Executive Producer: NoAgendaChallenge.com
Associate Executive Producer: Sir Todd Symmons
This Episode’s Associate Executive Producers and 273 Club Members: Benjamin Naidus, Bill Rudder, Christopher Lawton, J. Munoz Acycuens, Jefferey Lynch
Art by: Nick the Rat

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  1. msbpodcast says:

    WTF> Its Friday.

    I already downloaded this yesterday.

  2. hhopper says:

    WooHoo! Nick the Rat is back.

  3. nicktherat says:

    ive been here! the other subbers have been wooping my subs into….submission… 😀

  4. Deucedriver says:

    John – Will you be talking on the next show about the John P. Wheeler III death now being ruled a homicide (coroner says he was beaten to death)? The connection to Mitre Corp. and the statements he made before death about being robbed of his briefcase are interesting. Mitre was mentioned in the February 2011 issue of Wired as making tunnel sniffing robots used along the Mexican border in the drug war. He may have been robbed/murdered by one of the cartels to get intelligence to defeat the technology being used against them. Looks like it may be the beginning of the Mexican drug war moving increasingly north of the border.

  5. Heinrich Moltke says:

    You guys forgot the obvious one — Nap and Trade.

  6. Unemployed Dictator says:

    ‘Acquiring’ and ‘Photoshopping’ that particular photograph for something as word-shatteringly banal as No Agenda shows a lot of class.

    Yep! A lot of class.

    Nice photo credit, too.

  7. Kent says:

    RE: Egypt – while do you always bring up spy agencies from the US and Russia but miss the obvious and most talented – Mossad?

    No Dept. of Education in Canada – each province has a Ministry of Education.

  8. Kent says:

    Start at 46 minutes:

  9. Kent says:

    Sorry, 48 minutes in.

  10. Ajax3895 says:

    Hey John, where’s the amorven(sp?) and seshonvu(sp?) jingles on the survey!?


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