’s making a comeback) -and their is no such thing as rational thought. (because tomorrow, the lawyers will change the definition of “rational” yet again) :/

    technically, “eugenics” is a natural process, it’s just that we humans have lost our way and have been taught to pursue the most un-natural, destructive and resource intensive “growth model” as if its part of the Natural process. -which in an odd and twisted irony, has allowed eugenics to fester into a “growth industry” [sic]

    the eugenic meglomaniacs now in control of most of the main populations of the planet are even more clueless than the minions they have created. they will lie, cheat, steal, kill, and murder to achieve their objectives. -yet somehow, they think it is their seed and mindset that should prevail above all others.

    Friggen loons to be sure. (quick! -someone get the scissors before they wake up)

    All that aside, in this case of the “retard” -personally, no being, human or otherwise, should be deprived of sex.

    -especially us humans. it is vital to our health an spiritual growth.

    why do think most of the cults that teach “sex is dirty” or “sex is a sin” outside procreation, have fostered the majority of history’s wars and wack-a-doodle extremists?

    -they live in a spiritual vacuum and often only see the spirit “as something to be crushed” in order to control their subjects, and/or as a tool of warfare. they have no clue of what “Life” really

    They are the embodiment of the living dead.

    (sadly, a good case for “eugenics” on that lot, to be sure.)


    For this happy-go-lucky retard, He should be allowed to screw or make love to his Heart’s content.

    However, with an IQ of 48, he should NOT be allowed to sire offspring. this is just plain and simple common sense for the good of the (future) species.

    If you cannot understand this simple “law of nature” -then perhaps your reproductive charms should be put up on the chopping block and be nullified as well.

    On the whole, We humans as a species here on earth, are emotionally the equivalent of *maybe* 7 year old children in the grand scheme of things.

    (ie: if we don’t like how you play in the global “sandbox” we’ll just drop a nuke on your ass or even better: kill you with softkill weapons. why? because we can)

    technically and collectively, we are in the same boat as the retard. so the whole discussion is a moot point on one level. Lucky for us, the whole Free Will and non-interference thing the Universe runs on, works in our (currently limited) favour.

    We need to be able to make rational, “pro species” decisions (not pro-left-right garbage ideology) as a matter of second nature, without thought, debate or harm to one’s spirit and well-being.

    We achieve that. -well then, that would be something to talk about in hindsight.

    SO, if it were my court, Alan gets to hump until the cows come home (and even after) -but no kids please. -we already have have an unneeded, yet well oiled “geniuses turned to idiots” process on the planet as it is.

    -we surely do not need to be birthing them from scratch, now do we..?


    (oh..and this case cannot be sighted as legal precedent. so there)

  28. SN says:

    61. “I am more than just a little disappointed in this post.

    The sole reason I titled this post as it is was to get thin-skinned, easily-offended retards such as yourself riled up.

    This is a stupid story about a court decision that will almost certainly be overturned, yet there are 64 comments in this posting. My purpose was fulfilled.

  29. Rufus Redneck says:

    #65 SN

    How very mercenary of you, SN.

    You deserve to be drawn and quartered and your component parts fed to Evil Retarded Trolls.


  30. Rabble Rouser says:

    If they ban retards from reproducing, where will the next generation of RepubliCONs and their supporters come from?


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