Which is the government’s responsibility to protect: you from yourself or your freedom to be an idiot?

For some lawmakers, Cathy Cruz Marrero’s now-infamous fall into a fountain while texting couldn’t have come at a better time.

In California, State Sen. Joe Simitian has reintroduced a bill that would fine cyclists $20 for texting. In Oregon, State Rep. Michael Schaufler wants to fine cyclists $90 for wearing headphones or earbuds. In Virginia, lawmakers are considering whether to broaden such a ban to include any handheld communication device.

And in New York, a bill before the legislature’s transportation committee would ban the use of electronic devices while crossing streets.
Setting aside the obvious debate over whether a person should retain the basic right to walk or jog distracted, the next questions include whether this kind of ban will work to save lives, and if so, at what cost? […] Expect to see a range of legal questions about the finer details of the ban, including what, exactly, constitutes a street, and a crossing of the street, and which electronic devices, if any, may be excused from said ban.

Will there be increasing penalties for repeat offenders, including jail time?

“What you in for, kid? Bank robbery? Multiple murders? Demanding to ‘opt out’ with no junk touching at the airport?”
“Wearing earbuds while crossing the street.”
“Ah, huh. In that case, bend over.”

  1. TooManyPuppies says:

    Bah! We have a law on the books that makes it illegal to walk and eat ice cream at the same time. Every once in a while some of the cops like to use it as an excuse to stop and fuck with the teens over the summer.

  2. Speter says:

    #_Bobo “Long past time for these laws including smoking cigarettes by the driver be on the books.”

    fact is, some people can do more than one thing a once, next you will be asking to outlaw the clutch or brake pedal as one is occupied already with the steering wheel.

    should the radio also be removed, what about thinking when driving? also too distracting.

    maybe we should all take trains just in case we have an accident, cant be trusted now can we.

    Agreed some people are incompetent and struggle to even walk without injuring themselves, but to punish everyone for the retardedness of a few is not just.

    what about people missing arms, does this mean they cant drive(with a special steering wheel) same argument for a smoker, or someone sipping a martini, only one hand on the wheel?

    perhaps the fire risk is balanced, dropping hot ash into your lap, or breathing on your kids, but apart from that, i say: “get the hell off my lawn you damn kids and take you pansy-assed govt with you.

    as a side note i think people wearing earbuds are asking for trouble as you cant pick up direction or warning sounds from your environment, more so on a motorbike. but walking should be ok as long as you are looking where you are going.

    Maybe then also deaf people should be removed from the road too then as they cant respond to a horn tooting at them. But they are not, they learn to adapt, and so should we.

  3. TooManyPuppies says:

    It should be outlawed to be alive. Seriously, we’re all to stupid and incompetent to avoid death eventually. It’s the most dangerous activity in the world with 100% mortality for everyone that partakes in this activity. Congress needs to man up and grow a pair and prevent life immediately.

  4. Grandpa says:

    How about a law that fines you $110 for every computer virus you get and spread.

    How about a “Rent” tax for those who rent and don’t buy a house. They are dragging down the economy.

    How about a $3 a gallon tax on gas to once and for all stop our dependence on foreign energy.

    How about a tax on rich people who have too much money.

  5. chris says:


    “How about a law that fines you $110 for every computer virus you get and spread.”
    Not the same. Blaming the wrong person.

    “How about a “Rent” tax for those who rent and don’t buy a house. They are dragging down the economy.”
    Can renting present a plausible threat? Really?

    Next time you get pulled over for speeding try your theories in the real world. Not only does the citation violate your freedom to speed, but the state lacks authority to prevent you from speeding.

    People use that strategy and win all the time…

  6. bobbo, democracy means being subjected to the idiocy of the majority says:

    #35–speter==really? so many ways to go with such obtuseness on display mixed with the ability to compose your “thoughts.”

    What is it about a continuum of risks and drawing a line somewhere along it eludes you?

    I am firmly CONVINCED I can drive legally drunk better than most people do sober. But I accept a democracy’s rules on this activity. I am “part of” society and benefit way too much to childishly pout at every law made for the safety of others but even for myself.

    The notion that tort law takes care of criminal activities is retarded beyond belief==more LIEberTARD dogma at work.

    FREEEEDOM: other people doing things you don’t like.

    DEMOCRACY: the majority circumscribing appropriate behavior.

    HAPPINESS: finding comfort between the two.

    Silly Hoomans.

  7. Mouring says:

    @bobbo – Got any facts for the relative dangers of non-driving activities or are you just bloviating? Yes, I know, every new idea is equally wrong in your book. You got some deep thinking going on there.

    I’ve seen more evidence of people screwing with radios and running off roads, running into each other, etc. First hand proof and this was before Cell Phones existed. Have we ban the use of Radios?

    BTW I suggest you pick a standard and stay with it. Claiming Cell phones (when used correctly) are dangerous, but having people in the car talking to you isn’t is a double standard. And one standard is hard enough for people to handle.

    @bobbo – Obviously a Puke voter.

    Actually, independent. And frankly I’m finding both party to be grating on my nerves right now because both are full of idiots that seem to be heading in random directions avoiding the real issues that lay before us.

  8. bobbo, there is no predicition without insider knowledge or manipulation says:

    #40–Still Mourning the use of common sense==you just repeat what you said already? thats pretty lame. But I’ll go along:

    YES–radio’s should be taken out of cars for the same reason that front seat TV’s are not allowed: they distract from driving. Maybe unruly kiddies should be as well. All these activities fall on a continuum from not dangerous to very dangerous. To say that one point on the scale should not be outlawed because other points are not is to ignore common sense and reality.

    So do the studies and measure public opinion and get on with it. I suspect that in reality radios are not as dangerous as cell phones because they are less “involving.” I think Hollywood should be criticized for all those scenes in movies where the driver takes his eyes off the road to talk to his passenger–creeps me out every time and I think “teaches” people to be unsafe drivers.

    So what have we got: reality/truth, made up BS, and public opinion? – and the interplay between them all. Always good to know what kind of poop you got in your hand.

    I don’t think “independent” is supposed to mean “disgusted by both” but I sense you are making the same “equivalency” error in your politics you make with your driver safety?


  9. Rabble Rouser says:

    “The two most abundant elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity” Harlan Ellison

  10. KMFIX says:

    I don’t want people texting while driving, cycling, or even walking…

    I don’t need these idiots crashing into me, riding into me, or walking in front of my car because they’re not paying attention.


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