Wow, this doesn’t look good.

  1. Rich says:

    If I’m looking at it correctly Ohio is pretty much done with it now. But everything is still coated with an inch of ice!

  2. Cal says:

    Thats a big snow storm! Have a look at the Queensland Australia cyclone! Us folks in Australia are pretty nervous about the satellite images… Category 4-5!

  3. denacron says:

    -33 F for me at the moment. I tire of winter.

  4. 1873 Colt says:

    I am so sick of the dull California weather. I would LOVE to see snow in SF.

  5. Glenn E. says:

    Some climate “expert” explained that all the usual cold weather was caused by cold air being pushed down from the north, by warmer air being pushed up to the north, from the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Only problem with this was he fail to explain how the two oceans got so much warmer. And how mankind could be held responsible for this, when humans don’t live out there in any significant numbers! Maybe it all because of those handful of ships, going after Alaskan King Crab, for Red Lobster. Or many there are hundreds of cargo ships, secretly doing figure eights out on the oceans. Or perhaps all the toxic and radioactive wastes, that were dumped out there, is now reacting to warm up the oceans. But so far, I haven’t heard any such thing, to tie warming oceans, to mankind’s activities. And I seriously doubt these experts can. So they’ll have to alter their story as to how the north pole is getting warmer air up there. Especially as it should, by all the weather logic I know of, travel Eastward, rather than Northward.

    There may be warmer current of water, traveling north from China. Especially with China’s recent increase in industrial growth. But it’s not an acceptable explanation, to ever blame China for anything. So some how American cars and truck are warming up the waters moving northward, past China. Because it’s always the USA’s fault, and always will be. So there.

  6. moi says:

    Go to Gore’s site, Yep he is saying its all because of global warming. Red is green, up is down, left is right.

    Just a few years ago he was saying winters were going to get warmer and snow was going to be a distant memory.

  7. Jason says:

    Yup… We are near dead in the path (Fredericton) of that sucker this morning. Saint John is gonna get the worst of it for our area though at over a foot of snow estimated to fall when it is all over.

  8. Zybch says:

    This looks worse

  9. B. Dog says:

    Hurricane Katrina’s picture when it was all offshore and filling a huge part of the Gulf gets my vote for the worst Satellite image ever. It was astonishingly huge!

    Today’s blizzard in Wisconsin, which is very similar to the January blizzard of 1999, just gave me Ground Hog Day off with pay.

  10. notatall says:

    Yeah, Ohio got clobbered with freezing rain all day Tuesday. Now, with nearly an inch of ice on everything, we’re getting wind gusts of up to 50 mph. Trees and utility lines going down everywhere, transformers going all sparky and blowing up. Oh, and now we’re expected to get snow and bitter cold after.

  11. JoaoPT says:

    Caffeine either makes you awake or sleepy.
    Same thing

  12. Rufus Redneck says:

    I don’t know the difference between ‘climate’ and ‘weather’, so I’m just going to blame all of this nasty crap on Al Gore, Progressive Liberals and/or God Almighty, who most obviously Hates us all, Dearly.

    If only we had more fully automatic, larger calibre weapons in the hands of our goofier citizens, this kind of weather would never happen again…

    …at least until the world ends on December 21st, 2012.

    I know this to be true because an extinct civilization told me so.

  13. Special Ed says:

    Nice here in Florida! No snow, just a bunch of ass antler tattooed chicks.

    Global warming…

  14. Dick Cheney says:

    I see evidence of a nuclear weapons program taking place in the Bahamas.

  15. Heinrich Moltke says:

    How will it be decided?
    The climate will begin to change in 2000, and this process will accelerate over the next decades. There is a great cycle of climate that began 2.8 million years ago and has resulted in the fundamental destabilization of your world’s weather system. You evolved intelligence in order to survive the sudden shifts back and forth from ice ages to temperate periods. In fact, this planetary instability has been the engine of your evolution. The cycle is about to change, and to challenge you again.

