So, what did you think of President Obama’s speech? What did he say you liked/disliked/wish he’d said/wish he hadn’t said? Don’t hold back. Tell it like it is.

Here’s the pre-released text of the speech.

What Did You Think of the State of the Union Speech?

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  1. tdkyo says:

    Trains good, planes bad. Choo Choo

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Why should we believe him now? Actions speak louder than words.

    And you can take that to the bank!!

  3. philgar says:

    Interesting how the president endorses government backing of green energy and then just a few minutes later says the government should decide which industries succeed or fail.

  4. MikeN says:

    So he increases spending substantially, then calls for a spending freeze? Where are all the people who told us this was temporary?
    Plus he says it is not enough as his plans only touch 12% of the budget, then doesn’t mention any other solutions.

    Message:I don’t care about the deficit.

  5. Mr, Ed says:

    “1 million electric cars by 2015”

    Just google “electric cars not green” and see if he’s thinking ahead or with his investments.

  6. DrWally says:

    OK all you knee-jerk Obama bashers: What’s your plan? Please be specific – no “cut the waste and fraud” gibberish. You want jobs here? How? Keep rewarding companies who move ’em offshore? You DON’T agree with emphasizing science and engineering education? What then?
    You know anyone can grab a hammer and knock holes in the President’s boat. How about instead you get out there and build a boat of your own and we can race ’em and see whose is better. All we heard from Ryan is doom, gloom a ton of fear and it’s all Obama’s fault. Really? You must be signing up for killing Social Security and Medicare for everyone under 55 (that would be Ryan’s plan). Hope you aren’t one who gets dumped in the street…..

  7. MikeN says:

    >no “cut the waste and fraud” gibberish.
    That’s the liberal plan for reducing the deficit and saving money on health care.

    >You must be signing up for killing Social Security and Medicare for everyone under 55 (that would be Ryan’s plan).

    No that’s the current system. The Social Security Trust Fund takes less money in than paid out starting in 2015.

    You speak of doom and gloom, but you seem unaware of the budget reality. Obama himself said that discretionary spending is 12% of the budget.

  8. MikeN says:

    including a competitiveness initiative to invest in clean energy, hire 100,000 new math and science teachers, reduce burdensome regulations, and increase federal spending on basic research; mention of comprehensive immigration reform; a promise to simplify and lower corporate taxes, advance free trade, and pass a discretionary spending freeze ; a vague call to look at entitlements someday (but not today!); and a pledge to fight earmarks.

    I am of course talking about the State of the Union address given by George Bush in 2006, and probably by the president in 2018 as well.

  9. jbenson2 says:

    Notice where Uncle Dave got the SOTU link.

    From Huffington Post, of course.
    Birds of a feather.

  10. chris says:

    Missed it.

    Based on the pace of comments looks like everyone else did too!

  11. TooManyPuppies says:

    The same as all speeches given by every public servant in history, more bullshit.

    And for the 36th straight year I ask again, where the hell are the Army snipers? They need to get in there and deal with anyone that gets out of their chairs and interrupts this bullshit session by making noises with their hands. Sit down and STFU people!

  12. mysticgeek says:

    He didn’t even say anything! It sounded like one of his stupid pep rallies…seriously what did he even say of substance?

  13. anon says:

    Is that George Hamilton behind him with Biden?

  14. MikeN says:

    No mention of global warming, after last year saying there was overwhelming scientific evidence, to laughter from the audience.

  15. Grandpa says:

    Lip service on overseas jobs and not a thing on the invasion from the South.

    Why anyone would listen to this non citizen now is beyond me…

  16. kiwi_chris says:

    Why is it since America got a black president, everyone around him went and got a spray tan?

  17. msbpodcast says:

    Sorry, I had to do the dishes.

    That’s actually more important to me.

    Obama is the PotUS of an increasingly fascist tyranny of the masses.

    The oligarchs just keep us distracted and buy our elections out from under us while the rich just do whatever the Hell rich people do.

    80% of everything is owned by about 300 American families and the rest of us are trying to live off he crumbs that are left.

    Nothing Obama could say would change that.

    At least we’re going to get health care because the rich people decided that we should have it in order not to get too uppity. (We’re too well armed to be allowed to get uppity.)

