Phil Mocek knows he isn’t required to show ID to fly, and that it’s perfectly legal to record video in publicly accessible areas of an airport. A jury agreed with him earlier this week, acquitting him of trumped-up charges brought against him by TSA and police officers who demanded obedience. He didn’t need to call any witnesses or testify himself; he was acquitted based on the evidence entered against him.

What’s pathetic were the Police lackeys who did not know the law and who were obedient wimps kow-towing to the TSA’s every whim. Too bad the local cops cannot follow the law and instead follow guys who make it up as they go along. They should be called out. The TSA apparently do not know their own rules or know what they are doing. And we trust them to run X-ray machines?

  1. bobbo, judges are becoming a sad lot indeed says:

    Its worse than you say JCD: here, and in all too many other cases like the cops arresting for filming in public ((kinda real close on the facts and the law==CONSTITUTIONAL LAW that trumps state/local ordinances)), the judges IF THEY WERE DOING THEIR JOBS, would throw the cases out on their own motion==ie without requiring the defendants to even show up, mount a defense, wait for a jury verdict.

    You all may cheer the defendant won here.

    I cry he had to show up at all.

    JUDGES – NOT doing their jobs.

  2. jealousmonk says:

    Very little good news on this front so I am glad to hear of this. Expect this “loophole” to be fixed shortly. The cops and TSA should be charged with corruption as this is textbook “abuse of power.” I’m not holding my breath, of course.

  3. Norman Speight says:

    But of course this ruling does not apply to anyone attempting to enter the US from abroad.
    The TSA and the immigration authorities will simply put you on the next available plane out of the country – at your expense!
    Court justice is not available for those such as tourists coming for a holiday. Isn’t often appreciated that the law is not universal, it only applies to the residents/citizens of a country in the circumstances as described. There are recorded cases of persons actually owning businesses in the US wh – despite coming for many years – have been refused entry. No right of appeal of course.

  4. duh says:

    I think the TSA and cops need to read their stupid handbooks. Of course their going to be provoked on a daily basis. This is the US. We’re all about challenging the system. That’s what makes this country great.

  5. SpeedBump says:


    Blogger Matt Kernan was able to bypass both the naked body scanner and invasive TSA pat down procedures during his return to the United States this past weekend, proving that both measures are completely unconstitutional and creating a precedent for a total shake-up of airport security.

  6. Dallas says:

    Great news and kudos to this guy.

    It’s time we dismantle the Cheney administration created police state.

    The TSA is another government jobs program that will soon be as large as the military jobs program.

  7. Chris says:

    Just got through my first TSA opt-out experience at Detroit Metro, here are the “highlights”:

    1) Despite there being a sign next to the full body scanner saying it was “optional” they said it could be 20 minutes before they could get someone for the pat down – despite there being 4 TSA lackeys working the one open scanner and 5 TSA lackeys on the other side.
    2) My personal belongings having gone down the belt, I inquired after 5 minutes if they could be brought into view so I could ensure nothing was taken. The guy pointed both fingers at his eyes as if to give me the “I’m watching you” sign. Whatever dude.
    3) 7 minutes pass and I ask for a supervisor, who then is able to round up a pat-down expert 5 minutes later.
    4) After the supervisor leaves they open one metal detector (out of spite, as there was no increase in passengers) and I was told I had opted out of that too, despite asking if it was open when I came up and being told it was closed.

    My simple point to the TSA dopes was this: “Look, YOU have the sign that says the scanner is optional. That being the case, you should have someone here and ready to give pat-downs. If the pat down line is long and I want to waste my time, that’s my decision.”

    My new script is this:

    1) I have a family history of melanoma and my doctor has told me to opt out as it could be a health risk.
    2) If the metal detector is closed, state specifically that I am opting out of AIT and reserving my RIGHT to go through the metal detector if it is opened while I wait.

  8. hello says:

    @ Bobbo

    perhaps the judge heard the case in order to set a precedent.

  9. noname says:

    At lest there appears American’s do have some rights.

    Americans only have rights that another American is willing to stand up and be hassled by the mean spirited authorities for, so many cudo’s-

    CONGRATZ Phil Mocek FOR YOUR WISDOM & PATRIOTISM!!!!! More patriotism and wisdom then your average lackey American!!

  10. Dallas says:

    #9 You should be tending to your mule and get him a decent barn, ya POS. Shouldn’t you be mowing something?

  11. soundwash says:

    a grain of sand dropped in a lake.

    E for effort.


  12. chris says:

    #10 “Americans only have rights that another American is willing to stand up and be hassled by the mean spirited authorities”

    That’s true.

    #9 Yeah, this doesn’t have anything to do with Bush/Cheney. They would have packed the guy off to gitmo. A trial… geez. Look of far we have fallen.

  13. JimD says:

    The TSA and Cops are just followiing the Repukes who pass laws all the time, in TOTAL IGNORANCE OF THE CONSTITUTION AND THE BILL OF RIGHTS, despite their “reading” it into the Congressional Registor – to an empty chamber (like their brain-cases) !!!

    Remember how the “Not a Witch” in Delaware didn’t know about the 1st Amendment Establishment Clause ?

