(CNN) — Count Jesse Ventura among fliers who don’t want their “junk” touched by Transportation Security Administration agents.

The former Minnesota governor and pro wrestler filed a lawsuit Monday in federal court in Minnesota against the Department of Homeland Security and the TSA.

The suit alleges enhanced airport security procedures, including pat-downs and full body scanning, violate Ventura’s rights under the Fourth Amendment, which protects Americans from unreasonable searches and seizures.

  1. MTM says:

    Only ’cause his junk is so atrophied from all the rampant ‘roid use back in the day he would be embarrassed

  2. bobbo, is everything Ventura does a Sham? says:

    He’s got no chance in “heck” right? Nor should he. If you don’t want to be molested at the airport, drive a car. The key here of course is “unreasonable” and that has a lot of leeway. doesn’t matter if some other procedure that is less intrusive would also “work” as long as what the tsa is doing is reasonable–and who could deny that?

    Easy Peasey.

  3. ECA says:

    then show me 1 national FLIGHT that has detained a Hijacker before entering the plane…
    NOT international..as those are the province of the OTHER NATION..
    TSA is consider RECENT..it wasnt started AFTER 9/11 for at LEAST 2-3 years..

  4. bobbo, the negative pessimist rarely apologizes says:

    ECA–I’m not aware of any and wouldn’t that be the whole DESIRED IMPACT of the screening process?

    Back up one square and go at that again.

  5. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    I’d think of more impact would be that every “study” I have seen shows that hijacking tools/bombs/guns can be smuggled past a gate check almost at will—seemingly?

    The waste of money/stupidity/inefficiency of the TSA program is not a LEGAL deficiency.

    Let’s keep our eye on the ball?

  6. ECA says:

    And I can sell you(for a good price) an amulet that will protect you from BEAR attack.

    And you would say, “There havent been any bear attacks…”

    I would say…”SEE IT WORKS”

  7. Benjamin says:

    Bobbo, when you trade freedom for security you receive and deserve nether.

  8. Dallas says:

    Good for him and hope he wins. The TSA government jobs program is getting out of control in terms of cost and intrusiveness.

    While groping is about the only sexual contact some sheeple get (you know who you are), it vastly needs reform.

    I give former President Cheney the benefit of the doubt that he did not intend to have children, the elderly and the crippled molested at will. Let see what happens.

  9. jescott418 says:

    This is the same guy who ran around in tights and wrestled right? Good luck with that law suit Jesse!

  10. Just me says:

    Wow, what we need now is a class-action lawsuit! There must be thousands, even tens of thousands of people that feel like Jesse. Any hungry lawyers willing to take the challenge?

  11. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    ECA–and I can sell you mosquito netting that keeps you from getting malaria. Would you try to take a gun thru a metal detector? Why not?

    As stated: back up one square and try again. Don’t flip over to a irrelevant argument of illogical import.

    #7–Benji==you need to argue with ECA. He reports there have been no hijackers caught pre-boarding raising the direct inference that hijackers are no longer attempting to walk on board aircraft with guns/bombs. That is giving up Freedom ((FREEEEEEEDOM!)) for Security. Sorry, no cracker for you.

  12. ECA says:

    If you REALLY want paranoia..
    Think of what it would take to INSTALL a person into the Food processing business.
    HOW easy would it be to Introduce poisons into the making of FLOWER.. breads/cookies/muffins/cereal..

    Or how often do we CHECK imported foods..Even random insertions of poisons would be Very hard to detect.

    How about ready made foods, like canned soup and TV diners?(I think we poison ourselves more then THEY EVER COULD)

    Do you REALLY think, limiting Terrorist from flying will stop them from DRIVING, taking a bus/train?(those are next to be INSPECTED)

    And since the main thing happening in other countries is CAR bombing, do you think they have gone PAST that ideal? And I havent seen many of those.(1) and the TSA didnt locate it.

    With the TSA is PAID by the citizens, I AM PAYING their salary..and I DONT FLY. Let the airlines PAY for it, and pass the BUCK to the passengers. OR hand out GUNS to each passenger and tell them to PROTECT THEMSELVES..

  13. bobbo, the thing with analogies is you need to know which end of the anvil to hold says:

    Who wants paranoia?

    Ever scare yourself by imagining whats in the dark?

    Group of us did it one night brainstorming how to best damage the USA. We came up with some doozies–not seen mentioned in the press and I see no reason to stoke that fire now.

    Its called a “clash of cultures” for a reason and it makes sense that culture would form the boundaries of the clash. For some reason, OBL has a brain fart on airplanes. Maybe because fighting aircraft and the import of aircraft in waging war was burned into his consciousness while fighting the Russkies on our behalf?

    Good thing he didn’t form an oil cartel and artificially restrict supplies?

  14. Nobody says:

    #11 – the 9/11 hijackers didn’t carry their weapons onto the plane, they were smuggled aboard on food carts.
    Food carts, as well as baggage handlers, cleaners, maintenance etc have no more security than before.

  15. msbpodcast says:

    If you’re dumb enough to go against Jessy The Body Ventura you deserve to get body slammed.

    Is that going to be on HBO or Pay-per-View?

    Judges as referees. Fuck, I’d pay to see that…

  16. bobbo, the thing with analogies is you need to know which end of the anvil to hold says:

    Nobody–I recall both accounts. There is always FUD surrounding historical events. How do you know what is or is not being done today? More FUD?

