(CNN) — Count Jesse Ventura among fliers who don’t want their “junk” touched by Transportation Security Administration agents.

The former Minnesota governor and pro wrestler filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court in Minnesota against the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA.

The suit alleges enhanced airport security procedures, including pat-downs and full body scanning, violate Ventura’s rights under the Fourth Amendment, which protects Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures.

  1. BigBoyBC says:

    I wish I could believe he’s doing it for the right reasons (feeling violated), but sadly he has a reputation for shameless self-promotion. The truth is, he’s probably only doing it for his TV show.

  2. Publius says:


    If you don’t want to be molested, don’t go to an airport??

    What’s the matter with you? You takin a likin to a molestin paternalistic government?

  3. Publius says:

    There are few lawyers wanting to step up to challenge the government… because they harbor dreams of being the government. To Grow Up and be a Lawmaker, a Judge, etc…. more government is exactly what most of the craven barristers in the USA want most.

  4. TSA = Security Theater
    bobbo = statist shill

    The problem here is the gubment is interfering with the right to private contract between passengers, airlines and airports. Security should be left up to the airports and airlines. If you feel that being physically assaulted and molested is necessary, you can fly with the airline and airport which provide that. If you feel otherwise, you can take your business elsewhere. The free market will disseminate what is necessary and accepted to provide the best balance between comfort and security. Unlike the one size fits all, top down, corrupted gov solution.

  5. Also, I don’t think most people realize that whether you like the TSA and the job their doing or not, YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. Whether you use it or not, YOU HAVE TO PAY FOR IT. That’s really the crux of the problem. Government is not held accountable. It is not subject to market forces because it gets paid whether it provides a satisfactory service or not.

  6. Fart In Your General Direction says:

    bobbo is so pro “big brother” I think he probably is a TSA agent…or a troll…or more than likely just a snake oil salesman, ’cause last I checked, there aren’t any malarial mosquitoes in my part of the world, so I probably won’t need those nets he’s trying to sell….

  7. Ken in Berkeley says:

    Way to go Jesse! Let ’em have it.

  8. Uncle Patso says:

    # 37 Ken in Berkeley said:

    “Way to go Jesse! Let ‘em have it.”


  9. hmeyers says:

    Someday terrorists will realize they don’t need to bomb planes, just bomb the long lines for the planes. How does the TSA protect against that? It is quite silly.

    But Arab terrorists are one-trick ponies and quite stupid. What is their odd preoccupation with planes? Do airplanes represent Western superiority over their camels or something?

  10. Mr, Ed says:

    39 – I’m with you. If I were a terrorist I would want to scare as many people as possible. Watch for bombs in shopping malls. Random Greyhound buses blowing up on the highways. Trains derailing. How about setting off a smoke grenade in a big city with a note attached warning “Next time – Cyanide!” All would be easier than taking down an aircraft and spread the paranoia around.

    Right now the terrorists are spending almost nothing while the TSA alone spends 7 billion a tear. Terrorism is getting a free ride!

  11. msbpodcast says:

    Mr Ed said in #40 How about setting off a smoke grenade in a big city with a note attached warning “Next time – Cyanide!”

    That’s stupid. Its much more effective for them to really let off a cyanide bomb. (All you need is a few tons of plant products [there are almost 1,500 cyanide containing plants{*,}] some drying and grinding facilities and some time to process them.)

    The can get everything entirely legally.

    The TSA are clueless, graceless fat-asses staging some street theater out at the airport to try and distract the masses from the sad fact that they’re sitting ducks in a crowd.

    The only reason for the continued existence of cities is ignorance and the fact that most people are benevolent imbeciles.

    Ted Kazinsky was not entirely wrong.

    *) Plants like:
    – Johnson Grass,
    – peach seeds,
    – cherry pits,
    – apple seeds,
    – green beans,
    – bitter almonds,
    – peas,
    – apricots,
    – cassava root,
    – elderberries,
    – flax seeds,
    – choke cherries and
    – bamboo shoots.

    The bamboo shoot contains the highest amount of cyanic glucoside or cyanide sugar

  12. bobbo, democracy means being subjected to the idiocy of the majority says:

    #32–Pubus==no, I don’t like it either. Silly what our government does with this: “SECURITY THEATER.” Its complete and total nonsense. I would have secured the pilot door, armed the crew, used the metal detectors, and profiled all young swarthy males buying one way tickets.

    I would accept the “risk” of airplanes being flown into buildings as part of the new age we have entered. I would do the math and figure losing a skyscraper full of people every once in a while was cheaper than what we are doing. I accept collateral damage as part of any war. I would get us off of oil and out of the Middle East.

    But the American Public is not as risk tolerant as I am and will wail like babies on the next attack so what is our pandering leadership going to do? == Thats right. They will pander just as they are doing.


  13. jman says:

    yes that makes sense booboo.

    Vote out the people against this bullshit rather than the “big govt needs to control everything libs”

  14. tcc3 says:

    Jman – i think both the support and outrage for this is fairly bi-partisan.

    Republicans knejerked their way into big government Homeland Security and TSA. The democrats haven’t rolled any of it back. Republicans would excoriate them for “endangering America” if they tried.

    Failure all around.

  15. bobbo, democracy means being subjected to the idiocy of the majority says:

    Jman–any “fair and balanced” analysis of our political situation TODAY will show both parties are corrupt self dealing incompetent pandering ass wipes. Pukes take the extra step of voting pure politics in lock step regimentation for the purpose of defeating Obama and appealing to their corporate base.

    Really – just look! If I’m forced to eat crap, I will always chose the smaller pile.

  16. Voting these politicians out of office is a joke. As if the corruption started and ended with them. You’ve got bureaucrats who aren’t elected into office. You’ve got an alphabet soup assortment of agencies who pretty much act without any repercussions whatsoever. You’ve got ex-politicians working as lobbyists. And you wonder why things never change. The government just grows and becomes more and more incompetent and corrupt.

  17. Mr. Fusion says:

    I agree with Ventura. Yet I would have more faith if it was someone else. It is hard to believe Ventura isn’t just a publicity whore after his conspiracy series on “Tru TV”.

  18. Norman Speight says:

    An American citizen – ex marine I believe has just been arrested in England after passing through two US international airports before crossing the Atlantic with – get this – a suitcase full of handguns!
    Brit police believe he had made this journey several times and have linked a previous consignment to a shooting. Seems the ex-marine was flogging these guns to serious crooks here in the UK.
    So. What price your TSA now I wonder.

  19. Russell B says:

    For once (as of recent), I agree with him. If people are gonna touch my junk so freely, I need payment! :\


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