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    “We’re too well armed …”

    Not for long if the lefty goose stepping loons have their way.

  19. Ah_Yea says:

    Hey Wally! How about this for starters!

    The President could stop the EPA from imposing a job-destroying cap-and-trade system.

    The President could support a Balanced Budget Amendment.

    The President could agree to an energy policy that increases American energy production and reduces our dependence on foreign oil.

    The President could also turn back some of the 132 regulations put in place in the last two years, many of which will cost our economy $100 million or more.

    And, the President should repeal ObamaCare and support free market solutions like medical malpractice reform and allow all Americans to buy any healthcare policy they like anywhere in the United States.

    We need to start making things again in this country, and we can do that by reducing the tax and regulatory burdens on job creators.

    America will have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. Look no further to see why jobs are moving overseas.

    It’s not rocket science. At least to the thinking crowd.

  20. Heinrich Moltke says:


    I remember the days when the “State of the Union” was submitted in the form of a written letter to Congress.

    Ah, them good ol’ days. Me and Dvorak used to kick back and enjoy a bottle of Kentucky moonshine with our feet up on the backs of slaves.

    I didn’t see a thing in this speech that touched reality in any way. These “State of the Union” speeches are just moments of group fantasy, now that the government is too corrupt to do, to undertake anything.

    Barry Obama’s only dreaming up this bill so he can submit it and have the Republicans vote against it, then hope to get the public upset at the Republicans. It’s designed to go against their public anti-deficit stance.

    Take that out of the speech — and that was all that was in it — you have nothing left.

  21. Cursor_ says:

    Why do a room full of plutocrats owned by corporations have anything to say that means squat to the lower and middle class? We only get taxation without representation. Evidently that is all these Plutarchs think we deserve.


  22. bobbo, democracy means being subjected to the idiocy of the majority says:

    I’m getting to it, right now on Chris Matthews he just played Bachman’s Ode to Stupidity with the Back Up Tea Party leader (Sal somebody) supporting her like a raving loon. Look just LOOK how idiotic the Tea Party faction of the PUKES is: they are FANTASISTS totally divorced from reality. Democracy has no easy way to root these idiot ideaologies out==and with education number one on the hit parade for budget cuts, I won’t be needing my sunglasses for at least another generation?

    I did assume Obama would say nothing at this pep rally—–this meeting really should be a presentation of the Presidents proposed DETAILED 1, 5 and 10 year budgets. then we’d have a meeting of important rather than theater.

    Now waiting for Ryan’s response. While its theater, it still has worth to see what “roles” the actors choose to undertake.


  23. Brian says:

    I gave up on this guy about 3 weeks after he took office, when it became clear that all the ‘Change’ talk was- gasp- a lie!
    And people are STILL buying it!
    But hey, did you guys see (generic reality show)last nite?
    like, oh my ggaaaawd!

  24. So what says:

    How do you know a politician is lying?

    Their lips are moving.

  25. jescott418 says:

    The President makes great speeches. But all talk and no substance will get us nowhere. His speech is like a typical Politician covering all the bases. From cutting spending to increasing spending on such things as Education (always a croud pleaser) to saving our infrastructure (We need that). To being tough guy on terror (hows that 10 year war going?) I am not anti Obama. I’m just waiting to see what the real Government is going to do?

  26. High Karate says:

    [Applause Break]

  27. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Gitmo? He left out all mention of my favorite vacation spot? It’s still open, right?

    They act in YOUR name.

  28. Mr Anderson says:

    “– for all the hits we’ve taken these last few years”


  29. interglacial says:

    Wow! John Boehner has a fantastic tan. I assumed it must be a trick of the light so I checked some video footage of the event. He’s definitely darker than the president. Also, when the camera pans across the rest of the audience, you can see that most of the other folks there look like rich retirees who’ve been sitting on a beach for months. Where on Earth was he giving this speech? (I’m assuming it was a Florida retirement home or some such place).

  30. brm says:


    “OK all you knee-jerk Obama bashers: What’s your plan?”

    End the wars. Pull back our empire. Reclaim our monetary system from the Fed. Kick off a systematic dismantling of the corporate-government complex. Imprison and/or execute politicians who take money from non-humans.

    I’m really tired of being accused of “having no plan” when I complain about the assholes running the government.


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