The World is sinking: Dubai islands ‘falling into the sea’
The islands were intended as the ultimate luxury possession, even for Dubai. But the World, the ambitiously-constructed archipelago of islands shaped like the countries of the globe, is sinking back into the sea, according to evidence cited before a property tribunal.

The islands were intended to be developed with tailor-made hotel complexes and luxury villas, and sold to millionaires. They are off the coast of Dubai and accessible by yacht or motor boat.

  1. Milo says:

    A preview of the entire Arab world when the oil gets scarce?

  2. fulanoche says:


    We can only hope.
    Now get cracking on alt energy.

  3. bobbo, the story of Empire is written in sand says:

    King Saud has said that he grew up wandering the desert on the back of a camel, that his son has grown up with Bentleys and Ferrari’s, and his grandson will grow up wandering the desert on the back of a camel.

    Yes, all I thought with the Dubai Excess ((note: not Saudi Arabia but close enough)) was: “This is a waste of money. Think of infrastructure.”//// But what would that be except gold engraved copies of the Quoran?

    It is DRAMATIC to look at what oil “wealth” does to countries. It is a curse for “the people”–but then, what isn’t?

  4. jbenson2 says:

    This could easily be solved with several tens of thousand gold bullion bars to hold back the sand.

  5. admfubar says:

    #4 you mean hold back the sea???

    I’d like to be under the sea
    In an octopus’ garden in the shade
    He’d let us in, knows where we’ve been
    In his octopus’ garden in the shade

  6. FRAGaLOT says:

    environmentalists blaming global warming and rising seas? If the world economy didn’t tank, they could had still maintained these little man-made islands.

  7. Jimmi Hendrix says:

    And so castles made of sand slips into the sea, eventually …

  8. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    A civil engineer’s major f*@k up. Not global warming IMHO.

  9. Skeptic says:

    First it was Global Warming!, then it was Climate Change!… now its anthropogenic atmospheric pressure… or Air Weight! That’s right, the extra weight of all that CO2 is pushing the continents underwater.

  10. Cap'nKangaroo says:

    “Many investors who did buy the islands proved unwilling or unable to finance further work when Dubai’s property prices halved in the space of a year.

    Some were hit by troubles elsewhere – the owner of the company which bought Ireland for £24 million, John O’Dolan, committed suicide, while the man who bought Britain for £43 million, Safi Qurashi, is serving seven years in jail in Dubai after being accused of bouncing cheques. ”

    My first thoughts on reading this was if Goldman Sachs was somehow involved.

  11. © says:

    couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch

  12. ECA says:

    Overwhelmed by ocean rising?

  13. deowll says:

    All those islands were nothing but sand piles in a shallow sea. Tides, winds, and waves are going to wash them away. Anybody who knew jack had to know this was going to happen.

  14. McCullough says:

    #7. Nicely done.

  15. MrWindows says:

    And when the Reagan/Bush evil master plan of taking advantage of cheap Middle Eastern oil while idling our own production finally comes to fruition and no more oil flows from the lands of Muhammed, suddenly there will be synthetic fuel aplenty…at least here in the US…

  16. nobody says:

    #13 – the unmaintained islands without property on them are eroding, those are the ones without any reinforcement or vegetation being planted.

    In a way it’s ideal – imagine if abandoned suburbs of Detroit that nobody wanted turned back into forest so quickly!

  17. Richard says:

    Let’s see, the world is sinking into the sea. Must be “Global Warming.” 😀

  18. George says:

    These islands were likely constructed in a similar fashion as the Palm Jumeirah, another island/peninsula reclaimed from the sea. Large dredge ships were used to pump sand from the bottom of the sea into islands, and then large vibrating compaction machines were supposed to solidify the sand so construction could be supported. Apparently, the sand compaction did not work.

    Say what you will about Dubai wasting oil dollars, but they seem to be trying to create an infrastructure that would draw tourism and business to sustain it when the oil money inevitably runs out.

  19. Animby - just phoning it in says:

    # 12 ECA said, on January 24th, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    Overwhelmed by ocean rising?

    EC, please stay current. The scientific article that projected extreme sea level risings was rejected then withdrawn over a year ago. Google is your friend.

    George – right on the money. Kudos to the royal family of Dubai who foresaw the end of the oil money and wanted to make the country someplace people would want to come to. Sadly, they chose a model that could only attract the very rich. Buy a condo and they would “give” you a BMW or Audi or even a Ferrari! Those apartments will cost more than Polo Loco will earn in his lifetime.

  20. bobbo, what do you call reading one thing and thinking another-and not on purpose says:

    Issue/article has NOTHING to do with Global Warming.

    Natural erosion, of artificial man made islands, was fully engineered and considered. Arguing the project is folly is like saying building over 5 stories tall is folly. But projects not finished,ie-owned, occupied, planted and maintained is not what the plan is based on.

    Saw one of the many shows on the construction of the islands with their computer designed break waters. Those were on the large palm shaped islands. Don’t recall them being on the world map but everyone knows if you put a sand pile in the ocean it will erode away.

    Building for the future? I guess the Dubai Princes spent too much time with PUKES and their corporate masters = catering to the super rich IS NOT INFRASTRUCTURE, its only an ass kissing dalliance. Investing in the future would be basic farming and manufacturing.

    Silly to think otherwise – just as we do.

  21. Faxon says:

    I guess each little sand pile had to have a fresh water desalination plant, and it’s own sewage treatment facility, and it’s own power plant, and it’s own lifeboat.

  22. foobar says:

    I’m crying inside for these poor billionaires.

  23. ECA says:

    they should have taken lessons from Japan. Look at the difficulties that had to deal with..

    THERE WAS experience other there…they JUST DIDNT USE IT.

  24. So much for oil money and all the power in the world
    It goes to show you that you cannot beat nature –
    whether its the sea or a cold Canadian forty below winter temperatuers

  25. What? says:

    The Arabs are not used to being servile creatures.

    They are ill suited as hosts to rich guest residents.

    They are an independently minded, warrior like, people who have become fat and lazy with wealth.

    This is just like America’s middle class.

    Dubai is doomed.

  26. bobbo, what do you call reading one thing and thinking another-and not on purpose says:

    Right on Target is The Onion today:

    “Gap Between Rich And Poor Named 8th Wonder Of The World”,18914/

    How do does the Onion keep it going day after day?

    Ha, ha.

  27. MrMiGu says:


    I guess it’s a good thing for them that they have a large Indian population for that.

  28. Gary, the dangerous infidel says:

    With plunging prices, these luxury villas are already figuratively “underwater,” and someday soon they may be literally underwater as well.

    Like many Hollywood actresses, islands made of sand don’t always age well, and usually need regular maintenance.

  29. ECA says:

    DIDNT they think??

    Japan created an international airport in the BAY. The difficulties they had were enormous. AND these folks didnt THINK TO ASK ABOUT THEM?? AT LEAST get the building/design firm to SUGGEST how to build these islands?

  30. Nobody says:

    #31 – that’s nothing. I heard of a country that built a big city in a coastal delta surrounded by levees in a hurricane zone – and didn’t even get the Dutch in to do it properly.


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