So, what did you think of President Obama’s speech? What did he say you liked/disliked/wish he’d said/wish he hadn’t said? Don’t hold back. Tell it like it is.
Here’s the pre-released text of the speech.
So, what did you think of President Obama’s speech? What did he say you liked/disliked/wish he’d said/wish he hadn’t said? Don’t hold back. Tell it like it is.
Here’s the pre-released text of the speech.
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I caught part of it driving home from work and it was absurd. He said nothing worthwhile and it took 3x as long as it should because he had to stop every eleven words for applause. What a worthless waste of time.
Most inspiring and bipartisan moment: call to treat young scientific prodigies, winners of the science fairs as great achievers they are and celebrate them. Enough with celebrating non productive jocks and musicians.
Worst partisan moment: Call to end oil subsidies and replace them by subsidies to industries present Administration likes more. (Call to end all subsidies would be on par with most inspiring moment). Instant disillusion
about President’s move to the Center. On par with usage of “1984” language investment=spending what you don’t have. Investor s a person who HAS something to invest. Person borrowing to invest is known as machinator.
Lots of rhetoric, hopefully not empty rhetoric, but time will tell.
Did the Speaker of the House look shit faced drunk or what?
This fluffy, conflicted happy-pill speech was for one thing only: Sound Bites.
#29–Mr Ed==while your compliant is a bit vague, I’m watching a movie right now called “A Serious Man.” Its an unusual arty film probably not interesting to most but there is a scene where the main character explains that you don’t understand physics unless you understand the math behind it.
I’d say NOTHING explains the State of the Union, or your actual PLANS, than a budget.
Think about what a budget says and does one more time and post back if you continue to miss it.
He should have said….
Americans have to tighten your belts. ‘We have to go through hard times for 5 years to repair the damage that was committed over 20-25 years by the Federal Reserve, by the Treasury, by the politicians, and somebody has to tell the truth. But the politicians keep on fueling the illusion that you can spend yourself out of the misery, and that by printing money you will improve the economy, which is not the case.”
I watched both of the speeches and I laughed at the GOP speech. So there is Obama, trying to add some confidence to the nation, and then the GOP’s speech was like watching something on the Fox News channel: fear mongering and the end of days.
Look how much better things are than they were a two years ago. The economy is making a comeback, the stock traders are happy, manufacturing is on the rise, exports are going up, and unemployment is decreasing. In ten years people will be saying that Obama did what had to be done even if some won’t want to admit it.
Obama is full of crap. And I voted for him. What a corporatist tool he is, completely owned by Wall St. Of course he doesn’t mention in his “analysis” of what’s wrong with the country, that countless millions of our jobs have gone overseas and that Wall St has bankrupted the country with bailouts and his two wars are only making things worse. NAH…
So I see on Drudge that Governor Abercrombie is now stating, privately at least, to his reporter friend, Mike Evans, that THERE IS NO OBAMA BIRTH CERTIFICATE IN THE HAWAII RECORDS. I personally am stunned by this development, as is Abercrombie himself. As crazy as they seemed, the birthers were apparently right.
So where the hell DID Obama come from?
SimonSezz, we are several years removed from this own website putting up posts titled IS THE USA BANKRUPT?
Since then the long term financial picture has gotten worse not better, as the annual deficits have exploded, while the long term liabilities have not been addressed. Liberals now tend to ignore such thoughts as the Republicans are not holding the presidency, so there is no reason to pretend to care about the debt anymore.
#39: Obama’s birth certificate’s been shown several times.
Move along, and start worrying about something that actually matters, like the economy and businesses that are getting money for nothing (and the chicks for free).
I just don’t understand the partisan bullshit around here.
All the austerity measures and make work projects don’t mean squat as long as Banks aren’t lending to the little guys. The system is fundamentally broken.
in #21 Cursor said …room full of plutocrats owned by corporations…
Close but no cigar. Its the plutocrats that own the corporations.
That is the essence of fascism.
Seems I was wrong about Social Security going into deficit in 2015. According to CBO it has already happened.
Bobbo in #22 said: VOTE ALL PUKES OUT OF OFFICE!!!!
That’s friggin’ stupid.
You’re just going to replace one bunch on pukes with the next bunch of pukes, just like you did the last time, and the time before that and the time before that and so on.
Do you see a pattern here?
Open your eyes.
What’s at fault here is your system of choosing any/every tyrant.
This country and its citizenry will suffer until it changes how its representative officials get chosen.
The self-selecting system we have in place in this republic and that is in place in parliamentary democracies is the cause of our problems.
We end up with mostly lawyers and ex-lawyers (people who’s incomes are definitely not representative,) who’s knee-jerk response to anything is to pass a law, whether that is an appropriate response or not.
You’d get better representation by picking names out of a citizens list for a term of five years and then throwing them out.
Elections are for idiot children who like getting fucked up the ass with out lube or a condom.