    Why will this happen?
    Warmth being retained near the surface by greenhouse elements results in cooling aloft. A massive and extremely powerful convection can arise that results in a storm so great that it changes the climate permanently.

    What form will this take?
    The next ice age will begin soon, and this will lead to the extinction of mankind, or to a massive reduction in population, given your inability to expand off the planet. This planet is at present a deathtrap.

    Why will this happen?
    Because air at the surface is getting warmer, the north polar ice is melting, reducing the salinity of the Laurentian sea. At some point, winds crossing the sea due to the increasing difference between lower and higher atmospheric pressures will warm the northern ocean so much that the temperature differential needed to pump the North Atlantic Current will not be sufficient, and the current will slow down, stop, or stop flowing so far north. This same mechanism always triggers ice ages, and would happen within a few thousand years no matter what. However, human activity has sped up the process of atmospheric warming, so the change will be sooner and stronger. The greater part of human industry and culture, along with the species’ most educated populations, will be destroyed in a single season. This will happen suddenly and without warning, or rather, the warning will not be recognized for what it is.

    What will it be?
    First, the surface features of the currents will slow down. This will result in violent storms in Europe. At some point, arctic temperatures will rise forty or more points above normal during a spring or summer season. Then the currents themselves will change their routes or stop. Cold air trapped above the arctic will plunge down and collide with the warm tropical air present at the surface. It will create the most powerful storms in ten thousand years, storms unlike any you have seen or imagined. They will bring about the end of the northern civilization and the climate change that follows will lead to the starvation of billions.

  16. Yankinwaoz says:

    I must be an idiot. I don’t see it. What is the scary stuff in the image? Is all the grey bad? I thought the blue areas were weather, and it seems pretty thin.

  17. some guy says:

    The current contrails/cloud seeding program has successfully suppressed most temperatures by about 10 degrees.
    Wait until this decade long cold spell ends (as it will eventually) and temperatures go back to normal. That’s when you’ll see the cloud seeding STOP and the temps will shoot up another 10 degrees higher than normal, apparently overnight. That’s when you’ll see these Global Warming Profiteers saying “I told you so!”

  18. msbpodcast says:

    Since I live up on a mesa (or plateau) of land about 300 feet (100 meters) from sea level I don’t care about Heinrich Moltke doom and gloom scenario.

    I personally don’t plan on evolving since that’s mutation causing a disruption in the old schemes of ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny and phylogeny recapitulating ontogeny.

    Basically, unless I get hit by a meteor, I am not under any threat, not even from an eruption in the Atlantic from “La Palma“.

    Of course, If La Lalma blows up before I’m dead, I’m going to have front row seats to the greatest tsunami the planet has ever seen.

    Likewise, if the volcanic regions in the western United States blows up, I’ll be treated to spectacular sunsets for many years.

  19. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    #16 – Mr Molting: Is it the Pleiadians giving you this information?

  20. jescott418 says:

    Its pretty much shut up those stupid Global warming freaks! Now I hear of more colder Winters to come.

  21. Charlie Sheen says:

    Hookers and blow are the antidote to global warming.

  22. F. Gaydos says:

    This winter is on track to become the coldest for the nation as a whole since the 1980s or possibly even the late 1970s. According to Chief Long Range Forecaster Joe Bastardi, three or four out of the next five winters could be just as cold, if not colder.

    He is worried that next winter, for example, will be colder than this one.

    Bastardi thinks that not only will the next few winters be colder than normal for much of the U.S., but that the long-term climate will turn colder over the next 20 to 30 years.

    It’s a cycle, it’s a cycle, it’s a cycle!
    This guy believes a new ice age is upon us.
    No man made global warming.

  23. Somebody says:

    Hmmm… Darth Cheney posts here?

    He’s more machine now than man; twisted and evil.

  24. wx says:

    #17 – JCD linked a live image, so it gets less and less scary with time.

  25. llornkcor says:

    I think you guys are all missing the point. If you are color blind this satellite image is probably basically just grey.


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