    And what difference does it make even if true?


  17. diane says:

    The BEST recourse for a terrorist would be an aware public ready to pummel them to a bloody mess. After all, people — en mass — are a frightening thing.
    The TSA is a band-aid, bullshit tactic designed to keep us helpless and “secure” with ever more outlandish tactics. It’s getting us more and more used to a police state, not protecting us. Hey, I’m all for lawsuits challenging the legality of the 4th amendment. All of you should be FOR THIS. What are you sheeple? Morons? Come on!! Wake up.
    I’d join a class action. I applaud everyone who challenges this in court. We need to protect our constitutional rights, or get ready to live in a very ugly place.
    Wake up folks, especially, you, Bobo the brainless.

  18. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Die And Eat Shiat==make sure you apologize when Jesse’s case is thrown out.

    Lot’s of sound and fury for someone who will immediately accept an ugly place if the court case is lost? Why do you hate your freedoms ((FREEEEEEDOM!!) so?


  19. dusanmal says:

    @bobbo “If you don’t want to be molested at the airport, drive a car. The key here of course is “unreasonable” and that has a lot of leeway.” – Two problems there… Bigger one: Supreme Court have already spoken on what is unreasonable search so it is very well defined, no leeway. Hence, while lower Courts may decide this or that way, if this reaches Supreme Court Ventura wins. For detailed pat-down and strip search specific warrant is required first and it must include what object the person is searched for and why is there reasonable suspicion that he/she has it.
    Lesser (but still big, just not yet Supreme Court tested) problem: if Govt. obstructs freedom of movement by imposing unreasonable obstacles on certain modes of transportation it does not matter if you can drive (or take a ship). Situation immediately becomes one of restricting the very fundamental Constitutional right of being free, opening another path for Ventura’s lawsuit.

  20. TooManyPuppies says:

    Well, it’s progress. Hopefully soon we’ll round up those TSA criminals and hold public executions for any and all who felt up under children. If we make it a pay per view event, we can drastically reduce the national debt.

  21. msbpodcast says:

    Thank you Bin Laden for advancing the true cause of the internet.

    Meanwhile the TSA will try to spin the bombing at Moscow’s Domodedovo airport into the need for more security.

    But they are fighting a losing battle. Sell your airport stock now!

    Eventually, we’re going to need telepresence rigs to pseudo-go places because we can’t fly anymore.

    (Why are British ISPs being such unmitigated pricks over a Tiered Internet? Imagine an AT&T or a BT telepresence rig over the internet guaranteed not to suffer from any stutter. Ca-ching!!!)

  22. bobbo, the law is what happens whether you like it or not says:

    Dismal–you show a chronic misunderstanding of the law ((BobboEdit–and everything else. Haw, Haw!!)). Like words, every legal concept has “a context.” Since you haven’t linked to anything that would explain your fumblings any better than you have, I will assume the “unreasonable” you refer to is in an arrest context==having nothing to do with TSA security at airports. Different Context unless you have a link discussing security as opposed to law enforcement/arrrest. What you are saying is all the metal detectors that governments run are illegal? Or that failing a metal detector is not a reasonable basis for pat down/x-rays?

    Is that your position, or do you have some actual case law/reasoning/argument/analysis beside raw assertion?

    If the SCOTUS’s position is so clear on the subject, how is it that the lower courts are deciding this way and that way? Silly.

    Also silly the notion that “there is a Constitutional right to be free….” That rendition/telling/summation of Constitutional rights is downright retarded==or should I say “dismal” if not hysterical?

    I’d say focus, but your problem is entirely different.

  23. rottinapple says:

    Bully for the asshat moron.
    Good luck with that

  24. tjspiel says:

    Whether he’s successful or not, it’s a form of protest that hopefully garners attention and support.

    The basic question is how effective are these practices and is the reduced risk (if any) of a terrorist attack worth putting millions through these invasive and time consuming searches?

    You can make the argument that even one life saved is worth it, however, we take potentially life threatening risks every day. No one has really asked the American people if we want this.

    Certainly you want to prevent planes from crashing into buildings but I’m assuming procedures have been put in place to limit the likelihood of that happening again beyond just screening passengers.

  25. duh says:

    I think it’s great to have someone, that’s been in the public eye, bring a case like this against the TSA. It will get national coverage and attention. At the very least, the TSA might consider giving it’s employees sensitivity training. The TSA’s biggest problem has been the poor attitude and immature actions of their employees…and maybe the fact they haven’t caught anyone dangerous.

  26. chuck says:

    Someone explain to me how the enhanced pat-downs and full-body-scanners would have prevented the bombing at the airport in Moscow.

    Or how they could prevent the same thing from happening at any airport in the USA.

  27. Cursor_ says:

    What no one is gonna go there????

    OK The BODY doesn’t want his Body scanned.

    Oh joy!


  28. chrish says:

    If my job requires me to travel by commercial airline, and my employer has reason to know that I am subject to intrusive patdowns by the TSA, can I sue my employer for subjecting me to sexual harassment or at least a hostile work environment?

  29. sargasso_c says:

    Professional wrestling attacks – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia http://bit.ly/fcNUg6

  30. Nobody says:

    # 26 – because with longer lines for security and more fat lazy TSA staff, when a bomb is detonated in the queue for the security check then there will be more shrapnel absorbing material between you and the device.


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