Could religion buy and sell weapons tax free? Everything touched by organized religion is tax free. Why not I say?
AY!! Alla you wops get offa da lawn.
Pope’s chief exorcist checking out the new Scoped BFG 9000 holy water squirt gun. The THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS is dead with one shot from this bad boy; when push comes to shove, awesomeness always wins.
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Ask and ye shall receive.
#29–No Extended Clip==Its a good thing I’m crazy otherwise your incitement to violence would have to be noted.
The Spanish Inquisition in the modern age:
This is perfect for “converting” non-believers.
I’ll take all you have.
Planning your trip to America.
Isn’t this what they do while they pass around the collection plate these days?
You know this telescope thing Galileo was talking about might have a practical use after all.
GOD DAMN!!!!!!!!
Snitches Get Stiches!
“…and when you pull the trigger, Father; instant reverse transubstantiation.”
Judging by the way he’s holding that gun this may be the first time he ever touched one.
Put your faith in God boys…and keep a loaded gun handy just in case the devil tries to rule the day.
I told you kids to GET BACK ON MY LAWN!
Let’s see the corporations take control of the government away from the church NOW!
Red Five standing by!
Let’s see Martin Luther diss the Church now !!!
“They can have my rifle when they pry it from my cold, dead hands.”
“Hey, why doesn’t this thing have one of them thar those 30 round mags?”
So you really don’t think Jesus is the Prince of Peace !?!?!?”
“You keep the gun, I’ll keep my alter boys.”
Religion and war go together like peanut butter and jelly, and they always have.
Peanut butter jelly time!
Peanut butter jelly time!
let’s see that PedoBear fuck with me now
Bishop takes king. Checkmate.
Inquisition MY A$$..
Shoot them all and let god sort them out..
Comfy chair my ass! Nobody will expect this “outreach inquisition”!
A holy terror?
Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
Could religion buy and sell weapons tax free? Everything touched by organized religion is tax free. Why not I say?
AY!! Alla you wops get offa da lawn.
Thou Shalt Not
Just like the the Civil War, the Crusades were just on hold.
Its the Crusades part Duex!!
(us infidels will teach those infidels)
No, the gun range is to your right. That’s the boys locker room.
Give me that, the soldier wants his rifle back now, all the children have gone…
“And now let me show you our newest feature: the Atheist Hunt setting.”
In the name of the Father, the Son and the HOLY SHIT!!!
Pope’s chief exorcist checking out the new Scoped BFG 9000 holy water squirt gun. The THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS is dead with one shot from this bad boy; when push comes to shove, awesomeness always wins.
Our second collection this week is for the Bishop’s Retirement Fund. I STRONGLY encourage you all to give generously.
Your Holiness needs to lead the Protestants more than the Muslims.