Taking us backwards, one step at a time to when it was considered the girl or woman’s fault for getting raped, medical decisions are politically controlled, and only the rich (like the wives and daughters of politicians) can afford to travel to get an abortion. The poor have no right to the same treatment.

For years, federal laws restricting the use of government funds to pay for abortions have included exemptions for pregnancies resulting from rape or incest. (Another exemption covers pregnancies that could endanger the life of the woman.) But the “No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act,” a bill with 173 mostly Republican co-sponsors that House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) has dubbed a top priority in the new Congress, contains a provision that would rewrite the rules to limit drastically the definition of rape and incest in these cases.

With this legislation, which was introduced last week by Rep. Chris Smith (R-N.J.), Republicans propose that the rape exemption be limited to “forcible rape.” This would rule out federal assistance for abortions in many rape cases, including instances of statutory rape, many of which are non-forcible. For example: If a 13-year-old girl is impregnated by a 24-year-old adult, she would no longer qualify to have Medicaid pay for an abortion.
Other types of rapes that would no longer be covered by the exemption include rapes in which the woman was drugged or given excessive amounts of alcohol, rapes of women with limited mental capacity, and many date rapes.
The “re-definition” of the rape exception “is only one element” of an “extreme” bill, she adds, citing other provisions in the law that pro-abortion rights groups believe would lead to the end of private health insurance coverage for abortion.

  1. bobbo, does anyone learn from history says:

    It is a broad attack on “the New Deal.” Blaming and screwing “poor” people for all the small minded nastiness it provides.

    Still wanting to privatize (ie–devalue for the direct profit of Wall Street Traders) Soc Sec.

    Still wanting to deregulate further any bank reform and healthcare reform.

    Gosh, anyone need any more “information” to VOTE ALL PUKES OUT OF OFFICE!!!!! -?

    Silly, mean spirited hoomans.

  2. sargasso_c says:

    This is why they call it the Good Old Party? Or is it Gods Own People?

  3. Derek says:

    Aaaand now the Republicans pull a Democrat and immediately start attempted to get voted out. Good jobs idiots. You think you would have learned from Obama’s Democrat firing campaign.

  4. What? says:

    The right wing christian Taliban is evil.

  5. dusanmal says:

    “pro-abortion rights groups believe would lead to the end of private health insurance coverage for abortion.” – this is the BS. Bill is about what Govt. pays. Govt. is not your family or guardian. It should get involved only when there is not an iota of personal responsibility (ex. if building blows out because of poor gas lines and you are injured – there is someone else to sue for money; if terrorists slam the plane into building – than Govt. should meddle in your treatment).
    Hence the result of these restrictions (restrictions on what Govt. does) will be exactly opposite. This tells people that they are not covered by “almighty Govt.” but have personal responsibility. Any women who cares an iota will get insurance coverage for abortion as a result of this measure. That is the point. Out with the Govt. coverage of anything. Individual needs to think and prepare.

  6. Mextli says:

    #6 “Govt. is not your family or guardian.”

    Ah but it is. It is wise, benevolent, and only has our best interests at heart. It provides a “safety net” and leads us to lie by still waters. If only all were able to see what is “good” for them.

  7. richard says:

    Why is the feds paying for abortions anyway? Where is it in the U.S. Constitution that gives one a right to free abortions?

  8. greyangel says:

    I’m all for publicly funded abortions. It should be implicit that sterilization is part of the process.

  9. Terry says:

    File this under What the Definition of “is” is.

  10. ECA says:

    Every few years, a bunch of GUYS/MALES get together and do this.

    MOST of the original bill and coverage is due to PRIVACY. IF a female can show RAPE and she doesnt want the child, it can be aborted.

    NOW think of the reasons. WHO RAPES? in what situations can you become RAPED. And in most cases its Incest and a domineering parent.
    Then you start on the AGE of rape victims. And enter the teens, where STRANGE THINGS HAPPEN. And accidents also. IF a girl wishes to claim RAPE, and have a abortion.

    Still, most of this is in the younger years.

    In MOST of these cases…THEY WANT PRIVACY. They wish NO ONE to know about the situation. And many times, NOT even the parents.

  11. Unconvinced says:

    I’m sure that Speaker Boner cries like a little girl when he thinks about all of the aborted rape babies.

  12. t0llyb0ng says:

    Here we have silly old men obsessing over abortions. If you’re not a woman, abortion is none of your business.

    Is there something else silly old men should be obsessing about? Don’t look now but the dollar is toilet-paper. The military-industrial complex has been privatized, runs black ops, sucks down billions of public monies & is accountable to no one.

  13. msbpodcast says:

    tollybong in #13 said:”Is there something else silly old men should be obsessing about?

    Well seeing how screwed up the world has become after a mere eight years of them looking after it, I think the world should be happy of their turning their attention to young girls crotches.

    Let ’em go after their own daughters instead.

  14. mongo says:

    If you don’t want to be raped, don’t hang out with shady people

  15. srgothard says:

    Seriously? You think that a 13-year-old girl who _chooses_ to have sex and then doesn’t want the baby has the right to demand other people pay for her to kill it? And you think that only men have the morality to be against it??

  16. Benjamin says:

    This is not redefining rape. It is just narrowing the circumstances where the government will pay for an abortion. They’ll pay for some rapes, but not others. If you don’t qualify, you are free to buy your own abortion with your own money. It’s like $450. I can’t even get my appendix out for that.

    Geez, this is a ridicules slant on this story and shows bias. How about making the rapist pay the $450 instead of the government?

  17. JimD says:

    GOP working another of their “HOT BUTTONS” !!!


