Wow, talk about repressed hostility.

Found by Martin Higgins.

  1. FRAGaLOT says:

    This defines cheesy CGI. But the creativity is awesome.

  2. denacron says:

    The skunk hairdo is bound to catch on.

  3. jollycynic says:

    Hold damn. Michal Bay just got outsourced.

  4. Mike says:


    I do agree. Creativity is super. I would like to see a movie.

  5. panimate says:

    Well, this video have all the good elements to make a viral Youtube Video, hahaha !

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    It looks to me that the little guy from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” got a new gig.

  7. Ah_Yea says:

    oompa loompas rule!

  8. Skeptic says:

    I’m going to try that at home!

  9. edythemighty says:

    I’m sure it’s already been pointed out, but technically this isn’t a Bollywood movie. Bollywood refers mostly to Hindi movies made in Mumbai and the general northern India region. This is more Tamil cinema(“Kollywood”), made in southern India. Just being uselessly pedantic.

  10. Serpentine says:

    All that’s missing is the Bollywood Elvis Terminator to break out into dance singin’ “She’s a Machine”.

  11. hhopper says:

    That was awesome.

  12. deowll says:

    Repressed? I didn’t notice this machine repressing anything.

    On the other hand I love action packed B movies. I would watch this. Just dub it over to English first.

  13. chuck says:

    Better than the matrix reloaded/revolutions.

  14. sicart says:

    It’s nice to see that “the wilhelm” is universal

  15. I think the drill was going in the wrong direction to actually drill. HUGE blunder.

  16. ajschmidt1124 says:

    The drill IS going in the direction. Damn John, you have an eye for detail.

  17. Yankinwaoz says:

    Terminator meets The Matrix, in India. Awesome.

  18. admfubar says:

    The Curry-ator!!! (no adams allowed)

  19. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    Would it be okay with the censors if a pair of CGI robots kissed on screen?

  20. msbpodcast says:

    Bogemoi, tovarish!

    Where did you get that video from (apart from the obvious Bollywood via Petropavlosk route.:-)

    That has to rank (and I do mean rank,) amongst the worst films of all time.

    Does Micheal Medvev know about this turkey?

  21. jamie1787 says:

    This is truly our “Sputnik moment”.

  22. M0les says:

    Why is in Russian?


  23. Firas says:

    Anyone else notice that the car changes from a CLK to what looks like an old CL a couple of times during that first car chase seen?

  24. Holdfast says:

    It sounded to me like the voiceover was in Russian. This is not a common language in any part of India – Bollywood or Kollywood.

  25. AndroidsGoneWild says:

    A cheesy Bollywood film with elements of Terminator, Matrix, 6 Million Dollar Man, Spiderman 2, I Robot, The Mask & Katamari all rolled together. I’m sure I missed a few…still, I enjoyed it anyway for reasons I can’t explain.

  26. DaveO says:

    What no spoiler alert?

  27. Rajinikanth says:

    Hey IXLR8 – You forgot to include on your list: I spank guys who list 99 things I may or may not be capable of.

  28. Rich says:

    He killed a “wig shop owner.” You just know society skidded to a halt and pitched on its nose that dark day. KILL HIM NOW.

  29. Rich says:

    Wrong thread! I blame Opera 11.0.

  30. IXLR8 says:

    The list of 99 things was given to me by an indian colleague at work. He mentioned the relative fame of the director. He seemed quite proud that the “impossible” was entertainingly portrayed throughout the film.
    It was the highest grossing film, and the most expensive Bollywood film ever produced. I think they sold 1 DVD, the rest are just copies that everyone watched… 😉


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