This country and its citizenry will also suffer until all laws are subject to a sunset clause.
Imagine if they had to subject drug enforcement laws to pro/con debates every 10 years.
You probably would not have the insane system of ant-drug laws that are the hold-over of the Rockefeller era.
Floyd #41….no, that’s not true. The Certificate of Live Birth IS NOT a birth certificate. I am not a birther – or I wasn’t anyway. But now apparently the Governor of Hawaii has told a reporter, a friend of his for decades, Mike Evans, that THERE IS NO BIRTH CERTIFICATE IN HAWAII FOR OBAMA.
This needs to be investigated. I don’t care whether Obama is Dem or Repub, liberal or conservative, I smell a cover up here. Something is wrong. If Obama doesn’t have something as basic as an American birth certificate, what ELSE don’t we know about him?
Just saying shut up and go back to sleep doesn’t work anymore. I don’t trust ANY of these people including Obama. Maybe now, especially Obama. As far as the rest of our problems go, if Obama is working with various parties to complete a secret agenda (on behalf of Wall St for example), then it does matter WHO and WHAT he is. I do have to wonder why Abercrombie has gone after this, and that might be part of a larger political agenda, but the bottom line still remains…where is his birth certificate?
I have a large number of electric cars for sale, 1/16 scale but cheap for those of you that need something to brag about. Oh and do not forget the carbon credits!
Homer Simpson: mmmm donuts!
Barack Obama: mmmm salmon!
I will veto earmarked bills!
You really shouldn’t take bobo the clown so seriously.
I was gonna let it pass but really #51–howboutthat (good song btw)== I should/must be taken seriously. Since peepod doesn’t read comprehensively, I will point out the obvious: if PUKES are voted out of office, then shortly only Dem’s will be in office AND THEN we can sort thru them removing the Blue Dogs and DINO’s and get down to the only one’s who think government can work: the PROGRESSIVES!!!! yea progressives!!!!
Still retarded voters to vote for people who say governemtn doesn’t work. What BS is that?
Not one of you goof balls would go to a doctor who said “Medicine doesn’t work.”
Yes, thats just how stupid you PUKE voters are all.
It would be funny if there weren’t so many of you. The self destructive stupidity of the type just won’t breed out. Darwin was WRONG!
I listened to the speech last night, then went and listened to the other State of the Union Addresses he has done. They all say the same things, literally. He has been making the same policy speech since he became president, the words have changed, but the message and policies are the same. Obama, Change? apparently not.
I don’t waste time watching infomercials. Now if the State of the Union address and the responses were given under penalty of perjury, I might spend some time the next day scanning for any binding commitments. But as things stand, they’re just PR theater consisting of puffery, half truths, omissions, misdirection, and outright lies.
For the record, I’m a social democrat (“progressive”) who voted for Obama and now can barely stand to look at him, let alone listen to him speak. Mandatory private for-profit health insurance with no cost-effectiveness controls? Bailouts for banks but no relief for homeowners facing foreclosure? Continued tax cuts for the super-rich? Cuts to Medicare and Social Security? War without end? Stepped-up persecution of whistleblowers? Ongoing warrantless searches and wiretaps? I’m not interested in what this bait-and-switch DINO has to say — only what he actually does.
This is the way I see it.
After getting stomped on during the last election he is now ready to make a few modest cuts to the speed at which he increases the national debt none of which changes the fact that we are rapidly racing toward being just another insolvent nation of nincompoops who will receive the just reward due our asinine behavior: pain, suffering and more than a few deaths.
An awesome speech. He hit each of the key issues and specific as to what is being done to address them. He did so in a way that average sheeple watcher could understand. Kudos, mr president.
Also saw that Bohner didn’t cry (ok, maybe a little) and some teabagger schmuck didn’t yell out “you lie” for public grandstanding.
Thank you Mr president for all you do and keep us safe from terrorist attack in your first two years in office.
uh oh.. I think Dallas filled
the jacuzzi with kool-aid again.
-don’t you ever learn?
>Thank you Mr president for all you do and keep us safe from terrorist attack in your first two years in office.
Yes thank you for renditions, wiretapping, military tribunals, and Guantanamo, not to mention taking the fight to Al Qaeda instead of withdrawing from the battlefield.
Did I leave anything out?
Obama during the speech praised a school district that turned things around. Well this happened because the head of the school was allowed to ignore the union rules, and he could fire all the teachers he wanted. Nice to see Obama endorse that. Now can we make that national?
What a silly statement bobbo, of course I would want to go to a doctor that believed medicine didn’t work, if I thought medicine didn’t work. Do you go to homeopathic doctors for treatment, or ones who don’t believe such things work?
So Mikey==why do you go to politicians who say government doesn’t work?
any other retard: feel free to answer as well.
Why do you go to doctors who say homeopathic medicine doesn’t work?
Who do you go to doctors who say prayer medicine doesn’t work?
In short, why do you go to doctors who say medicine doesn’t work?