  18. ECA says:

    yes, MOVE AWAY FROM HOME QUICK…as most RAPE and Child molestation OCCURS IN THE HOME..

    so, you want this 13 year old, to GET KICKED out of the house and go on welfare at 13?
    You want the PARENTS to take care of the baby? and BOTH WORK already.. IF’ ones stays HOME, they can go on welfare..COOL.

    IF ya want an answer…MAKE WAGES ABLE TO PAY FOR A FAMILY WITH 1 INCOME..so that SOMEONE can sit at home, and CARE/TEACH/LISTEN/TALK to the KIDS..

    NOW you have a decent comment/idea. NOW get the DNA kit out and FIND HIM. THEN get the money BEFORE THEY PUT HIM IN JAIL..(esp. if its DADDY) And now you have a fatherless family GOING TO WELFARE..

  19. Rich says:

    The Republicans are really pressing hard to limit and stop abortions any way they can. Hooray for them.

    But to keep consistent and take mankind into the future, they must eventually outlaw capital punishment. That’ll make most of them choke on their martinis.

  20. Floyd says:

    So effectively it’s OK to have an abortion for a girl whose parents have lots of money to afford an abortion, but it’s not OK for a poor girl whose parents can’t afford the surgery. Yeah, that ‘ll work….

  21. foobar says:

    Rich said “The Republicans are really pressing hard to limit and stop abortions any way they can. Hooray for them.”

    They have to toss a bone to the TP and Christian right.

  22. Metals721 says:

    I wrote then rewrote then said whats the point. I’ll vote my belief you vote yours. If you lose then TFB. Same for me. By the way most of you people reading this are big a-holes then me and very few people care about or reads our comments. Yes I’m stating the obvious and yes I’m a troll. Why Dvorak? No agenda? Yeah sure your right. Abortions for everyone free of charge. Don’t worry someone else will pay for it.

  23. ECA says:

    lets have no abortion…
    Lets have every child born, SURVIVE..

    Lets turn into another CHINA.

    The only EXPORT the USA has at the moment is FOOD. WE export about 10 times what we eat.
    The USA COULD have a population of 1-2 billion.
    NOW, find jobs for them, and NOT be a 3rd world country.

  24. Yossarian says:

    Read the bill before you pass judgment.

    ‘The limitations established in sections 301, 302, 303, and 304 shall not apply to an abortion–

    ‘(1) if the pregnancy occurred because the pregnant female was the subject of an act of forcible rape or, if a minor, an act of incest; or

    ‘(2) in the case where the pregnant female suffers from a physical disorder, physical injury, or physical illness that would, as certified by a physician, place the pregnant female in danger of death unless an abortion is performed, including a life-endangering physical condition caused by or arising from the pregnancy itself.

    “Forcible rape” is a strange expression to use, but setting aside the issue of government funding for abortion, this seems pretty reasonable. The fact of the matter is, we don’t know what “forcible rape” means. We don’t know what “forcible” means in this case. So drawing all sorts of extreme conclusions is misguided.

    I will say, however, that leaving “forcible rape” undefined is extremely dangerous, since the vagueness could be exploited by whoever is in a position to make decision about government funding for a particular abortion and used to satisfy personal views rather than do what’s right.

  25. Dallas says:

    The GOP/Teabagger congress is now in session.

    First up is to resolve the age old question of forcible rape vs ordinary rape.

  26. MikeN says:

    >First up is to resolve the age old question of forcible rape vs ordinary rape.

    Bill Clinton did the former but not the latter? Or is it the other way around?

  27. ArianeB says:

    Wow #26, you blame the progressives for EVERYTHING that the Conservatives want to do.

    “Taking us back into tyranny are progressives who have made Government control of everyone’s lives and health care a political priority”

    You need to read what is going on in Arizona right now. The Govt “death panels” exist when conservatives are in charge.

    “who always can find victims upon whom they can lavish taxpayer money, while they, like George Soros, hide their money from taxation in the Bahammas etc.”

    Millions of dollars go to the poor while billions of dollars go to bail out the banks. Thois was instituted by BUSH and the GOP. George Soros is not the boogey man you make him out to be. Almost everything you conservatives blame on George Soros, can be said about Rupert Murdoch and the Klein brothers TEN FOLD!! Soros supports progressive causes, yes. The Klein brothers are the primary source of funding for the “tea party”, spending way more than Soros has ever spent.

    “Because Progressives hate human life they would rather spend other people’s money on killing babies rather than reducing onerous adoption regulation”

    Where the hall do you hear these lies? Don’t tell me let me guess. Conservatives are the ones that hate human lives. Conservatives want guns in every house, conservatives support the death penalty, conservatives favor “preventative wars”, and an incredibly huge miltary budget, and automatic weapons for police, etc. The conservative agenda has always been in support of violence, and against sex. Innocent people are killed due to the lack of gun control, where is the conservative outrage?

    This is the conservatives favorite tactic: Do evil things, then blame the progressives.

  28. doughoist says:

    Why, when I adamantly disagree with abortion, should I have to fund the murder of an innocent?

    Kill the rapist, punish the guilty, save the innocent.

    Why must the crime of a guilty person be paid for by the death of an innocent?

    No one cares about the child? Why?

  29. Dave says:

    #20 You’re comparing an unborn human not yet at a stage where it can live outside the womb with a convicted murderer? Really?

  30. emhodew says:

    Here is a though. I did not rape the minor, or date rape the girl. Why do I have to pay for the abortion? Why do we accept the consequences for other peoples actions? Why do we not demand people to suffer the consequences of their actions. No I am no putting the onus on the victim, I want the perpetrator to suffer the consequences. “Maybe” we put in place a method for innocent victims to find relief, but if the perpetrator is caught they must pay the state back for any costs involved. Sometimes bad things happen to good people. It happens. Deal with it. “I never promised you a rose garden”!!!


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