Special Executive Producer: Baron Steven Pelsmaekers
This Episode’s Executive Producer: Black Night Kelly Spongberg
Associate Executive Producers: Steven Liddick, Jarred Forrester
This Episode’s Associate Executive Producer and 272 Club Member: Robert Wilcher
Art By: Kirk (SiliconSpin)

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  1. rich says:

    The last two shows have not been available for download??? WTF??
    (either directly, or through itunes). Please up them again.
    The uk slaves need this show!

  2. ECA says:

    I hope you understand, that the link above will Download it in MP3 format and be PLAYABLE on your machine.

    i HAVE IT POSTED direct in cagematch.

  3. mustardtits says:

    It just came up on itunes for me Rich, check again or is it different in the UK?

  4. Axl says:

    Please – 15 minutes about George Clooney is way, way too much!

  5. error says:

    FYI all direct MP3 links are broken.

  6. interglacial says:

    Most processed food I see now just labels sodium content rather than salt. Sodium ions are in other additives such as MSG, sodium bicarbonate, sodium fluoride etc.
    Labeling foods like this makes it look like there is less ‘salt’ in a product than there actually is – 1g of common salt (NaCl) will be labeled as 0.3g of sodium. Also, it makes it impossible to determine how much of what additives are in the product whilst looking like the manufacturer is giving you useful information.

  7. pierson says:

    Another irrational and ingnorant tardgasm from Adam in which he lashes out at listeners for not going along.

    So let me get this straight, the “producers” send Adam his show prep and then pay for the privelage of hearing him pass off their work as his own and also get called douchebags and sheep every couple shows when he isn’t agreed with or paid enough?

    Headline: This is a carbon trading scam. And I won’t be participating anymore.

  8. B. Dog says:

    I agree that 333 is a call sign when an actor in the New World Order calls home. The greedy bastards will double down soon. The mark of the beast will not help them during the purge. Too bad for the tools, eh?

  9. rich says:

    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Still got problems here in UK getting these 2 last shows (272 and 271). Finally got them on my ipad, though that said, through iTunes on my laptop is a no go? The last two shows dont seem to exist. Why it worked on the iPad I dont know??

    Not had this problem before. Even deleted and re-subscribed to the podcast, but still no download. The direct links dont work here for me in the UK either. V strange.

    Missing my favourite show. Getting the shakes. Need some CHANTIX.

  10. ECA says:


    Pick one, ALL MP3 format and should play on ALL devices. All recent episodes.

  11. ECA says:

    Direct Downloads are below the TOP, under curry link.

  12. stan9980 says:

    There seems to be a UK problem. The last two shows just appear as 404 not found pages. Tried ECA’s direct link, same problem. Also happening with Dvorak’s X3 show. They won’t play in Mevio’s embedded player on the show pages either.

  13. rich says:

    As of 1045hrs 25th January both links now seem to be working in UK.

    Thanks for all the help guys.

    Don’t know what was going on there? They (Adam/John) must have said something to p*ss off the Uk coalition (read dictatorship), so they blocked ’em.


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