  14. Well, Obama has done nothing to reverse this trend and I see no evidence that he — or the Dems — ever will. So they are in the same camp as the rest of the creeps who are ruining the country.

    And I agree, we’ll have to sue over and over and the judges are a big part of the problem.

  15. bobbo, judges are becoming a sad lot indeed says:

    #8–Hello==good idea but I would counter that “the Precedent” is the Bill of Rights? Also, trial court decisions aren’t precedent for anything as they are FACT determinations not questions of law ((I think?)).

  16. EnemyOfTheState says:

    Sue over and over?

    Judges and the court system do not offer justice, not even as an added cost option.

  17. jbenson2 says:

    For the Win!

    #15 John C Dvorak comes in with the smack down on Dallas #6.

  18. scandihoovian says:

    So here’s my plan to incite a hasty and painless grope search. Start moaning “oooh, yeahh” and mutter “faster, faster”….

  19. Blind Stevie says:

    Americans should just stop flying for 3 or 4 months. When the airlines and travel business folks finished turning the screws on the Best Congress Money Can Buy, something would be changed.

    That’s all it would take to get our masters to listen, a little pain in the pocket. American business will not put up with their money making being endangered.

    Bobbo. Did you buy the new system yet?

  20. noname says:

    TSA may get the last laugh by mysteriously putting Phil Mocek name on the “NO FLY LIST”.

  21. bobbo, judges are ________ a sad lot indeed says:

    #20–Stevie==I already have 3 dual core 939 Socket systems and 2 older systems all connected in a LAN and actually all together able to do what I currently “do.” I’m thinking a little more RAM and divide my work load up between discrete systems, and why do I want a Sandy Bridge?

    Because its Got MOre POWER!!!! yEAAA!

    I’ve been spoiled. I’ve built 3 puters now and each one worked right from the start. I fear the Three Sisters Fate have played out a long length of yarn! If you missed it, my last system software crash turned out to be a failed motherboard. First time for me. Shock-Horror-Sadness-Grief-Puzzle-Curiosity-Research-Testing-Test Again-Solution===”I’m on Top of the World Maaa!

    I hate emotional rollercoasters. Also hate putting money into a two generation old system. I wish I could waste money like I used to, but a rational life is about limits?

  22. Faxon says:

    All cops are, basically, assholes. Federal officials are, basically, bigger assholes.

  23. Dallas says:

    I can see it now. Obama calls for the dismantling of the Cheney administration police state and all the “Obama is a Muslim” loonies will come out of the woodwork claiming he’s preparing for a major Muslim attack.

    The fact is, the TSA is now a warm blanket for the sheeple to make them feel safe against the evil, towel heads from the land of oil.

  24. chris says:


    You’re ignoring not only political realities, as Dallas suggests in #26, but the reality of organizations. Changing an organization’s posture is very hard to do.

    Bush & Co. told the domestic security establishment that there were essentially no rules. You can do that overnight.

    Walking that back is realistically going to take years.

  25. tcc3 says:

    Chris & Dallas – you’re both absolutely right.

    That said, I’d like to see this walk back *start*.

    I’m starting to think Obama doesn’t have the will or the nerve to do the right thing. Either one is a disappointment.

  26. The purpose of the government went from supposedly representing the will of the people, which is impossible in and of itself, to representing those who make it up. Funny how trials are named the state of so and so versus john doe. It its literally you against the government. Good luck! Essentially the gov has gone from being a means to an end to being just an end in itself. And that was inevitable!

  27. bobbo, to the left and right, and then more left of Obama says:

    #29–Obama is too right wing for me, and much too “stay the course” after setting forth on the wrong course. Quibble: ((thats not a quibble))–sets off on the right course, but we can’t afford the journey.

    None of us “knows” and we hear expert opinion across the spectrum. Obama might give a rousing speech even identifying a real change: but he hasn’t demonstrated FIGHTING for the change he has identified that is needed. He falls short in a compromise. Its good to jump==but you have to have the trajectory to hit the other side. He ain’t doing that.

    I still think a good green energy “moon shot” is the type of thing we need. such a goal does many things including “real” job development. Silly to eat our seed corn as the PUKES are all set to do and Obama may go along with it.

    As always, fingers are crossed with no hope at all.

    Sad Hoomans.

  28. Axl says:

    A drop in the bucket – but enough of them it will make a difference. Commendations to the ones daring to stand up to this silliness.

    Anyone ever had a look around the airports? It is fenced all right but easy for someone with an evil mind to enter the airport through the miles and miles of unprotected space. That is more likely to happen that evildoing done through the airport Checkpoints.

    It is all a joke. TSA is a joke and airport police is a joke.

    And talk about alienating a nation.

  29. TThor says:

    Congratulations! The victory is sweet. For all of us slaves.

  30. chris says:


    I agree, he could have sent a powerful signal by closing Gitmo. Since Obama said he would do it that one clearly IS in his lap.

    What I don’t get is why the right is overestimating how effectiveness of Obama. It sounds as silly as Col. Jack D. Ripper’s views in Dr. Strangelove.


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