Phil Mocek knows he isn’t required to show ID to fly, and that it’s perfectly legal to record video in publicly accessible areas of an airport. A jury agreed with him earlier this week, acquitting him of trumped-up charges brought against him by TSA and police officers who demanded obedience. He didn’t need to call any witnesses or testify himself; he was acquitted based on the evidence entered against him.
What’s pathetic were the Police lackeys who did not know the law and who were obedient wimps kow-towing to the TSA’s every whim. Too bad the local cops cannot follow the law and instead follow guys who make it up as they go along. They should be called out. The TSA apparently do not know their own rules or know what they are doing. And we trust them to run X-ray machines?
You touch my junk, I’m going to bust you in the mouth and arrest you for molestation.
This is Excellent news.
Of course, bullies might still make demands, but they can be ignored legally.
I would still obey a person who threatens bodily harm. US Code – Color of Law remedies may then apply; contact your attorney for details. Violators (bullies) in the government are putting themselves at peril to lose some property and freedom, if they violate US Code – Color of Law. Remember the facts during an event: Names, times of day, locations, what was said, what was physically done to you.
Suggest to pass this memo around as a public service announcement to contacts. We cannot count on bullies to tell anyone the truth at airports!
#20 Blind Stevie said the public should stop flying for 3-4 months and the travel/tourism industry will demand Congress reform things.
A noble idea but the last time we stopped flying for a week and flew much less for a couple of months, Congress handed bailouts and special privileges to the airlines.
If I ever have to go through airport security again, (which I doubt,) I’m going to wear a cape, a pair of Chinese “gummybear galoshes” and a pair of Lycra shorts.
I will then proceed to my gate nearly naked.
The cops and the TSA can try to embarrass me but they’ll soon learn that I’m not embrarrasable. 🙂
I just came back from a business trip and it re-enforced my preference to drive. Both airports were using backscatter/mmw as a primary screening method.
#15 I vote with John.
No matter what Bush and Chaney did or did not do this is going on under Obama and if anyone has a single shred of evidence that his people aren’t upping the anti please put up or put a dirty sock in it.
This guy is a Patriot.
Bullies of any police state authority will always ignore the rule of law, and/or pretend to be ignorant of it. And ignorance of the law is no excuse. Unless your job is to uphold it. Then, apparently incompetence of your job, IS an excuse.
#39 and #41
Please tell me you’ve had a job before. Some guy, say 3-4 levels up, gets replaced. Your day to day isn’t going to change much. A prez is 20-30 levels up from the guy on the ground.
Bush’s message of ‘no rules’ could easily be disseminated. Putting controls back in place is an in depth operation.
The no-rules thing is bogus. You have to have smart rules. Obama is “for sale” rules. I’m not an apologist.
Crap on your neat delineations.
And we trust them to run X-ray machines?
Well, they’re there all day so we know at least they won’t breed.
Our exposure will be occasional and short.
These poor schmucks are going to be exposed all friggin’ day, frying their scrotums until they look like hanging bags of kung po chicken…
The TSA will be part of the (radio-)active reserves.
#45 Pedro,
Pretty sure you were referring to my #33, not #27, post.
The ideal opening move for any Democratic President in ’08, meaning any President, would have been to simultaneously close Gitmo, promise to give back the land it is built on, and move to normalize relations with Cuba.
I never expected anyone to have the balls to do it, or for Obama to have the balls to do much of anything.
Unless TSA & police involved were punished in some way, this is NOT a win for Mocek or anyone who had to go through a similar situation. It is laughable people think of this as some kind of win simply b/c the court dismissed the case. If I am the TSA or police, I will send a guy like Mocek to jail, charge him with a crime, or take away his possession any day. What do I care if the case gets dismissed when I know I won’t be personally effected in any way? But I know the trouble maker will have to go through all sorts of hassles.
Come to Canada – where the fascist Canadian border people now are testing “spot checks” of travelers leaving the country on vacation
How polite
How helpful
Its the beginnings of the new world order
Whats next ?
If you are impolite you can bet you will be flagged on the way back to Canada
So next time you take a flight, are you going to show ID?
Pedro – What has the embargo done except give the Castro regime a whipping boy? “You’re poor and hungry and your dog has 3 legs all because of the evil Americans.”
Why aren’t we following the same policy of “influence” we’re using with China? It may not have been a silver bullet, but its having an effect. Hell, in many ways they’re more capitalist than we are.
Even if the China policy is wrong, we could at least be consistent.
Also, Americans need fine cigars and rum. =)
You know pedro, you can disagree without being an asshole.
Or given your post history, maybe you can’t. I’ll have to learn to be more sensitive to your obvious disability.
Just heard Jesse Ventura is suing TSA for violation of his privacy rights. His persona is in this lawsuit, I hope his money is too.
Pedro for brains: how many hours have you talked with the Castro Brothers? Why is one policy towards them and a different one for China, Korea, USSR, Algeria etc justified?
Isn’t the theory behind “trade” that both parties benefit? Why are we cutting off the benefit we could receive?
Your thinking on the subject isn’t just simple minded==its just unimaginative, singular and dull witted.
Good job.
You had me at: “Its not thinking…….”
Gawd, I love this blog.
He doesn’t need to think! Truthyness comes from the gut.
The US doesn’t trade with North Korea, it maintains a sanctions policy. However it is less effective than one with Cuba.
China was opened up as a strategic move to split it from the USSR.
The basic logic exists for all of these countries, why trade with them when it is slave labor?
# 57 tcc3,
“He (# 55 pedro) doesn’t need to think! Truthyness comes from the gut.”
Your so right. I know what my gut makes, and it’s the same stinky thing that comes out of pedros mind.
This is just a jerk with a camera disrupting the flow of traffic at an airport. What’s the deal with him showing us his vidiot video while
being escorted out of the airport?