Last week Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn) did one of two things: She either pulled a strategic negative publicity stunt or one of the biggest political faux pas of the century. Either way, she has just proven to the world that she isn’t in touch with reality as a whole.

Much like her Tea Party partner did during the Sarah Palin’s Alaska episode when Sarah invited Kate Gosselin to a “comfort-filled” camping trip, Michele’s latest news is resonating across the headlines like a reality-TV publicity stunt.

On January 24th, Michelle Bachmann released a proposal to cut more than $400 billion in federal spending. In her proposal she targeted veteran benefits using the following language:

“Reduce Veterans’ Disability Compensation to account for Social Security Disability Insurance payments.”

Bottom line: This is just a fancy way for her to say that our nation’s heroes are not entitled to the Social Security benefits that they paid into and rightfully deserve. She knows she can’t strip a deserving class of citizens of Social Security, so this is a strategic angle to accomplish the same outcome.

  1. nicktherat says:

    nice photoshop there 🙂 a little distracting though, i was hoping she got caught smoking a crack pipe for really realz. someone needs to put some cross-hairs over her office on a map ;P

  2. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Anyone who votes for this goof needs to be ridiculed endlessly.

  3. arpie says:

    She’s a product of Jerrymandering. The only reason she can win an election is because her district is tailored to cram as many redneck religious zealots as possible. See here, the damn district twists around Minneapolis, avoiding the real city like a plague

  4. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Back on Topic: so I take it that somehow it is possible to get two government based income streams for the same disability with no offset or recognition of one to the other? In a vacuum, always the case here at DU, that seems totally appropriate. Now, I can imagine scenarios where the two income streams could be justified, but you have to imagine a lot of stuff that isn’t very likely.

    I support our veterans and think overall they get a raw deal–from conscription to discharge. THAT doesn’t mean they “deserve” any fubar’ed set of benefits that get mangled their way. Same with the disabled.

    Fair is fair.

  5. Floyd says:

    Bachman is the only pol that makes Palin look like she might have a brain. I used to live in Minneapolis, and she made some of the strangest, off the wall comments.
    Arpie you’re right, they may have gerrymandered her into a district full of dingbats.

  6. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    Doesn’t look very gerry to me. Does strike me its a small area of interest to have its own CONGRESSIONAL representation though. I think we need fewer of these critters.

  7. ECA says:

    Corps(supposedly) pay high wages to the better worker.
    Many small companies give breaks and benefits to hard workers.



    This is worse then 3rd generation INBRED MOBSTERS.

  8. tjspiel says:

    #6 If you know the region it seems strange to have parts of the Eastern Metro (Stillwater) be in the same district as St. Cloud while most of the larger suburbs in between the two places are in a different one.

    It looks very much like they attached a conservative rural area to some conservative suburbs and left out the more liberal areas in between.

  9. dilkry says:

    The Dems never put a decent candidate up against Bachmann. Clark was the closest they ever came and she played too nice against Michele Bachmann. The person before her was a guy by the name of Tinklenberg and who is going to vote for someone with a name like that.

  10. Dallas says:

    Credit the Puke/Teabagger party for breaking the glass ceiling on bimbos.

  11. bobbo, the evangelical anti-theist says:

    #8–tj==I don’t know the areas and thats what it takes “not” to gerrymander. That districk looks fairly normal to me as if it could have been drawn based just on contiguous population/density numbers. Gerrymandering is when you do what you suggest: to put populations together or apart based on what you think some relevant non population based criteria is.

    We can all google to find much MUCH worse gerrymandered districts that snake and loop around to get voters by zipcode and by which side of the street they live on. THAT is gerrymandering.

    Course, I don’t really know – I’ve never done it myself.

  12. fulanoche says:

    Is that a one-hitter she’s about to fire up?

  13. howerd beal says:

    Meghan McCain<(I'm not a fan but she has her moments) said it best "Michele Bachmann is no better than a poor man's Sarah Palin,"

  14. deowll says:


  15. dittmv says:

    The MN 6 is exactly the same as the rest of the state’s districts 600+ thousand +/- 1 person. The MN 6 is suburbia.

    Additionally, thank the Ventura administration for these districts because without Ventura Republicans and the Democrats actually would have gerrymandered the state.

    Bachmann will never lose because the opponents she has are absurd.

    Her last opponent Clark said at the state Democratic convention, “When we were pregnant…” and continued with a horror story in her conversation about healthcare.

    Sorry honey, men do not get pregnant, women do. If you cannot recognize that you should not be in office.

    I want a politician that thinks, not one the exhibits textbook symptoms of codependency.

  16. Special Ed says:

    She might be a dog but I’d bury a bone in her backyard.

  17. Aaron says:

    She’s my ‘representative’. Been asking the same question for a while. And as a delegate, my area is full of people that eat this up.

  18. tjspiel says:

    #16: I’ve lived in St. Cloud which is in the Northwest part of district 6. I’ve also lived in an Eastern suburb just outside of district 6. The folks in St. Cloud and the tiny towns near there don’t think of themselves as being in the suburbs.

    They see themselves as being in “Central Minnesota” and quite apart from the metro area. That’s why I have a difficult time conceptually with places like Woodbury, Stillwater, and Lake Elmo being in the same district as St. Cloud, Avon, and Holdingford.

  19. Yankinwaoz says:

    did you all see her recent speech where she goes on and on about how the framers of the US Constitution worked tirelessly their whole lives to purge slavery from the US? This woman is nuts. She just makes s**t up.

  20. Glenn E. says:

    There once was a political party called the “Know Nothing Party”, back in the mid 1850s. Their unstated policy was basically being anti-Irish Catholic, because they feared Irish elected candidates would have more loyalty to the Pope, than to the citizens. They got their name from saying “I Know Nothing” whenever asked their position on the issues. Hoping to sway the vote in secret. The Tea Party isn’t as smart as the Know Nothing Party once was. But are just as misguided, at time. Or mislead. And the name fits them much better, I think. Or perhaps the “We Don’t Need To Know Nothin” Party.

  21. MikeN says:

    So it’s a faux pas to try and cut $400 billion in spending? Throw on top of that the money saved by repealing Obamacare. A federal judge threw it out as unconstitutional, which Bachmann could have told people. So it is right now has no legal standing, until the federal government can get a stay order from a higher court while they appeal.

  22. ECA says:

    PAY them what they are WORTH..
    Put them on a PAY as you go, system.
    PAY them as they DO RIGHT FOR YOU..

  23. ECA says:

    There is no Business, that will hire you without EXPERIENCE…SHOW me where they LEARNED to be POLITICIANS.


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