Zoe D. Katze, Ph.D., C.Ht., DAPA, is a fully credentialed psychotherapist. Her owner, Dr. Steve K. D. Eichel — who has a real Ph.D. — was tired of finding fakes passing themselves as psychotherapists thanks to diploma mills. So he decided to get his cat credentialed:

A reporter from a major magazine wrote to “Dr. Zoe D. Katze” for input on an article she was writing on hypnosis for childbirthing. She had stumbled across Dr. Zoe’s name on the American Association of Professional Hypnotherapists’ website. I had to tell her the truth.

Dr. Zoe D. Katze, Ph.D., C.Ht., DAPA, is a cat. In fact, she is my cat.[…]


  1. sargasso_c says:

    Get her a chair at NYU.

  2. Floyd says:

    Actually, a purring cat might be better therapy than a human therapist of any kind.

  3. Unemployed Dictator says:


    Dr. Katze will see you now.

  4. msbpodcast says:

    My cat the doctor.

    It makes a mother so proud.

    Seriously, I used to use Eliza on my computer as a transactional or Rogerian Therapist.

    If a simple computer program (a few thousand lines of LISP,) can be a therapist, something as complex as a cat can be one too. 🙂

  5. Kitty Hareball says:

    “Mrs. Jones, I see nothing wrong with licking yourself or torturing mice. In my professional opinion, you are quite normal, just like the rest of us. In fact, you’re purrrrrrrfect!”

  6. Cursor_ says:

    Following the link to the article is fantastic!

    The article is surrounded by ads for those diploma mills.


  7. soundwash says:

    ..and here i thought medicine had gone to the dogs..


  8. Glenn E. says:

    Possibly true. But no more so than other fringe branches of medicine. Such as Chiropractic. And let’s not forget a branch of crime pseudo-science, namely Polygraphy. No matter how often it is refuted. The entertainment industry come to its rescue, with a movie or Tv show. But the real life “school” for it is another farce. All anyone on Tv ever says about it is, “some people can bet it”. NOT “everyone can beat it, because it’s crap!” No guts and little truth, in the mainstream media.

    What bothers me more, about this posted item, is that it’s just the sort of thing the Hubbardologists like to use to refute all forms of legitimate Mental Health, that’s not their own strange brew. As if their members’ training is any better, than a couple of disreputable Psychotherapy diploma mills.

  9. Jeff S. says:

    I was going to say that the one and only time when polygraphy was used on The Wire, the polygrapher explicitly told the detective that he could make it look like he passed or failed, however the detective wants it to look in order to serve her investigation, to which the detective says “no wonder this $#|% is inadmissibe.”

    I was going to say that, but then recalled that at the beginning of season five, thy reused a bit that had been done in the first season of Homicide that was depicted in the nonfiction book where the detectives use a photocopier and tell the suspect that it’s a polygraph machine in order to fake the results based on their hunch to get the suspect to talk up his cohort as the shooter, who they parade passed the interrogation room with a mouth full of French fries in order to play up the idea that his friend is cooperating and he should start talking if he doesn’t want to get hung out to dry.

    If I’ve learned anything from tv shows it’s that interrogation is an art and polygraphy is a tool, although The Practice tended to lend it a fair amount of credence, or at least Dylan McDermot’s character did. From what I recall, there was some sort of brain scan science lately talking about how they can’t tell the difference from the truth and a practiced lie because they are remembering the lie in the same way they would access any other memory. Not sure of that has any bearing on polygraphs which measure nervous responses as far as I know.

  10. jamiepullman says:

    Ben Goldacre did this a few years ago. He showed that ‘Dr’ Gillian MacKeith’s doctorate had come from a two-bit mail order degree factory, by getting his dead cat Hettie a doctorate.

  11. Dallas says:

    Graduation ceremonies must have been awkward

  12. Bob says:

    I guess this guy has an instant win in the “my pet is smarter than your pet conversations”

  13. Jeff says:

    An 8 year old story?


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