Telegraph – 04 Feb 2011 – “Court bans man with low IQ from having sex”:

The 41 year-old had been in a relationship with a man whom he lived with and told officials “it would make me feel happy” for it to continue.

But his local council decided his “vigorous sex drive” was inappropriate and that with an IQ of 48 and a “moderate” learning disability, he did not understand what he was doing.

A psychiatrist involved in the case even tried to prevent the man being given sex education, on the grounds that it would leave him “confused”.

Mr Justice Mostyn said the case was “legally, intellectually and morally” complex as sex is “one of the most basic human functions” and the court must “tread especially carefully” when the state tries to curtail it.

But he agreed that the man, known only as Alan, should not be allowed to have sex with anyone on the grounds that he did not have the mental capacity to understand the health risks associated with his actions.

Should Retards be Allowed to Hump?

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  1. Improbus says:

    If we, the tax payer, are footing the bill for them? No. If the retards can hold down a job and support the kids let them. I wouldn’t be any different most white trash. Wait, that could be the same demographic.

  2. FRAGaLOT says:

    Smells like Eugenics.

  3. bobbo, eugenics will come again says:

    More controversial but just as appropriate would be the octomom. In fact: welfare should be liberally available in exchange for your reproductive system. solve several issues while leaving people “free” to choose.

  4. sargasso_c says:

    I have often wondered what eugenics smelt like.

  5. EdZepp says:

    The question should be:Should Charlie sheen
    be allowed to hump?That would be a…No.

  6. Semantics says:

    If you banned retards from humping where will the next generation of of DU editors come from?

  7. Booshtukka says:

    “Should Retards be Allowed to Hump?”

    That’s the last straw for me. What the fuck is wrong with you people? In which universe is that an acceptable title for an article? Does John really condone that kind of content?

    I’m done. Later.

  8. Improbus says:


    What, are you new here? Get a grip.

  9. bobbo, eugenics will come again says:

    I think he left for a quick hump. Ha, ha.

    Yes, plain speak of the people. It should be banned everywhere.

    speaking of retards humping–just saw the video of O’Really defending his “Who makes the tides” argument. The Moon?===Well then who made the moon.

    It really is turtles all the way back. A fine Christian country.

  10. dusanmal says:

    Clear and typical Progressive agenda. Let them control what you eat, smoke, how you get your health care,… and it will end in them controlling who and how can have sex and who and how can procreate.
    Just the very fact that judge could do this in UK without being locked up himself is horrifying.

  11. Special Ed says:

    No, Pedro should not be allowed to hump!

  12. LtSiver says:

    This is what happens when the people allow the government to do anything for them. This guy lives in government paid housing with government paid care and now the government is telling him those urges he feels he is not allowed to act on them. The Brits better wake up, because if they don’t this will be pushed on the regular populace for whatever reason the government feels like using this case as precedent. I feel sorry for the mentally retarded man, who is supposed to live in a free society, but he is not free.

    #7: If you’re looking for liberal “politically correct speech” aka. censorship, you will not find that here.

  13. Should retards have the right to live? They are just dead weight on our society & only take from it.

  14. Rob says:


    Retard is a valid word used to describe someone with a low IQ (anything below 70 in fact).

    Now you might object to the way it’s been adopted as slang in everyday use but in this case John uses the word correctly.

    On the other hand, if you’re having issues with the word hump I suggest you have one immediately and shut the hell up.

  15. ECA says:

    LETS get this straight..

    THIS is a gay situation.? NO kids involved? NO CHANCE of kids being born??

    EVERYONE loves sex. as long as it is consensual and both enjoy it..I dont CARE.
    IF one or the other COULD NOT take care/would harm a CHILD, if it should occur..better to have them FIXED and let them have fun.


  16. 1873 Colt says:

    Photoshopping a politician you are scared shitless of onto any old photo is just fucking stupid.

    Too bad she scares the shit out of you liberal shits.

  17. Bigots have only their bigotry to stand on. The best way to beat a bigot is to love them & try to understand their maladjustments.

  18. foobar says:

    It so easy to piss of conservatives. Just throw anything remotely sexual in, especially around their sacred cows. Personally, I’d prefer more Natalie Portman pics.

  19. TooManyPuppies says:

    Unless this guy has been legally committed to a psychiatric/mental health facility or has been placed under the guardianship of an adult because he has the mental capacity of a child, no government has the right to bar him from sexual activity. If anyone within any government thinks they have the “power” to dictate such activity instead of being a public servant, they should be removed.

    If people are so concerned, get him a Realdoll and a pile of porn.

  20. AlanB says:

    First, I’d like to say the article is not about me. I may be a retard but I’m not gay.

    There is some argument to be made that he doesn’t know enough to not contract aids but then, that’s what natural selection is all about.

    I do like the story about turtles all the way down.


  21. Rufus Redneck says:

    #18 1873 Colt

    See, this is exactly why retards should not be allowed to walk around with guns or, apparently, hump.

    They get mouthy and aggressive and you end up having to sneak up behind them and hit them on the head with a big axe.

    The good news? It works every time and you always end up with a gun or two you can sell.


  22. foobar says:

    Rufus, little tea partiers have to come from somewhere.

  23. What? says:

    I think this story is suppose to be metaphorical, as we all are stuck within our own limitations.

    The problem people are those that don’t know the limitations of life, Octomom for example.

    If this guy is gay, what’s the outcome that would be problematic? Maybe he can’t take care of his hygene, or “they” are afraid he’ll act inappropriately in public with his newly acquired knowledge? I wouldn’t want him attempting to hump me; though he might not understand that sex is limited to people who are similarly attracted to each other.

  24. me says:

    To English readers of this blog. Always been curious, What is “A Council” Is it the same as our “City Councils”. Essentially elected resident of a city or town who make executive decisions about how the town is run? Or is council just English way of saying local court. Judge, lawyers etc.

  25. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    One can only wonder why the Lord doesn’t give him the mental capacity to understand that sex should only be performed in the missionary position within the boundaries of a legal Christian marriage.

    We don’t need another law, but we need to pray!

    Dios mío, ¿por qué nos has abandonado?

  26. foobar says:

    Gary, the dangerous infidel: Is latex allowed in legal Christian marriages?

  27. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    Nope, foobar, just lambskin 😉

  28. Justin Case says:

    God this makes me angry. That word is offensive and demeaning and should not be used.
    This is just awful. You should be saying make love not hump. Some people are so insensitive.

  29. foobar says:

    Mmmmmm. Soft, fuzzy lamb skin…

  30. Heinrich Moltke says:

    Question #1: What percentage of retards is gay? Choose: a) Yes b) No.

    Question #2: Anybody else here humped a retard? They kick like MULES.


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