Jack LaLanne, the fitness guru who inspired television viewers to trim down, eat well and pump iron for decades before diet and exercise became a national obsession, died Sunday. He was 96.

  1. sargasso_c says:

    Somewhere, a 94 year old pipe smoking, Guiness drinker is whispering, “jerk”.

  2. ECA says:

    Viva le’ Jack..

    Good sailing.

  3. JMJahn says:

    By, by, Jack. Never could stomach your enthusiasm
    but other than that you were harmless and a decent guy (I guess).

  4. steve says:

    so long Jack,thanks for the memories and inspiration to live and live well.See you on the other side.

  5. So what says:

    Exercise, eat right, die anyway, off to the gym I go, I wanna make 97.

  6. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    OK Jack, that’s enough lying around. Time to get off your a$$ and ‘one’ and ‘two’ and ‘one’….

  7. Brian says:

    I love Jack Lalanne.

    This is a sad day for me.

  8. Greg Allen says:

    LaLanne gave me respect for “alternative lifestyles”.

    While I’m extremely conservative in my own lifestyle, I admire people like LaLanne who have a vision and are commuted to bucking, well, people like me.

    Compare LaLanne to these current trend of half-committed vegetarians who drive you crazy for a couple of years with their arbitrary dietary demands and then go back to meat anyway.

  9. Mojo Yugen says:

    Well, that’s one way to make him take a break from working out.
    RIP Jack.

  10. bobbo, loving Pop Culture: says:

    I just recalled why I like Jack LaLanne so much: the impersonation of him by Jim Carrey doing “Juice Weasel.” Good stuff.

  11. bobbo, loving Pop Culture: says:

    I wish my sound card worked:


  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Is he being buried, cremated, or juiced?

  13. bobbo, judges are becoming a sad lot indeed says:

    Olo==I laughed so hard, I may have hurt myself.

  14. gmknobl says:

    Use to watch him as a kid and really enjoyed it as part of my morning routine along with Romper Room. This was in beltway area MD about the time DC started to grown incredibly – back then areas of real countryside existed inside the beltway.

  15. scadragon says:

    Now he’ll be “Jack in the Box”

  16. gildersleeve says:

    Thanks to diet and exercise, more and more people are dropping dead in perfect health.

  17. Publius says:

    Jack was Awesome. Lived life as an exemplar.

  18. deowll says:

    He was a great salesman. Don’t buy a juicer. Eat the fruits and veggies as is. You need the fiber.

  19. Glenn E. says:

    It’s not that I don’t think exercising and a healthy diet is a good idea. I do. But. I did a quick calculation, based on LaLanne’s claim of exercising two hours ever day. Say he started doing this some time in his teens (I really don’t know when), for the same of argument. He exercised a 12th of his life, instead of doing, well, practically anything else. Of his 96 years, he devoted at least six of them to exercising. So basically he lived six years longer than anyone who didn’t. Like my father, who lived to 90. He didn’t die as fit as LaLanne did, in his final years. Or as rich, for selling a lifestyle and health products. But my father was comfortable with his life choices. And a third of the house isn’t taken up with gym equipment. And I got to see him more, growing up, when he wasn’t working his two jobs. Did Jack ever have any kids? I doubt he had the time.

  20. bobbo, what do you call reading one thing and thinking another-and not on purpose says:

    Glenn–thats an exemplar of confused thinking at best.

    Exercise is good for you for many different things. I’m not going to do it but I’m not going to chase my asshole to justify it either.

    We all should envy he found his joy in life. Too few of us do. Pounding a keyboard doesn’t count.

    Ha, ha.

  21. foobar says:

    Eight Lessons from the life and work of Jack LaLanne.

    (BTW, goo.gl is a no no with the filters)

  22. I can’t believe that Jack LaLanne deceased because of respiratory failure. LaLanne was a strong man. But in this case age was an important element.

  23. John E. Quantum says:


    That’s the same time/ place I grew up (although many would argue I never grew up).

    Were you on the north, east or south side of DC?

    And RIP Jack. I used to like the girls he worked out with.

  24. Yes who did know Jack LaLanne… The GodFather of fitness. I always liked to watched and learn his new exercises.

    P.S RIP Jack LaLanne


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