Al Jazeera

The Egyptian authorities are revoking the Al Jazeera Network’s licence to broadcast from the country, and will be shutting down its bureau office in Cairo, state television has said.

“The information minister [Anas al-Fikki] ordered … suspension of operations of Al Jazeera, cancelling of its licences and withdrawing accreditation to all its staff as of today,” a statement on the official Mena news agency said on Sunday.

In a statement, Al Jazeera said it strongly denounces and condemns the closure of its bureau in Cairo by the Egyptian government. The network received notification from the Egyptian authorities on Sunday morning.

“Al Jazeera has received widespread global acclaim for their coverage on the ground across the length and breadth of Egypt,” the statement said.

An Al Jazeera spokesman said that the company would continue its strong coverage regardless.

Found by CinĂ edh.

  1. 1873 Colt says:

    My my my. This is getting interesting.
    We do live in interesting times, don’t we?
    Just when the “TRAGEDY IN TUCSON” was getting old, something else steps up to keep Wolfie Blitzed busy.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    Watched some of their coverage, left me in no doubt that they have lost their journalistic compass.

  3. seetheblacksun says:

    Jeez that Information Minister is a real Anas.

  4. 1873 Colt says:

    Frankly, I would FUCKING LOVE to see this in the United States! Am I the only one?

  5. 1873 Colt says:

    And I am not referring to the shutdown of Al Jazeera.

  6. Cursor_ says:

    #4 & 5

    You mean shutting down Fox News?

    Nah how would the Terror Mosque make any money?


  7. You can watch live Al Jazeera TV online here:

    There is also a free iPhone / iPad Al Jazeera App which stream live Al Jazeera TV (at least it is available in Canadian iTunes store- I have not check the US but I am pretty sure you can get it there too).

  8. God, also known as Allah says:

    Thank God for iTunes!

    … and Canada!

  9. ECA says:

    IF THIS IS AN INTERNAL STRUGGLE, Why are we needed to watch?

    Only if we instigated it in the FIRST place would we want to watch.

  10. dusanmal says:

    @#4,5 You mean crossing the “Mu” off the Egyptian protest signs?

  11. What? says:

    I can watch Al Jazerrs live over-the-air on WNVC TV chanel 30-5 locally 24/7.

    #4,#5, you’ve never heard, “live by the sword, die by the sword”? Given what you requested, the last thing you would eat is the barrel of your own gun!!!

  12. mark says:

    Like I’ve always said: The power to license is the power to control. With anything the government licenses it can always revoke that license. That’s why there should never be a license to be a journalist.

  13. Grandpa says:

    Do they have Al Jazeera in Spanish in the US?

    Is this a WTF moment?

  14. Grandpa says:

    #4 – No, you are not the only one. But there are millions afraid to admit it.

  15. What? says:

    Grampa, what you gonna do when they stop your social security payments, you run out of food, and have to fight 20 somethings for bread at the store?

    You wouldn’t last 30 days.

  16. dittmv says:

    + 2 Points to Al Jazeera for being shut down.

    Assuming that the media is accurate in spoon feeding us the line that the peoples of many Middle Eastern countries despise their governments, a shut down serves as a ringing endorsement of the content, rightfully or not.

    If I had something to sell I would be buying ads with Al Jazeera right now.

  17. No Fly Zone says:

    Never fear!!!!

    “Al-Jazeera English, corporate cousin to the Arabic-language network, is nearly 3 years old and available in 100 countries but only a smattering of U.S. homes – until Monday, when San Francisco’s Link TV will begin carrying “World News,” its 30-minute daily news program.”

    (from May,2010)

  18. Grandpa says:

    #16 – At that point I will be a little more vocal and possibly a little more physical. My SS money is something I earned. I have not chosen to donate to you or the selfish young idiots who do not understand what the Repukelicans are doing. My cold, hungry, impoverished old years may be just a foreshadowing of what you will some day be looking at. It’s time for people to put their ideology aside and think practically.

  19. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 19 Grandpa said, “My cold, hungry, impoverished old years may be just a foreshadowing of what you will some day be looking at.”

    Well, said Gramps. That’s one of the reasons I moved to SE Asia. In retirement, I may be impoverished and hungry but I won’t be cold!

  20. nobody says:

    >A anticolonialist muslim from Kenya

    The nativesmalways seem to make a mess of the colonies when they try and run them on their own.

    How was the 4th of July by the way?


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