1. Mr Ed says:


  2. deowll says:

    Just Republicans? How about independents, conservatives, libertarians, and progressives that can actually do math, have a working brain and thus can figure out what happens when a nation does a crash and burn.

    That isn’t actually all that hard to do since it has happened to many countries in the past and at least a few at present.

    Anyone who isn’t a lack witted nincompoop and knows a little history or is up on current events can find a country that did what we’re doing and did a crash and burn. Figure out that’s got to hurt and want to avoid finding out first hand.

  3. 1873 Colt says:

    Sock Monkeys have no package.

  4. Rufus Redneck says:


    Hitting little close to home is it, you golf-pencil dicks?

  5. Publius says:

    War is a racket

    Feed and care for American kids instead.

  6. Pwuk says:

    Heh, sponsored. Fedex no doubt

  7. Grandpa says:

    He’s a dick alright..

  8. BadCam says:

    I’ve seen this photograph elsewhere. Any citation as to where it came from?

    [Somebody found it somewhere and uploaded it to Imgur. – ed.]

  9. jbenson2 says:

    And as reported by the NY Times:
    Democrats turned on by size of Obama’s package

  10. msbpodcast says:

    Get your noses out of Obama’s crotch.

    God, this is the gayest post I’ve ever read.

  11. Rufus Redneck says:

    It appears you need to significantly dumb down these humor posts, hhopper!

  12. jman says:

    bad photoshop, left too much space, used the wrong font, ridiculous

  13. #5 Publius

    Welfare is a racket too. If you really want to see war funding end, you must be willing to let welfare end as well.


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