Cripes, in the USA I think he took a bus.

Found by David E. Lacey.

  1. Jock castoe says:

    Continuous loop of vehicles getting on and off..just for show.. LOL

  2. hhopper says:

    Good grief!

  3. everyone says:

    Compared to the First Lady, this guy looks like a piker.

  4. Wrigsted, the Dane says:

    This is ridiculous, how pompous can you be. This applies not only Chinaman but all politicians!

  5. Nth of the 49th says:

    They’re on their way to discuss how to curb emissions to repair climate change.

  6. Skeptic says:

    That was the decoy. He rode a bicycle on a different route.

  7. ECA says:

    BORED POLICE FORCE?? trying to get overtime?

    How many BLACK cars in France? They sure put a dent in it.

  8. Emperor of the world arrived… Damn, he brought a lot of luggage with him on this trip.

  9. chuck says:

    Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss.

  10. RuralRob says:

    Does China own France yet?

  11. interglacial says:

    The guy owns most of Europe, the US, and Africa so I suppose he’s a big deal. Even if he is president of the World, it still seems a bit over the top. Sarkozy must be trying to tap him for some spare cash.

  12. Lord Stimpy says:

    I was waiting for the Cartoon Character shaped Balloons and Marching Band.

  13. dadeo says:

    see any chinese cars in that parade?

  14. SimonSezz says:

    Actually when he was in Chicago I saw when they closed the tollway to let his entourage travel through. I don’t think it made it on the news but a lot of Chicagoans saw it.

  15. Uncle Patso says:

    Those little black cars — Peugeots?

  16. Pierre says:

    Did the whole country of China come with him?

  17. arturo says:

    yup, all peugeots

  18. deowll says:

    I’m guessing the French provided the motorcade in France.

    It is always a good idea to be on good terms with a rising power super power even more so than a failing power super power.

  19. Podman says:

    Obviously trying not to attract too much attention.

  20. 1873 Colt says:

    Looks just like the Sock Monkey’s motorcade in San Francisco. I’ve seen it. Too many times.

  21. AlrightyThen says:

    The French suck up more so it is easier to surrender later.

  22. Flavio says:

    Brazil’s has only a couple cars and motorcycles. We better find a way to beat the Chinese or the Americans.

    This is a cool video made by a security guard in Brasilia, Brazil’s Capital. Look how tiny is our motorcade.


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